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Ok 1stly I am not in anyway a fan of GH, and her conniving ways, BUT, to say she has "not worked a day in her life", is just plain stupid,.
She runs several multi-million dollar companies, and sits on many boards. It may not be digging ditches and shoveling coal, but then neither is lecturing at a university or sitting behind a desk doing accounting..
For one so educated you dont 'alf make some dickhead comments.
Does she run them, or does she just sit there as the lucky person who inherited them and lets others do all the lifting?
She's busy eating. A fulltime job for her.
shah269 0
My god how dare you!
Facts can be used to prove anythiing!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
billvon 3,028
>and lets others do all the lifting?
She runs her company, Hancock Prospecting. She has several joint ventures with other companies - Rio Tinto mining, Mineral Resources Limited, Alpha Coal and Roy Hill Mining.
shah269 0
not the day to day running. odds are she has people who run it for her. she just sits at meetings once a month and looks impressed.
god why couldnt' my parents have been rich? im mean they were rich when we were in Iran before the revolution. shame they were not rich in the US...shit it would have been nice! My father was a trust fund baby...lucky for him the trust fund went away!
Oh well!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
billvon 3,028
The top executive's job is often the toughest job at any company; they are responsible for the overall direction of the company, and often must make fast decisions that could destroy the company if they choose wrong.
>odds are she has people who
And they have people who work for them, and so on and so on. That's how a company works.
>god why couldnt' my parents have been rich?
My grandparents were dirt poor. Two of them came over steerage from Ireland. My parents were pretty middle class. I'm doing pretty well. I don't regret any of that. I'm actually glad in a way that I've always had to work; it means that I have never resented working for a living.
If I had always been rich would I feel that way? Maybe, maybe not.
kallend 2,057
My grandparents were dirt poor. .
Did they live at the bottom of a pond and eat gravel?
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
shah269 0
If I had always been rich would I feel that way? Maybe, maybe not.
Bill....come on now! You would make a great trust fund baby skydiver! Living the high gear every 6 months, base jumping all around the party to party!
Tell me you don't want that!
Hookers, blow, skydiving....
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
billvon 3,028
> party to party! Tell me you don't want that!
Sounds like it would be fun for a while . . . .
shah269 0
> Living the high gear every 6 months, base jumping all around the
> party to party! Tell me you don't want that!
Sounds like it would be fun for a while . . . .
Like what...40 years...and then on to bigger and better things! Hookers who bring you the blow!
Or maybe that sport where the horse dances around...or golf?
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
Income inequality in the US has grown. The Gini Index, which measures income inequality, increased by 1.6% to a score of 0.477 in 2011. Though few other countries have yet produced figures for 2011, that number for the US shows a more unequal economy for America than the 2010 figures for countries like Uruguay, Argentina and Bangladesh. Within the figures there was also an increase in the share of aggregate income for the top 20% of Americans of 1.6% and – within that group – the top 5% saw a jump of 4.9%.
Gini coefficient is a controversial measure of income inequality. Not only does its value depend on income inequality within a country, its value depends on other factors such as the demographic structure. Countries with an aging population, or with a baby boom, experience increasing pre-tax Gini coefficient even if real income distribution for working adults remain constant. Scholars have devised over a dozen methods to calculate Gini, each of which gives a different value
The distribution will always be skewed higher in a place where capitalists can make it big, Zuckerberg being the most recent. But take the quality of life for the poorest Americans and compare it to 99% of Africa or the Middle East...a scale that is a ratio and not actual numbers can be misconstrued for many arguments.
Does she run them, or does she just sit there as the lucky person who inherited them and lets others do all the lifting?
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