
Is your family income > $250K; $150K

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I must be reading those tables differently from you. I see NO tax rate increase of 5% anywhere in them, and for a married couple, the top marginal rate only goes up under the Obama 2013 proposal for income above $266,100. So for $250k there's no change.

There's also the 3.8% Medicare Surcharge.

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Don't forget the fact that they are once again on the brink of bankruptcy.

How's that hosing market bailout working for us?

It is now very very clear that there was only ONE goal for the Obama admin in the GM case

Make the auto workers union happy

Everyone else and the country got screwed in the aftermath of this scam

I think the unions got a better deal than they deserved. i always think that though. Not a fan of any organized labor. I do NOT think for a minute that was the one reason. or even a top reason.

The idea was first brought up by the Bush admin. the auto industry is a huge economic machine, Just think of TV ads alone. Its also a giant part of the US psyche. I think few Americans could imagine our country without a powerful auto industry. There are so many large important economic reasons for the bailout, imo, to make it so simply about the unions.

This coming from a guy who never hides his open distain for organized labor.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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Don't forget the fact that they are once again on the brink of bankruptcy.

How's that hosing market bailout working for us?

It is now very very clear that there was only ONE goal for the Obama admin in the GM case

Make the auto workers union happy

Everyone else and the country got screwed in the aftermath of this scam

I think the unions got a better deal than they deserved. i always think that though. Not a fan of any organized labor. I do NOT think for a minute that was the one reason. or even a top reason.

The idea was first brought up by the Bush admin. the auto industry is a huge economic machine, Just think of TV ads alone. Its also a giant part of the US psyche. I think few Americans could imagine our country without a powerful auto industry. There are so many large important economic reasons for the bailout, imo, to make it so simply about the unions.

This coming from a guy who never hides his open distain for organized labor.

I too have a dislike for unions

I was in one for 17 years

Glad to be out of it

In any event

I agree with you on one part

Bush did want to try and save an industry (I still disagree with him on this)
Obma however took another path
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Watch this video from Dick Morris.


He's a LIAR. His very first statement about tax rates is untrue. Raising the TOP MARGINAL RATE by 5% doesn't increase the tax on a couple earning $250k by $12.5k.

So having established himself as a deliberate LIAR, why should we believe anything at all that he says subsequently?

So Dick's numbers are wrong, why don't you give us the correct numbers on all the tax increases for single of married making 250k.

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Watch this video from Dick Morris.


He's a LIAR. His very first statement about tax rates is untrue. Raising the TOP MARGINAL RATE by 5% doesn't increase the tax on a couple earning $250k by $12.5k.

How much does it increase?

A small business owner earning $251,000 would pay the Bush rate on the first $250,000 and the old Clinton rate on just $1,000.

So the tax INCREASE would be 5% of $1000, or $50.

It is AMAZING that anyone with a grain of intelligence or math skills could be taken in by the LIE.

Clearly it shows the contempt with which Republicans hold US voters.

what would be the total tax increases? a few $s here and a few $s there usually ends up being quite a few dollars. You are all worried about the math, most people are worried about an increase. I think we should make everyone pay something if they make over 10k a year. no more freebies to those under 50k.

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Slashing tax rates, keeping the share of income taxes paid by the top unchanged and increasing military spending without any additional red ink may win votes from innumerates, but it is a mathematical impossibility. What is a mathematical certainty is that Romney would cut taxes on the rich and that everyone below the top would get a lot less back in services from the government.

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I must be reading those tables differently from you. I see NO tax rate increase of 5% anywhere in them, and for a married couple, the top marginal rate only goes up under the Obama 2013 proposal for income above $266,100. So for $250k there's no change.

There's also the 3.8% Medicare Surcharge.

Which is also a increase in the marginal tax rate, so again, as Kallend explains, means an increase of zero.

It is difficult to debate using numbers when we're talking about something that has not yet been put down on paper in a specific legislative bill, but we continue to see people who do not comprehend what a marginal tax rate increase means.

For a married couple making 250k, or a single person making 200k, these tax increases mean nothing. For those earning more, you subtract 250/200k, then multiply by 5% and you get the value. And by 3.8% (?) on their investment income (which btw in my opinion is a really shitty means for funding healthcare)

For Dick Morris - for a married couple to see their taxes go up by 12.5k, they would have to have an AGI of 500k.

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Watch this video from Dick Morris.


He's a LIAR. His very first statement about tax rates is untrue. Raising the TOP MARGINAL RATE by 5% doesn't increase the tax on a couple earning $250k by $12.5k.

So having established himself as a deliberate LIAR, why should we believe anything at all that he says subsequently?

So Dick's numbers are wrong, why don't you give us the correct numbers on all the tax increases for single of married making 250k.

Already done.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Watch this video from Dick Morris.


He's a LIAR. His very first statement about tax rates is untrue. Raising the TOP MARGINAL RATE by 5% doesn't increase the tax on a couple earning $250k by $12.5k.


Obama said we have 57 States. So having established himself as a deliberate LIAR, why should we believe anything at all that he says subsequently?

And if not a Liar, he is so stupid that he cannot function without prepared text and a teleprompter.

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I assume you are aware of the tax increases within Obamacare. Those are pretty scary for me. Everywhere you look within the BHO plan is tax debate. He wants the federal government to control your and my life. I don't like that.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I assume you are aware of the tax increases within Obamacare. Those are pretty scary for me. Everywhere you look within the BHO plan is tax debate. He wants the federal government to control your and my life. I don't like that.

Which is irrelevant to the starting point of this thread - where someone misunderstands or lies about the effect of a suggested 5% marginal increase at 250k. If you don't understand why that is a lie, you're incapable of understanding the discussion.

But if you instead want to talk about the expiring Bush tax cuts, fine. They were intelligently implemented with a sunset expiration. Congress can decide what tax policy they want to adopt for this next decade. But if you treat the expiration as a tax hike by Obama ... even though this is a Congressional action, then you have an environment where taxes can never be raised, only lowered. That doesn't make for good fiscal policy.

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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The wealth gap between the richest Americans and the typical family more than doubled over the past 50 years.

In 1962, the top 1% had 125 times the net worth of the median household. That shot up to 288 times by 2010, according to a new report by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The wealth gap between the richest Americans and the typical family more than doubled over the past 50 years.

In 1962, the top 1% had 125 times the net worth of the median household. That shot up to 288 times by 2010, according to a new report by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute.

Jesus would approve. He really liked rich people who avoided paying their taxes.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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