Florida officials find 198 non-citizens on voter rolls after extensive search
jclalor, in Speakers Corner
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>How many votes did Gore lose Florida by again?
537. So it wouldn't even have mattered in the closest election in US history. Even twice that number of votes wouldn't have mattered.
And that would presume that all 198 of these potentials are in fact illegal, would vote, and would vote against Bush.
and that's all there were and and there weren't dead people voting and people who had moved out of state and ID's weren't stolen and used to get multiple registrations and, and, and.......
I also find it interesting that you do not want our voting process to be as free of fraud as possible
How many times are we going to cover this subject and ignore reality?
Mechanical vote counters have a huge error rate in comparison - over 1%. And these tend to be in the poor districts. If you really want our elections to be as fair and accurate as possible, then you should insist that these all be replaced with new, touch screen voting systems. And then if you really want to further eliminate fraud potential, you take the contract away from Diebold and replace it with an openly developed product that includes vote verification after election day.
But going back to Florida - Bush won by .01% of the vote. We got the most accurate count we could get under the circumstances, but the reality of the potential error in counting means than the probability that he actually did win is still basically 50.01%. (And this ignores any issues around the butterfly ballot or voter purges...we're just talking about cast ballots)
And that would presume that all 198 of these potentials are in fact illegal, would vote, and would vote against Bush.
and that's all there were and and there weren't dead people voting and people who had moved out of state and ID's weren't stolen and used to get multiple registrations and, and, and.......
uh, we can only deal with actual facts. If you play the what-if game, you can invent all sorts of fantasies about how Al-queda cast a million votes for Gore, but it's still made up bullshit.
As I said before - if you want to purge voters from the rolls, do it the year before the election. When you do it 60 days before, it's obvious what your real motivation is.
I support an accurate voting system where every qualified citizen is allowed one vote. Sorry you and others don't see it that way.
At least I am not this stupid
Holy mother of *!% That's the same lady who stands outside of the Bedford Giant Eagle and would give me a $50 direction card for $25 cash! I've seen her at GE and at Dave's market. I never swap with her at Daves cause there's cops around
So if a couple of Klansmen stand outside a voting facility in Florida and scare away 198 voters, you are perfectly OK with that?
I support an accurate voting system where every qualified citizen is allowed one vote. Sorry you and others don't see it that way.
so where is that concern when Florida tried to strike people from the voter rolls at the last hour, even though they knew they had a high rate of false positives because they were doing broad pattern matching on names? Remember, this list of 198 started at 2600.
And that would presume that all 198 of these potentials are in fact illegal, would vote, and would vote against Bush.
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