pirana 0
OK, let me rephrase. Why do we need to pray? Does He take requests? Will He do some things differently based on the type and volume of prayers?
Bottom line, what is the purpose of praying and what is the mechanism in play that allows praying to achieve that purpose?
As Christians, we pray to get in communication with the Holy Spirit and to achieve a stronger alignment with the will of God.
So is the whole notion of asking for specific favors (for example, asking for someone's disease to go away) rather childish?
pirana 0
OK, let me rephrase. Why do we need to pray? Does He take requests? Will He do some things differently based on the type and volume of prayers?
Bottom line, what is the purpose of praying and what is the mechanism in play that allows praying to achieve that purpose?
As Christians, we pray to get in communication with the Holy Spirit and to achieve a stronger alignment with the will of God.
Why do you always resort to gobbledygook when presented with a difficult question?
Not just because of the use of the word alignment, but the response reminds me of the psuedo-science explanations offered by those that think magical things happen when there is anything remotely close to planets lining up. I believe the term often thrown about is harmonic concordance.
I will tell you this, there are four nations that will replace the USA administartion, and to whom and to whom its population will be submissive to.
There are three other nations, that will be in an alliance with those four, and together, they will dominate the world...for a time.
That should give you people something to think about. I know you will automatically reject such a premise, but it WILL happen exactly as I have told you.
Maybe you shouldask KIM JUMG IL of North Korea. Yes, you read it right, ...... but wait and ask HIM.
QuoteIncidentally, I likely did mention that the USA would be taken over by others. I know which nations that will be, but think it better that you find out when it takes place.
I will tell you this, there are four nations that will replace the USA administartion, and to whom and to whom its population will be submissive to.
There are three other nations, that will be in an alliance with those four, and together, they will dominate the world...for a time.
That should give you people something to think about. I know you will automatically reject such a premise, but it WILL happen exactly as I have told you.
Maybe you shouldask KIM JUMG IL of North Korea. Yes, you read it right, ...... but wait and ask HIM.
It now is several years ago, when we met. At this time, you told me it will be China and France to take over the US. "Coming soon", you said.
When is that "Coming soon"??? Why is North Korea involved, suddenly? How many times will you change your mind, Bill?

dudeist skydiver # 3105
RonD1120 62
So is the whole notion of asking for specific favors (for example, asking for someone's disease to go away) rather childish?
The Scripture guides us in many types of prayer, including healing. However, all prayers have the caveat, if it be God's will.
The fabric of life is a mosaic and we only perceive a very small portion of the big picture.
quade 4
Jesus was pretty smart about it. He said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." -- < Matthew 24:36 (King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.))
So, what makes that great is it remains mysterious, undefined, and most importantly, doesn't give an expiration date to the "prophesy."
After reading that, you really have to wonder why anybody else would be so dumb as to attempt to put a pin on the calendar.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Skyrad 0
QuoteIncidentally, I likely did mention that the USA would be taken over by others. I know which nations that will be, but think it better that you find out when it takes place.
I will tell you this, there are four nations that will replace the USA administartion, and to whom and to whom its population will be submissive to.
There are three other nations, that will be in an alliance with those four, and together, they will dominate the world...for a time.
That should give you people something to think about. I know you will automatically reject such a premise, but it WILL happen exactly as I have told you.
Maybe you shouldask KIM JUMG IL of North Korea. Yes, you read it right, ...... but wait and ask HIM.
Bollocks, we wouldn't take them back if they came begging on their hands and knees.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Skyrad 0
Maybe you shouldask KIM JUMG IL of North Korea. Yes, you read it right, ...... but wait and ask HIM.
Anyone around here speck Korean?
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Skyrad 0
Incidentally, I likely did mention that the USA would be taken over by others. I know which nations that will be...
Conspiracy against the USA, they take a dim view of that sort of thing, be careful or you'll be sharing a cell with Abu Hamza!
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
normiss 811
DanG 1
QuoteAnyone around here speck Korean?
I'm sure we could find a Korean speaker. Finding a Korean speaking medium might be harder.
- Dan G
RonD1120 62
RonD1120 62
Quote40 Days of Prayer is a call to fervent prayer for our elections. We are in desperate days as a nation as the spiritual, moral and financial fabric of our nation is disintegrating around us. Believers need to pray as never before. America's National Prayer Committee and its member organizations are putting out a call to pray 40 days prior to the elections (September 28 - November 6).
Pray The Week Sunday October 14th: Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and the curses. So choose life in order that you may live, you and
your descendants.”;
Father forgive us for all the innocent blood that has been shed in this nation through abortion. We have been like the church by the railroad tracks in Germany that responded to the sounds of the Jews being led away to slaughter by singing louder to cover up their cries for help. Forgive us that we have only paid lip service to the plight of innocent babies being slaughtered and to their families that were deceived to think abortion is a quick fix. Father let us be salt and light in a nation that is dying without truth.
QuoteQuoteBut if He is all powerful, why does He need us to pray for His will? If we do not pray, does His power go away, resulting in His will not being done?
God doesn't need us to pray. We need to pray to God.
Wow, these forums are entertaining

So actually...God does need us to pray! Why else would Jesus have told us to pray for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth? Why doesn't God just do whatever He wants? This is the principle of God with man, not God alone. Matthew 16 says that the church has the authority to bind and loose what has already been bound and loosed in the heavens. God has already defeated His enemy in the heavens, but He needs the church to carry out His will on the earth. This is why we have to pray for His will to be fulfilled on the earth. This was the Lord's prayer...He was constantly praying after God's own heart. Through our prayers and our cooperation with God, He has a way to move on the earth. So it's not just that we need God, but actually God needs us too!

RonD1120 62
Wow, these forums are entertaining
So actually...God does need us to pray! Why else would Jesus have told us to pray for His kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth? Why doesn't God just do whatever He wants? This is the principle of God with man, not God alone. Matthew 16 says that the church has the authority to bind and loose what has already been bound and loosed in the heavens. God has already defeated His enemy in the heavens, but He needs the church to carry out His will on the earth. This is why we have to pray for His will to be fulfilled on the earth. This was the Lord's prayer...He was constantly praying after God's own heart. Through our prayers and our cooperation with God, He has a way to move on the earth. So it's not just that we need God, but actually God needs us too!
Right on.
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...."
Romans 14:17
for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
I have been contemplating that Scripture lately.
RonD1120 62
Quote40 Days of Prayer is a call to fervent prayer for our elections. We are in desperate days as a nation as the spiritual, moral and financial fabric of our nation is disintegrating around us. Believers need to pray as never before. America's National Prayer Committee and its member organizations are putting out a call to pray 40 days prior to the elections (September 28 - November 6).
Pray The Week Sunday October 21st: Isaiah 40:31, “;But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.”;
God our Father, You gave us this great Nation and we became your people. Now we cry out to you, take away our sins of disregarding You and the many blessings You have given us. There’s such weariness and fatigue that has come, as a result of our many sins. Through your grace, watch over us as we turn to You, heal our land and bring us under Your care and protection once again. We watch and wait for You, oh Lord!
GeorgiaDon 368
So you're saying we're basically road kill?Quote...and bring us under Your car...
Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)
RonD1120 62
QuoteSo you're saying we're basically road kill?Quote...and bring us under Your car...
Good eye, thanks. I just copied and pasted from the Email directive.
jclalor 12
Jesus was pretty smart about it. He said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." -- < Matthew 24:36 (King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.))
So, what makes that great is it remains mysterious, undefined, and most importantly, doesn't give an expiration date to the "prophesy."
He wasn't that smart.
Matthew 16:28, "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."
He did say that he would return before some of his followers had died, now the believers to have to get more creative to explain the contradictions away.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but your candidate denies the divinity of Christ and instead worships the God Elohim, who lives close to the planet Kolob.
All the more reason to pray for him and the other leaders, especially the Congress.