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QuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
jclalor 12
QuoteQuoteQuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
You can patronize her, or you can answer her question.
tkhayes 348
And THAT is removing women's rights. Get your facts straight. The Republican party has published in their own manifesto, that they want to ban abortions. ALL abortions. All circumstances. Black and white. It's not just "making people pay for them."
So yes, in fact, the Republican platform IS about taking away women's rights. ANd that is OK as long as you think rights are not important in this country.
Andy9o8 2
Roe V Wade was enacted in 1973.
There has been 5 Republican Presidents since then. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43.
Give me an example of when ANY of these Presidents attempted to overturn Roe V Wade.
If you were raised and educated in the US, then you need a remedial Social Studies class. Presidents do not have the legal authority to overturn a US Supreme Court ruling by a single stroke of a single pen. They do so gradually, by appointing SC justices who are likely to rule opposite the prior decision, in the hopes that such appointees will eventually make, or be part of, a majority that will, someday, overturn the prior decision.
The justices appointed by 28 years of Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush-I and Bush-II have mostly been very conservative. Those appointed by 12 years of Clinton and Obama have been mostly liberal. Now go back and write a term paper on what this means. Be sure to cite all your sources.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
You can patronize her, or you can answer her question.
Already replied. Go buy your own birth contraol. If you and your partner combined, cannot come up with $.50 for a condom, let me know and I will mail a couple to you. If you can't afford $.50 for the condom, perhaps there are other goals one should be focused on.
Commercial Multi-Engine Sea, Single Engine Land
Private Glider
Channman 2
I can't think of any other singular group of people that terminate their unborn children as liberals seem to embrace. In the end, it is their own destructive believes that will free us as they slowing one by one terminate their future.
airdvr 210
...and yet are so horrified by capital punishment.QuoteI haven't completely thought this through, maybe just maybe abortions of liberal babies is not all that bad.
I can't think of any other singular group of people that terminate their unborn children as liberals seem to embrace.
For the record I sit on the fence on both issues. Just a and take a deep breath...your mom chose life.
Destinations by Roxanne
Channman 2
QuoteThey also support the massive abortion of black babies and the death of women thru gender selection by abortion.
Damn, those BASTARD
![:P :P](/uploads/emoticons/tongue.png)
![>:( >:(](/uploads/emoticons/angry.png)
jclalor 12
Quotethrough, maybe just maybe abortions of liberal babies is not all that bad. ***QuoteI haven't completely thought this
Let me take a wild guess; your a Christian. You really should think this stuff through before commenting.
You really should take a human physiology while your at it.
airdvr 210
QuoteQuotethrough, maybe just maybe abortions of liberal babies is not all that bad. ***QuoteI haven't completely thought this
Let me take a wild guess; your a Christian. You really should think this stuff through before commenting.
You really should take a human physiology while your at it.
In deference to the fairness thing he did say he hadn't thought it through.Please don't dent the planet.
Destinations by Roxanne
Channman 2
Human, Life science..., "Human or Life", which of the two are abortionist against.
funjumper101 15
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
You can patronize her, or you can answer her question.
Already replied. Go buy your own birth contraol. If you and your partner combined, cannot come up with $.50 for a condom, let me know and I will mail a couple to you. If you can't afford $.50 for the condom, perhaps there are other goals one should be focused on.
Blithering ignorance is REALLY annoying when it comes from people who really should know better.
Here are the facts - NO form of contraception is 100% reliable.
Take your holier than thou, dumb as a box of rocks ideas and GO GET THE FACTS!!
Once you have actual factual information on the subject, feel free to come back and apologize.
Oh, that's right, I forgot, as a Right Wing CONservative, facts are immaterial. Only feelings and beliefs matter. No fact checking is valid if it conflicts with the previously established feelings and beliefs. For an RWC, the fact checking that conflicts with the feelings and beliefs is just smart people trying to make you feel stupid.
You must really despise your mother, sisters, and nieces quite a lot. Are you gay, by any chance? That might explain the hatred you show for 1/2 of the human race.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
You can patronize her, or you can answer her question.
Already replied. Go buy your own birth contraol. If you and your partner combined, cannot come up with $.50 for a condom, let me know and I will mail a couple to you. If you can't afford $.50 for the condom, perhaps there are other goals one should be focused on.
Blithering ignorance is REALLY annoying when it comes from people who really should know better.
Here are the facts - NO form of contraception is 100% reliable.
Take your holier than thou, dumb as a box of rocks ideas and GO GET THE FACTS!!
Once you have actual factual information on the subject, feel free to come back and apologize.
Oh, that's right, I forgot, as a Right Wing CONservative, facts are immaterial. Only feelings and beliefs matter. No fact checking is valid if it conflicts with the previously established feelings and beliefs. For an RWC, the fact checking that conflicts with the feelings and beliefs is just smart people trying to make you feel stupid.
You must really despise your mother, sisters, and nieces quite a lot. Are you gay, by any chance? That might explain the hatred you show for 1/2 of the human race.
You obviously don't understand the material. Nice PA. See you in a few weeks....Ta..Ta.
Shotgun 1
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteYou're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?
He's just displaying left wing clear thinking.
You can patronize her, or you can answer her question.
Already replied. Go buy your own birth contraol. If you and your partner combined, cannot come up with $.50 for a condom, let me know and I will mail a couple to you. If you can't afford $.50 for the condom, perhaps there are other goals one should be focused on.
I'm not sure which question he was referring to, but this reply is not an answer to any question that I have asked.
But you've got me wondering, do you think that the "free" birth control part of the ACA was decided by (or even thought up by) a bunch of women who couldn't afford birth control?
airdvr 210
Destinations by Roxanne
kallend 2,027
QuoteBetter take a look in the mirror...ya got a little crazy on your face.
Hey, did you look at page 14 of the complete version of the 2012 Republican Platform yet
![:D :D](/uploads/emoticons/biggrin.png)
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
airdvr 210
QuoteQuoteBetter take a look in the mirror...ya got a little crazy on your face.
Hey, did you look at page 14 of the complete version of the 2012 Republican Platform yet?
Sure did. Care to point out what parts of it you have a problem?
The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
Faithful to the “self-evident” truths enshrined in
the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot
be infringed. We support a human life amendment
to the Constitution and endorse legislation to
make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections
apply to unborn children. We oppose using
public revenues to promote or perform abortion or
fund organizations which perform or advocate it and
will not fund or subsidize health care which includes
abortion coverage. We support the appointment of
judges who respect traditional family values and the
sanctity of innocent human life. We oppose the nonconsensual
withholding or withdrawal of care or
treatment, including food and water, from people
with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the
elderly and infirm, just as we oppose active and passive
euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Republican leadership has led the effort to prohibit
the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion
and permitted States to extend health care coverage
to children before birth. We urge Congress to
strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by
enacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties on
healthcare providers who fail to provide treatment
and care to an infant who survives an abortion, including
early induction delivery where the death of
the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban
sex-selective abortions – gender discrimination in its
most lethal form—and to protect from abortion unborn
children who are capable of feeling pain; and we
applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort
to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children
in the District of Columbia. We call for a ban on
the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research.
We support and applaud adult stem cell research
to develop lifesaving therapies, and we oppose
the killing of embryos for their stem cells. We oppose
federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
We also salute the many States that have passed
laws for informed consent, mandatory waiting periods
prior to an abortion, and health-protective clinic
regulation. We seek to protect young girls from exploitation
through a parental consent requirement;
and we affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather
than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We salute those who provide them with
counseling and adoption alternatives and empower
them to choose life, and we take comfort in the
tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed
Republican legislative initiatives.
Destinations by Roxanne
kallend 2,027
QuoteQuoteQuoteBetter take a look in the mirror...ya got a little crazy on your face.
Hey, did you look at page 14 of the complete version of the 2012 Republican Platform yet?
Sure did. .
Should have looked it up BEFORE your previous, ignorant, post on the topic, shouldn't you?
![:P :P](/uploads/emoticons/tongue.png)
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
sundevil777 102
QuoteWhy any woman would be stupid enough to vote for that, I have no idea.
They wouldn't be that stupid, because they are not faced with that choice.
QuoteIf only the tables were turned.
That 'turn of the tables' could be set up in a different way than you propose, and you wouldn't like the set up.
QuoteI hope women are on it in this election.
Quite right! They are not so gullible as you would like them to be.
LyraM45 0
QuoteThis may piss some people off but in my opinion, any woman who votes republican in the upcoming election should have their voting privileges taken away. I am sorry but when historically, women have given up their lives in pursuit of equality and freedom and fought for independence; voting republican means you are willing to give up that right to a governing body to decide what you can and will do with your body, that you are not entitled to health care and that you are also inferior as far as job wage is concerned. Why any woman would be stupid enough to vote for that, I have no idea. Why vote for someone who could care less about what women need and want? Why give power to someone who admittedly has no respect for our entitlement to make decisions for ourselves especially regarding abortion after rape? I think male republicans who uphold those beliefs should get raped and have to give birth to and raise the child of the person who raped them. If only the tables were turned. I hope women are on it in this election.
I used to say the same thing when I saw a few of my gay friends vote republican. For me the social issues weighed more, so that steered my vote in this election. BUT, if I had for some reason felt so strongly for a candidate economically (like, would have to be the return of Jesus will come back and save us quickly from this mess kinda awesome) and felt that issue, at the time, weighed more despite his lack of support on some of the social issues I found important, then I could see being swung in that direction to vote republican.
I get what you're saying, but I can kind of step outside and see the bigger picture and understand the thought process of why some women, especially moderates or centrists on the fence, may go with the republican vote for this one.
I will say that I am socially liberal, and as a social liberal I don't know if I would go as far to say as all republicans don't care about what a woman needs or wants. I just think they care about their needs/wants of their religion first, which I believe has no place in politics. So, take that for what it's worth.
You're quoting twatterpilot but replying to me. Sheesh, can't you people post the way that I think you should?![:P :P](//
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