
"Occupy has been successful...for one very simple reason; they are right"

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I have WORK o do!


A concept the 1% have trouble understanding them being leeches on society and all...

Still thinking the words you use do not have the meanings you think they do. Occupy would be more attuned to being "leaches".

Come one DD when ya gonna start being productive and stop the trolling? Every thread, a troll. You can use that as your signature!

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So, start being safe, first!!!

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I have WORK to do!


A concept the 1% have trouble understanding them being leeches on society and all...

The occupiers don't understand it for sure!


The 1% have hacked into the money suppy for our little economic game and are now sucking the 99% dry - just like leeches.

Well,good luck with that and... have a nice day!


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Now you're with the 'troll' personal attacks. That's two. Meanwhile, as the bank of england guy says, Occupy is successful because it is right.

Actually it qualifies as "truth" there, DD.

Occupy is only alive in a fantasy world of a few.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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You're obviously one of the 'have nots' who whine because somebody else has something they don't have.

Grow up.

But wait!
Someday YOU may be one of the 'haves' and it will be interesting to see what song you sing then.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Occupy is a grassroots democratic movement that, in the years of austerity for the 99% and more unearned wealth for the 1%, will continue to grow. You can wish them away but we'll stick around thank you very much.

Most of your comment is not true, particularly the "democratic movement" part, they never wanted that.

As I am a member of the "99%", the former "Occupy" movement never represented me, it makes them, frauds from the start. They are no longer in existence here, and in most other places as well, the other still struggling hold outs, will fade away, after a slight resurgence post election.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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a slight resurgence post election.


Or a massive tsunami of global support for a Robin Hood tax.

Robin Hood was a fictional character, he also robbed the GOV, who was rich by over TAXING the people.

You're actually advocating the Sheriff's actions, not Robin's. You're advocating more taxes to benefit the GOV.

Using the misnomer doesn't it make it any more believable or right.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Occupy and the Walmart union would be an interesting alliance :)

Play "avoidance" much?

Do you wonder why Wal Mart and their Cheap Chinese/Thiawanese/ etc etc stuff still sells of the shelves so fast?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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You're obviously one of the 'have nots' who whine because somebody else has something they don't have.

Grow up.

Calm down and realise that Occupy are not going to go away.

So..what's the good news?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Calm down and realize that Occupy are not going to go away.

Why would we think they would go away? This "group" has been around for decades, no centuries, with their hands out. Hoping that they can get enough redistributed so they can just sit around their bongs while someone brings munchies.

Ya, we know they aren't going anywhere[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Meanwhile, as the bank of england guy says, Occupy is successful because it is right.

When the only gauge of success is "being right", you have indeed set the bar low.:D
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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>Occupy is a grassroots democratic movement that, in the years of austerity for
>the 99% and more unearned wealth for the 1%, will continue to grow.

They've been on the decline for about a year now. Nowadays there are more media at OWS events than actual OWS protesters.

Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Protests Dwarfed by Police Presence

By ALYSSA NEWCOMB (@alyssanewcomb) and CARLOS BOETTCHER (@felixcarlos11)
Sept. 17, 2012

Occupy Wall Street protesters poured into New York's financial district today to mark the first anniversary of the movement, but their presence was dwarfed by riot-gear-clad police, who set up metal barriers and formed human walls to pacify the demonstrators.

Hundreds of protesters scattered into Manhattan's financial district, decked out in costumes including Uncle Pennybags and an enormous marionette Statue of Liberty.

. . . .

At times it seemed the mass of the protest was made up more by the media covering the event than by anyone with a political agenda. A pink-frocked "bishop" protester arrested by police was surrounded by a media scrum so dense the police came to break up the knot of humanity.

The momentum waned with the start of the business day, with businessmen in Ralph Lauren polo button-downs replacing the hand-painted shirts favored by the movement.

Demonstrators had hoped their protest today would help rekindle the movement, which spawned tent cities around the globe and became a rallying point for the "99 percent."

. . .

Forty-two people were arrested for disorderly conduct this weekend. Saturday began three days of festivities planned to re-energize the movement, which fell into disarray after countless arrests, in-fighting and an eviction from Zuccotti Park in November.

"This weekend we will mark the occasion of our anniversary by once again showing the powers that be that we see what they are doing, and that soon enough the whole world will again as well," a message on the Occupy website said.

The "Occupy Wall Street" of today is largely not what many pictured when they set out on their crusade against the so-called "one percent."

One year ago, Zuccotti Park bloomed into a mini-utopia for protesters, where meals were provided free of charge and members voted democratically on group decisions.

. . . .

The movement, which relied on protesters having a physical space to occupy, began to run out of steam after police officers clad in riot gear conducted a nighttime eviction at Zuccotti Park on Nov. 15, 2011. New rules were instituted that barred protesters from bringing sleeping bags or tents back into the park.

One by one, camps around the globe, from outside the European Central Bank in Frankfurt to Palm Beach have been shut down. The movement struggled to recover from the loss of the encampments.

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With outlying and low income areas around New York still ravaged and little institutional help forthcoming, Occupy Sandy, an offshoot of OWS, has stepped into the void with efficient, no-red-tape, often vital help. With a tale from Far Rockaway about community at its best. Occupy and the military, together at last.


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>And now, with Obama in a second term, you'll hear more of them again.

I'll bet you $200 (payable to your favorite charity) that we will never again see an OWS event as large as the Sep 2011 Zucotti park event.

>Next Walmart strike - they'll be there.

Agreed. And the food truck vendors will probably outnumber them.

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>And now, with Obama in a second term, you'll hear more of them again.

I'll bet you $200 (payable to your favorite charity) that we will never again see an OWS event as large as the Sep 2011 Zucotti park event.

>Next Walmart strike - they'll be there.

Agreed. And the food truck vendors will probably outnumber them.

Part of his assumption has to have a favorable outcome after all the law suits are over first.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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