
New Gun Law Proposals

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Most of the gun violence in the US is gang related.
We also share a border with mexico which has rapant violence,poverty, and political corruption.
US law enforcement has done little if anything to stop latino gangs from inflicting violence on our side of the border,and these cartels have access to belt fed machine guns,RPG's,ect.
Britain,australia,canada,and europe do not border violent,corrupt third world countries that funnel drugs,and violence over their borders at anywhere near the rate the US experiences.

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More than a hundred scientists from virtually every major U.S. university told Biden's task force in a letter that research restrictions pushed by the NRA have stopped the United States from finding solutions to gun violence.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cut gun safety research by 96 percent since the mid-1990s, according to one estimate. Congress, pushed by the gun lobby, in 1996 put restrictions on CDC funding of gun research. Restrictions on other agencies were added in later years.

So what is the NRA so afraid of that they need to stifle research? Maybe that their position will be found to be full of shit?

Surely you are smart enough to figure that one out, right?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Most of the gun violence in the US is gang related.
We also share a border with mexico which has rapant violence,poverty, and political corruption.
US law enforcement has done little if anything to stop latino gangs from inflicting violence on our side of the border,and these cartels have access to belt fed machine guns,RPG's,ect.
Britain,australia,canada,and europe do not border violent,corrupt third world countries that funnel drugs,and violence over their borders at anywhere near the rate the US experiences.

You obviously haven't been to France
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What are your ideas?

Derek V

Previously posted many times.

0. Remove the prohibition on research on gun violence that the Congress imposed at the request of the NRA.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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More than a hundred scientists from virtually every major U.S. university told Biden's task force in a letter that research restrictions pushed by the NRA have stopped the United States from finding solutions to gun violence.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cut gun safety research by 96 percent since the mid-1990s, according to one estimate. Congress, pushed by the gun lobby, in 1996 put restrictions on CDC funding of gun research. Restrictions on other agencies were added in later years.

So what is the NRA so afraid of that they need to stifle research? Maybe that their position will be found to be full of shit?

Surely you are smart enough to figure that one out, right?

Highlighted for those with comprehension problems.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Most of the gun violence in the US is gang related.
We also share a border with mexico which has rapant violence,poverty, and political corruption.
US law enforcement has done little if anything to stop latino gangs from inflicting violence on our side of the border,and these cartels have access to belt fed machine guns,RPG's,ect.
Britain,australia,canada,and europe do not border violent,corrupt third world countries that funnel drugs,and violence over their borders at anywhere near the rate the US experiences.

I keep bringing up the aspect of all the gangs in the USA and yet all I keep hearing from the left is we have to protect their civil liberties! I have YET to hear anything legitimately intoduced from liberals that will contribute to the greater overall goal of reducing if not eliminating mass shooting.

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I keep bringing up the aspect of all the gangs in the USA and yet all I keep hearing from the left is we have to protect their civil liberties!

Yeah, most shooting are due to black gang members with illegal handguns, so the liberal solution is to take away legal rifles from white law-abiding citizens. That makes perfect sense!

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0. Remove the prohibition on research on gun violence that the Congress imposed at the request of the NRA.

That is your solution? I don't think that will actually make any difference.

Derek V

Ummm HOW ABOUT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREADS ON THIS TOPIC. You come in 99% of the way through a conversation and can't be bothered to find out what was previously written.. LAZY!

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Ummm HOW ABOUT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE THREADS ON THIS TOPIC. You come in 99% of the way through a conversation and can't be bothered to find out what was previously written.. LAZY!

I PM'd you a while back asking you what I should search for to find your idea(s) for how to stop mass shootings. You didn't respond. I have looked for your ideas and I couldn't find them.

I don't know what else you want me to do.

I'll ask you again, what are your solutions to stop mass shootings? Is it really that much effort to state them again? That will move this conversation forward.

Derek V

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I sent y of this on 25 February, 2012;

"I agree with you that the gun show loophole where a felon or certified nutter can buy a firearm without a background check needs to be closed.

I won't waste my time answering that again. Use the "Search" function.

Can you tell me what to search for?

Derek V"

You did not respond. Then you accuse me of being lazy. Rather poor form, I would think.

Derek V

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Use the "Search" function. You CAN do it.

Thank you for the vote of confidence. I have used the search function several times without success. I have asked you several times now what to search for and you have not responded with any search terms. I am trying. I am putting forth the effort to have a conversation. I haven't called you any names, or talked down to you. I am not even asking you to copy and paste your solution(s). Just point me in the right direction and the conversation can move forward.

Again, what do I search for in order to find your previously posted solution(s)?

Derek V

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"But gun rights advocates cried foul, accusing the CDC of practicing politics rather than science, and Congress agreed, stripping the agency of funding for gun-related research."

"The federal Centers for Disease Control has cut firearms safety research by 96 percent since the mid-1990s, according to one estimate. Congress, pushed by the gun lobby, in 1996 put restrictions on CDC funding of gun research into the budget. Restrictions on other agencies were added in later years."

"After the government largely withdrew from financing gun violence research, private foundations picked up some of the slack for a while, researchers say. But they didn’t come close to making up the difference. Today, Rosenberg said, there’s “substantially less money available for [gun-violence] research.”

Each article says the same thing, Congress, not the NRA, stopped funding the CDC budget for gun research. I would like to hear Congress's explanation for their actions.

Derek V

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What a joke

Here is the last part from one of your links


“The studies that need to be done need to focus on what works,” said Rosenberg. “Does gun registration work? How do you do it? Does licensing of gun owners work? Does limiting the types of weapons that can be purchased work?”

And you would suggest this is suppression:D


In 1995, Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president, told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “The problem that I see with what the CDC is doing is that they are not doing medicine, they’re doing politics. And they shouldn’t be doing politics.”

Anything from Doomberg is a lie

See, his lips moved

As for the WSJ?

Isnt DOJ data (that I just posted today) enough?

I think not because it blows your "we need more laws to the point of banning guns" position clear the hell out of the water

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Each article says the same thing, Congress, not the NRA, stopped funding the CDC budget for gun research. I would like to hear Congress's explanation for their actions.

Derek V

YOU can look it up. Google is your friend. (HINT: aggressive lobbying by the NRA, Jay Dickey, an Arkansas Republican and the NRA's point man in Congress...)

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Each article says the same thing, Congress, not the NRA, stopped funding the CDC budget for gun research. I would like to hear Congress's explanation for their actions.

Derek V

YOU can look it up. Google is your friend. (HINT: aggressive lobbying by the NRA, Jay Dickey, an Arkansas Republican and the NRA's point man in Congress...)

Seems to me the NRA saved the taxpayers a load of money by not allowing the anti gut nuts to spend it stupidly
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think I can safely assume you will not repost your solution(s), post a link, or supply search terms that can be used to find your post(s) on the matter. You continue to not answer the question and instead attempt to change the subject. If you didn't want to discuss your ideas, you should have just said so back in February of last year when I first asked you. I can only conclude your ideas are not worth discussing.

The only change I think is needed and will support is ensuring those that have been determined to be a risk to themselves or others by medical professionals make it into the national database so that they will not be able to legally purchase a firearm.

Derek V

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I think I can safely assume you will not repost your solution(s), post a link, or supply search terms that can be used to find your post(s) on the matter. You continue to not answer the question and instead attempt to change the subject. If you didn't want to discuss your ideas, you should have just said so back in February of last year when I first asked you. I can only conclude your ideas are not worth discussing.

The only change I think is needed and will support is ensuring those that have been determined to be a risk to themselves or others by medical professionals make it into the national database so that they will not be able to legally purchase a firearm.

Derek V

At this point I am willing to await the proposals from VP Biden, which are based on more data and inputs from interested parties than is available on DZ. COM

I suggest you do the same.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I was curious what your ideas were. You refuse to share them. I'm not going to wet any more time giving your opinion any credit.

Derek V

Why should I repeat the same thing over and over again because you are too fucking lazy to look something up?

Try my post of Dec 23, 2012, 8:11 AM.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The father of a man who was killed in the clackamas town mall shooting in oregon,was on the news tonight.
He said that blaming a weapon for killing is like blaming a pencil for a misspelled word.
He is against gun bans and feels they would only keep good people from having them,and would do nothing to keep them out of the hands of criminals.

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I keep bringing up the aspect of all the gangs in the USA and yet all I keep hearing from the left is we have to protect their civil liberties!

Yeah, most shooting are due to black gang members with illegal handguns, so the liberal solution is to take away legal rifles from white law-abiding citizens. That makes perfect sense!

The gun-o-phobes do not have any sense, obviously.
Here's one example:

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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