
Welfare mom with 15 kids wants someone to pay for them

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Additionally it is the culture of pro-kids, if you want to call it that. Think about it, what is the first thing people say when they hear “I’m pregnant” or “I just had a boy/girl”. First thing I usually hear is “Congratulations”. Like it was some great accomplishment to have sex. What we should be saying is “I’m so sorry. Now you have to spend all this time and money on your kids. Sucks to be you.” Ok, seriously where am I going with this? You have someone here who probably gets no positive reinforcement in their life except when they have a kid. I just got pregnant – congratulations. I just got pregnant again – congratulations!! To these people there are no real major downsides to having kids. My guess would be that she doesn’t really have any goals in life. So living in a 1/2 bedroom apartment to me would be a punishment – to her it probably isn’t. The best phrase I’ve heard is “I don’t worry about money, because I don’t have any money.” But that is a totally different mentality, when I personally didn’t have any money – I worried about it. I like having that freedom that having money gives you. They don’t so there is no incentive to move beyond their “class”.

Just my opinion.

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I prefer to refer to her as a stereo-typical Obama voter.

Which really says a lot more about you than it does about Obama or the people who voted for him.

Yes and I'm very proud of what it says about me. I wonder if people like you and her are as proud of what it says about them? Birds of a feather, I suspect.

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Without all those kids, mostly all the white people standing around the court room including the state attorney, social workers, police, judge etc WOULD'NT HAVE A JOB!

Figured I'd preserve that before you realize just how appalling it sounds :|

So there aren't any black people with jobs in Florida? No white people who are freeloaders?

I work in a homeless center. Entitled jerks appear to exist in all of the ethnicities, just as people who hit a run of hard luck also do.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Additionally it is the culture of pro-kids, if you want to call it that. Think about it, what is the first thing people say when they hear “I’m pregnant” or “I just had a boy/girl”. First thing I usually hear is “Congratulations”.

I obviously don't know with whom you spend most of your time, but there's probably an awful lot of selection bias in that observation. I definitely observe the same thing, but then I mostly hang around people who only have kids when they specifically plan to.

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>Think about it, what is the first thing people say when they hear “I’m pregnant” or “I
>just had a boy/girl”. First thing I usually hear is “Congratulations”.

Yep. Because the people I know who are pregnant wanted to get pregnant.

I guess if someone has a circle of friends who see pregnancy as an unplanned disaster they might say something different to them.

>What we should be saying is “I’m so sorry. Now you have to spend all this time and
>money on your kids. Sucks to be you.”

Have you ever said that? If so you move in different circles than I do.

>My guess would be that she doesn’t really have any goals in life.

She may have wanted a big family.

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"What we should be saying is “I’m so sorry. Now you have to spend all this time and money on your kids. Sucks to be you.”

I assume you say this to your parents? Tell them they're fucking idiots for not aborting you? More money for them and all that.

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