Supreme Court to hear alleged OBAMA forgeries

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This could be bigger than Watergate. See the video.

Birth certificate and social security and supposedly even OBAMA's name are not real. Imposter

Case seems to be picking up steam if Supreme Court will hear case. Much evidence apparently that he's not a Natural Born Citizen.

There is also an email going around that talks about the attorney submitting the case.

As much as I'd like to see the Supreme Court look into this matter fully and make a decision regarding how real it is, I don't think it will happen. The liberal press hasn't reported on this and the news is 5 days old. Obama's swearing in needs put on hold until the Supreme Court determines his documents are authentic.



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for the good of the country, they should ignore this

two words.....President Biden

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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for the good of the country, they should ignore this

two words.....President Biden

Yeah, they gotta figure out a way to get him, too. Maybe demonstrate he was part of the conspiracy. In fact, he might actually be the puppet master.

Mastermind Biden... yeah... right!

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This could be bigger than Watergate. See the video.

Birth certificate and social security and supposedly even OBAMA's name are not real. Imposter

Case seems to be picking up steam if Supreme Court will hear case. Much evidence apparently that he's not a Natural Born Citizen.

There is also an email going around that talks about the attorney submitting the case.

As much as I'd like to see the Supreme Court look into this matter fully and make a decision regarding how real it is, I don't think it will happen. The liberal press hasn't reported on this and the news is 5 days old. Obama's swearing in needs put on hold until the Supreme Court determines his documents are authentic.



If Obama is not authentic he is, at worst, a phony in the sense of Holden Caulfield.

I admit that I do not have a strong enough stomach to get into the gory details of his story (most politicians make me ill), it seems that he has always uses whatever cover story was most useful at the time.

His career has been advanced by smokescreen, bluff and leverage from day one, so there are no real surprises there. He has reinvented himself as necessary, keenly aware of the political realities he could thus use to his benefit.

Much like Jerry Rivers became "Geraldo Rivera," our CIC has used the identity of Barry Soetoro or Barry Obama or Barack Hussein Obama as necessary. Big deal.

His claim to have espoused Marxism in his youth is where I draw the line. I rate that on a par with someone mentioning that they used to fantasize about blowing donkeys when younger - but they don't anymore, of course.

I read Karl Marx and Ayn Rand in my youth, and found both to be delusional for about the same reasons. The former attributed great nobility to the workers and was scornful of those at the top of the food chain, the latter ascribed saintly qualities to the economic/intellectual elite and viewed the unwashed masses and their supporters as beneath contempt.

Neither view has much merit, though my travels through various Socialist Workers Paradises has left me underwhelmed by the espousal of mediocrity that one witnessed therein.

The principle that a society gets the Government it deserves applies here. There is nothing that is likely to come out about the incumbent that was not glaringly obvious when he was running for his first term in office, and he was duly elected in accordance with our political process. This, of course, reflects badly upon us as a society, but likely is an accurate representation of the depths to which we have sunk.

If we want better, we have to deserve better, and I suspect the representatives we elect are the best we will find as our way of life goes down the tubes.

It was fun while it lasted.



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If Obama is not authentic he is, at worst, a phony in the sense of Holden Caulfield.

I admit that I do not have a strong enough stomach to get into the gory details of his story (most politicians make me ill), it seems that he has always uses whatever cover story was most useful at the time.

His career has been advanced by smokescreen, bluff and leverage from day one, so there are no real surprises there. He has reinvented himself as necessary, keenly aware of the political realities he could thus use to his benefit.

Much like Jerry Rivers became "Geraldo Rivera," our CIC has used the identity of Barry Soetoro or Barry Obama or Barack Hussein Obama as necessary. Big deal.

His claim to have espoused Marxism in his youth is where I draw the line. I rate that on a par with someone mentioning that they used to fantasize about blowing donkeys when younger - but they don't anymore, of course.

I read Karl Marx and Ayn Rand in my youth, and found both to be delusional for about the same reasons. The former attributed great nobility to the workers and was scornful of those at the top of the food chain, the latter ascribed saintly qualities to the economic/intellectual elite and viewed the unwashed masses and their supporters as beneath contempt.

Neither view has much merit, though my travels through various Socialist Workers Paradises has left me underwhelmed by the espousal of mediocrity that one witnessed therein.

The principle that a society gets the Government it deserves applies here. There is nothing that is likely to come out about the incumbent that was not glaringly obvious when he was running for his first term in office, and he was duly elected in accordance with our political process. This, of course, reflects badly upon us as a society, but likely is an accurate representation of the depths to which we have sunk.

If we want better, we have to deserve better, and I suspect the representatives we elect are the best we will find as our way of life goes down the tubes.

It was fun while it lasted.



I read half of Rand's book and OH so long and wordy I quit before fininshing it.

Yes the people get the gov't they deserve or the gov't the Supreme Court decides for the people. Do you think if there is sufficient evidence and facts that OBAMA did falsefy documents that the case might be heard by the Supreme Court. What is the responsibility of Courts decision to hear the case as ruled against by lower California case that judge just didn't have the power to sweep all California votes for OBAMA under the table. We'll if the person running was ineligible, then those votes don't matter anyway.

I hope for the good of the country they hear the case. Totally surprised this isn't reason mainstream media.
Must be the Kabal that running the country hoping no one notices.

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I read half of Rand's book and OH so long and wordy I quit before fininshing it.

Yes the people get the gov't they deserve or the gov't the Supreme Court decides for the people. Do you think if there is sufficient evidence and facts that OBAMA did falsefy documents that the case might be heard by the Supreme Court. What is the responsibility of Courts decision to hear the case as ruled against by lower California case that judge just didn't have the power to sweep all California votes for OBAMA under the table. We'll if the person running was ineligible, then those votes don't matter anyway.

I hope for the good of the country they hear the case. Totally surprised this isn't reason mainstream media.
Must be the Kabal that running the country hoping no one notices.

The key problem here is the implied assumption that someone is in charge.

I am reminded of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401, which crashed into the Everglades while the crew was worrying about a burnded-out landing gear light instead of flying the airplane.

Anyone who is dumb enough to waste time trying to address the fundamental problems we face will not last long in Washington - assuming they get there in the first place.

Face it - we're screwed.

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Face it - we're screwed.

It's our gov't. If THE PEOPLE feel gov't isn't working what are the alturnatives? Just lay down and take what is dished out. What if 3 million US citizens showed up in Washington DC next week protesting OBAMA's swearing in at the Supreme Court. Would that make a difference. Would the chanting fall on deaf ears. Complaining on the internet sure won't be heard but 3 million bodies in DC might have an effect. We're not screwed. We screw ourselves by not be activists and sitting back with our pants around our ankles. We are doing this to ourselves.

For every horrible thing now that happens in our society, these lawmakers change rules to further deminish our rights. And no does one darn thing about it. The tyrant is smiling. Once LEO is militarized, the Second Amendment gone, 1A gone for spouting off, and Wall Street owning the gov't if they don't own it already, you'll be looking down wondering how your pants got down in the first place. By willingly allowing your trousers to drop one inch at a time.

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>What if 3 million US citizens showed up in Washington DC next week protesting
>OBAMA's swearing in at the Supreme Court. Would that make a difference.

No. Three million more for another candidate wouldn't even have changed the outcome. (After all, that's less than 1% of the population.) Now, 60 million who decide to vote for someone else WILL make a difference.

>We screw ourselves buy not be activists and sitting back with our pants around our
>ankles. We are doing this to ourselves.

Definitely true. We are getting exactly what we asked for - a government that spends more than it takes in.

>And no does one darn thing about it. The tyrant is smiling.

Yes, he is. And he is us. So keep smiling.

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This could be bigger than Watergate. See the video.

Birth certificate and social security and supposedly even OBAMA's name are not real. Imposter

Case seems to be picking up steam if Supreme Court will hear case. Much evidence apparently that he's not a Natural Born Citizen.

There is also an email going around that talks about the attorney submitting the case.

As much as I'd like to see the Supreme Court look into this matter fully and make a decision regarding how real it is, I don't think it will happen. The liberal press hasn't reported on this and the news is 5 days old. Obama's swearing in needs put on hold until the Supreme Court determines his documents are authentic.



The description in the article is completely misleading.

Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography

Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork

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It all makes sense now. Roberts found Obamacare to be legal because he knew Obama was not a US citizen and that fact would come to light after the election. He did it to keep Romney from being elected President and also knew that Biden would be implicated as well as Reid and Pelosi. Now Boehner has a clear pathway to the Presidency.

Son of a Bitch...how did I not see that coming? Must be getting old. :ph34r:

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It appears there is evidence the White House IT staff are making changes to number of votes cast on petition


OMG they removed the petition.

As written just before the whitehouse removed the petition.

"In the first 2 hours we have 139 signatures in the re-posted redacted petition. For the last half an hour Obama regime kept the new petition frozen, people could not post. Try going to the link and sign. If you can’t sign, please, flood the White House switch board with calls, e-mail them and demand the new petition unfrozen ASAP."



This whitehouse website has petitions to BAN THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

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Other lawyers are chiming in.

Well damn. If a lawyer says something then it must be true.

She got an audience with the entire Supreme Court on Feb 15 for conference, announced Jan 9th. It is a private conference. They need 4 judges to agree to move forward to hear the case. Not sure about how any Justice Obama selected must recuse themselves etc. from this process.

Looks pretty convincing to me. How do end up with a Connecticut Issued Social Secuity number when he was supposedly born in Hawaii. This guy is bogus. But the Kabal behind him is real.

Edward Noonan, et al., v. Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State

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>Looks like a criminal enterprise is running our government.

I thought it was a Kenyan. (Although lately it's become a Brit, too.) You guys have to make up your minds.

Not Indonesian?

Isn't it lovely when posters reveal themselves like this?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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