Supreme Court to hear alleged OBAMA forgeries

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Rather, Certification stating that Obama was constitutionally eligible to serve as president, is not a birth certificate as no ORGINAL birth certificate was ever even produced, let alone a copy of one.

So take no drivers license to the airport and but take my letter stating your have a drivers licenses and see if you get on the airliners.

A birhter is a term created by the OBAMA machine to squelch demands for prodution of official documents. Instead of producing documents, they simply turned it around and called people birthers.

By the looks of thing they did a swell job of diverting attention of the docs.
But what can you expect when fraud is the new capitalism. From Lance Armstrong, Madoff, Banksters, even Facebook guy started his business via theft of property, school property and intellectual property. SEC is about to relax advert rules for selling securities so look for next up and coming investment scams taking your money utilizing sofisticated websites you have no clue who even owns it.
USA Owned

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I'll add to this - I think he's from Antarctica. And no one has ever been born in Antarctica.

He's (or is it it's?) from Manchuria... :|
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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>He's (or is it it's?) from Manchuria...

So far we have Manchuria, the UK, Indonesia, Kenya, Antarctica, Hawaii before it was a state . . . anything else? Bueller? Bueller?

You are participating here exactly what happened in real life. Avoid the question, make fun, waste time, keep the conversation going,get others to chim in like little pussies, but the fact of the matter is until you BILLVON place your documents on the table so that they can be inspected, you are not a Natural Born Citizen until you prove it.

The reason the question is tendered with the Supreme Court. His citizenship is questionable.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier just to answer the question than to jump around like little baby clowns making claims wiithout any support. But we know that isn't possible, so keep your clowning. Bla Bla dancing around like fools.

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>but the fact of the matter is until you BILLVON place your documents on the table so
>that they can be inspected, you are not a Natural Born Citizen until you prove it.

o noes! I will never get to be president in the eyes of the Internet Brigade!

>The reason the question is tendered with the Supreme Court. His citizenship is questionable.

Not to anyone sane. There's a reason "birther" is now synonymous with "conspiracy nut." It's one of the many things that lost Romney the election.

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(Not directed at GDon, just that I'm next in line behind him)

Here's what some from outside your borders are saying about this type of, (dare I say it), utterly intellectually infirmed tripe:


Really, can you people pass a constitutional amendment to deny access to keyboards from these people? Please?

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Godspeed to Dr. Taitz

Read the comments below her article. Other lawyers are chiming in.
Maybe the lawyers and Justices can sort this out. If OBOMER falsified docs to get through the vetting process could have serious implications that our gov't is illigitimate.


From her website:

Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

Really???? She must be cleaning up on all of the fear mongering. She is no different than a televangelist. Scum.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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This is hilarious.

From one of your links: Schatz, one of the earliest supporters of Barack Obama for president, founded a group with other Hawaii Democrats in December 2006 to urge Obama to run. Schatz said, "For the last six years we've been governed by fear, fear of terrorists, fear of other countries, even fear of the other party...everyone is governing by fear and Barack Obama changes all of that. He wants to govern the United States by hope."[16] In 2008, Schatz worked as spokesman for Obama's campaign in Hawaii.

From the other: Also, previously, in August of 2008, the former Democrat Party of Hawaii’s chairman, Brian Schatz, who now serves as Hawaii’s lieutenant governor, then refused to certify Obama’s constitutional eligibility for submission to the Hawaiian Elections Office for inclusion on the 2008 Hawaiian presidential ballot
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I have no opinion. I have no clue the truth of the matter. Reason: I've not examined the records or had a team of criminal forensic investigatosr look at evidence.

But it appears the conversation regarding the legitimacy of the information was started by individuals in Hawaii who indicated no records existed. That information was redacted by the same group of people.

Instead of ending speculation, or skeptism, by producing the information, a 3 million dollar advertorial campaign was launched to offset the buzz that there was no birth certificate. This is the dancing around the facts, name calling, etc. Much of what you bought into.

Now I've not bought into any point of view aside from: Show me the docs. And if you can't do that you're not getting to the airliner.

Now in poker terms: show your cards or fold.

Put up or shut up.

Cat's got your tongue?

If some of you had a machine gun stuck up your face, asking for documents, maybe you'd quit you dancing around.

It's amazing how people think that it takes 1,000 people to wage a fraud, when it can be as little a a couple of people, that know the real story. In the instance of Mr. Ponzi, who duped many, he was the only perp. Enron- 3 perps. Madoff, a handful.

Obama and his buddie rode on Airforce 1 to DC from Hawaii just a few weeks ago. Like they never talked?

Again, produce your docs or you don't get to the gate and I don't care if you have organized 500 million people, via a communications program standing over there yelling out you have a license or passport that you should be amitted without showing the documents.

This is pretty easy folks, not sure all the dancing.

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I have no opinion. I have no clue the truth of the matter. Reason: I've not examined the records or had a team of criminal forensic investigatosr look at evidence.

But it appears the conversation regarding the legitimacy of the information was started by individuals in Hawaii who indicated no records existed. That information was redacted by the same group of people.

Instead of ending speculation, or skeptism, by producing the information, a 3 million dollar advertorial campaign was launched to offset the buzz that there was no birth certificate. This is the dancing around the facts, name calling, etc. Much of what you bought into.

Now I've not bought into any point of view aside from: Show me the docs. And if you can't do that you're not getting to the airliner.

Now in poker terms: show your cards or fold.

Put up or shut up.

Cat's got your tongue?

If some of you had a machine gun stuck up your face, asking for documents, maybe you'd quit you dancing around.

It's amazing how people think that it takes 1,000 people to wage a fraud, when it can be as little a a couple of people, that know the real story. In the instance of Mr. Ponzi, who duped many, he was the only perp. Enron- 3 perps. Madoff, a handful.

Obama and his buddie rode on Airforce 1 to DC from Hawaii just a few weeks ago. Like they never talked?

Again, produce your docs or you don't get to the gate and I don't care if you have organized 500 million people, via a communications program standing over there yelling out you have a license or passport that you should be amitted without showing the documents.

This is pretty easy folks, not sure all the dancing.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Now I've not bought into any point of view aside from: Show me the docs.

Done. Obama's long-form birth certificate was released on April 27, 2011.

Why all the dancing? Now you stopped dancing and furnish a date with no supporting evidence. You are quite the investigator.

A quick google search will show information you've provided could be wrong.

On the WhiteHouse website as it says the birth certificate was posted in 2008 not April 27, 2011. The link that contains the actual supposed birth certificate, the GIF file contained within the HTML is a digital copy. It's shows it's signed by his mom. The document is quite convincing. (First time I've seen this file. A file I located myself.)

However before you can pass me and get to your gate to catch the airline, please show me the original along with a letter from the states attorney's office of the state of Hawaii stating that the orginal is authentic along with a paper from the hospital that the doc is genuine.

Then I'll let you pass to your gate.

Also, since you are speculating, why do think Obama's Hawaiian buddy went to Kenya before the election process? Journalists know there are regular flights to Kenya. What business did he have there. And if this birth certificate was so readily available at the time he inquired about it, to which he was told it was not available and even certified that it was not available, why all of a sudden did it become available for OBAMAS lawyers in 2008. And why did it take a team of lawyers to find it long after it was needed. And can you trust a copy furnished by the person who say's it's authentic?

Show the orginal and the document certifying authenticity and I'll let you pass.

Not done.

And won't be done by you, me or the man in the moon. This can only be done by attorney with court orders and warrents. Chief Justice who will be swearing in OBAMA on the 21st. might be such a person who would issue an order and only GOD knows what he must be thinking as OBAMA is before him at the sweare-in with TAILZ's complaint on his schedule for FEB 15. LIKE NO ONE TALKS TO ANYONE.

Keep dancing or fold. You don't don't have an argument and neither do I, even if I wish to argue, which I'm not arguing, until you and I stand there together examining the documents together the truth will be known. I'll leave forging paper documents to the WWII vets who were pretty good at that.

I can attest that the Whitehouse removed Tailz petition from the Whitehouse petition website yesterday as I was on the site when the link was removed. So whitehouse has control on what is placed there.


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Now I've not bought into any point of view aside from: Show me the docs.

He has done. But you still don't believe it. So what do you want him to do? Produce a different birth certificate? Mail it to you personally for you to inspect?

It is impossible for your standards of proof to be met.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Why all the dancing?

No dancing. Obama's long-form birth certificate was released on April 27, 2011. Done.

Now go back to your dance. I expect pages of lengthy posts depicting all sorts of demands for complex documents and proofs. Step to the left, step to the right . . .

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A quick google search will show information you've provided could be wrong.

On the WhiteHouse website as it says the birth certificate was posted in 2008 not April 27, 2011. The link that contains the actual supposed birth certificate, the GIF file contained within the HTML is a digital copy. It's shows it's signed by his mom. The document is quite convincing. (First time I've seen this file. A file I located myself.)

Oh sweet Jesus you are clueless. It's actually pretty cute - have you really only just found out about this conspiracy theory?

Obama's short form certificate released in 2008;

Obama's long form certificate released in 2011, confirmed as authentic by at least two successive directors of the Hawaii State Department of Health and a spokesman for the Hawaii Attorney General's office.

So... are you going to stop causing a scene in the airport now?;)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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With the people work for me I could have Abe Lincoln and Betsy Ross be OBAMAS parents signatures on that photograph and it would look jsut as authentic or better than what you displayed. Now enough with photocopies. Bring in the real doc. And if you can't do that then you might contact Chief Justice to do an investigation to determine the documents are real. Having info about the ss# that are authentic would help. Now step aside..

Believers conspiracy. Joan Rivers the leader of the Believers. Believers that just because its posted on the internet its true. Lots of Believers around here.

Sorry, you're not getting to the gate with bogus pictures from the Believers Conspiracy.

Go to LAX and hold up your phone showing them a picture of your passport and see if you get in.

Proof is in the pudding.
Put up or shut up.
Show or fold.

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I've never heard any other President being accused of actually having been born somewhere besides where his birth certificate (the one that most people haven't seen an "original" copy of) states.

Methinks that the ability to communicate over this internet thingy gives the crackpots a way to refine their theories.

What if he had been born (legally) at home? Boy, what a hoo-ha there'd be :P

When I got my passport, a copy of my birth certificate was used. My parents didn't have to go to town hall and request the original copy (preferably with hand-written notes from the presiding doctor proving it was real). And ever since, they've just trusted the previous passport.

Ya know, I'll bet Obama has a passport.

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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With the people work for me I could have Abe Lincoln and Betsy Ross be OBAMAS parents signatures on that photograph and it would look jsut as authentic or better than what you displayed. Now enough with photocopies. Bring in the real doc.

That document was produced by the Hawaii State Department of Health.

There is no-one else who can produce a legitimate document, because it is their document. If you do not believe them, there is no-one that you will believe and your standard of proof is impossible to meet.


Sorry, you're not getting to the gate with bogus pictures from the Believers Conspiracy.

Yes, it's so nice to see that you don't have an opinion either way:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I've never heard any other President being accused of actually having been born somewhere besides where his birth certificate (the one that most people haven't seen an "original" copy of) states.

Methinks that the ability to communicate over this internet thingy gives the crackpots a way to refine their theories.

What if he had been born (legally) at home? Boy, what a hoo-ha there'd be :P

When I got my passport, a copy of my birth certificate was used. My parents didn't have to go to town hall and request the original copy (preferably with hand-written notes from the presiding doctor proving it was real). And ever since, they've just trusted the previous passport.

Ya know, I'll bet Obama has a passport.

Wendy P.


It's peoples actions who had direct hand in dealing with information that brought the controversy to begin with. The questions are why did people act the way they did. Why were there delays to providing information when the campaign knew people wanted facts and when this birth cirtificate was so available. Why did OBAMA friend indicate no records existed then all of a sudden Obama was certified qualified to run? Lack of information breeds skepticism.
I have no opinion only qestions. I know this. no one will see the orginal ever, unless the Supreme Court of the United States of America demands it to prove any allegation. And that's probably not going to happen. The country is so horribly screwed up they'd not take a chance to throw a wrench into what might make matters worse, even if there is doubt. The need to know would not justify any result.

The idea that communications can't influence peoples thinking or that a photo couldn't be altered borders on irrational thinking. As communciations can influence and photo's can be altered. Nixon lost audio tape etc so it's not beyond humans no matter their status in life to fuge here and there.

The idea that a Certification of eligibility to run for office, that was party generated, not via independent bipartisian certification, where no birth certificate was used to generate the Certificate added to the problem. Everyone needs vetted via unbias process utilizing genuine credentials. This was not the case in this instance.

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Looks pretty convincing to me.

It looks convincing to you because you have a predetermined belief and an axe to grind.

It's like the Bible looks like pretty convincing 'evidence' for young earth creationists...


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