
Time to close the other Welfare program that is the USPS

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You know I'm right. They bleed $25,000,000 per day. When was the last time you were actually in a post office? Workers moving like glaciers. Long lines. Private industry could do so much better if they were allowed. Now it's going to be no Saturday delivery. And stamps just went up to .46. Some put this dinosaur out of its misery please.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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You know I'm right. They bleed $25,000,000 per day. When was the last time you were actually in a post office? Workers moving like glaciers. Long lines. Private industry could do so much better if they were allowed. Now it's going to be no Saturday delivery. And stamps just went up to .46. Some put this dinosaur out of its misery please.

call me a socialist. i love the USPS. for a few cents i can put a letter on my door and in a few days it will be anywhere in the country. i think it is amazing. their customer service could improve but overall the mail service is great.

No i do not use them as often so i understand them dropping saturdays. i also understand if they raise the price a little.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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USPS makes me think of Pony Express. That makes me think of ponies. That makes me think of unicorns. That makes me think of unicorn horns. That makes me horny. That makes me think of horn-rimmed glasses. That makes me think of the glass ceiling my wife keeps bitching about. Which makes me think about our dog, who is female. This world's going to the dogs. Hell in a handbasket. Handbaskets make me think of wicker balloon gondolas. Which makes me think of those boats plying Venetian canals. I have wax in my ear canal. You can't hold a candle to that. The French word for "that" is "avoir", which lawrocket thought was "au revoir". Which means goodbye. So goodbye. Don't raise my bail, please.

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huh? ...what am I missing? What does a Constitutional Amendment have to do with the post office? Is there one for the PO? If so, ...And more importantly, why is the PO remaining more important than the 2nd Amendment?
Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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huh? ...what am I missing? What does a Constitutional Amendment have to do with the post office? Is there one for the PO? If so, ...And more importantly, why is the PO remaining more important than the 2nd Amendment?

You might want to check the original Constitution of the US; Article I, Section 8, Clause 7. It's one of the original government services authorized by it. It would, in fact, take a Constitutional Amendment to get rid of it.

It's also something that's never going to happen, because it's an incredibly stupid idea. There are legitimate reasons why some things are left to the government rather than solely to private businesses. It's basic infrastructure like; roads, bridges, military, money.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Good luck on getting your Constitutional Amendment passed by a 2/3rds majority and then getting ratified.

Interesting viewpoint. The Constitution does give Congress the power to establish post offices and post roads. Much like giving Congress the power to Declare War - doesn't mean they have to.

It's an interesting discussion. Kinda the opposite of the usual "Congress does not have this power" discussion. This one is Congress having a power and choosing not to exercise it.

I'll have to do a bit of research on the subject.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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USPS makes me think of Pony Express. That makes me think of ponies. That makes me think of unicorns. That makes me think of unicorn horns. That makes me horny. That makes me think of horn-rimmed glasses. That makes me think of the glass ceiling my wife keeps bitching about. Which makes me think about our dog, who is female. This world's going to the dogs. Hell in a handbasket. Handbaskets make me think of wicker balloon gondolas. Which makes me think of those boats plying Venetian canals. I have wax in my ear canal. You can't hold a candle to that. The French word for "that" is "avoir", which lawrocket thought was "au revoir". Which means goodbye. So goodbye. Don't raise my bail, please.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It says the have the right to...it doesn't say it's required.

Are you saying that the USPS is better as a government entity?

I'm saying that the basic infrastructure of a country, the postal system being a part of which, needs to have an absolute continuity of existence. Private businesses can come and go; they do so with remarkable frequency. However, in order for the government to run, mail must be available; real life, physical mail. It would be stupid as a country to rely on private industry to provide that service.


If nothing else, simply for the purposes of tax collection and voting.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Good luck on getting your Constitutional Amendment passed by a 2/3rds majority and then getting ratified.

When you can reach that level of support. Let me know.

Funny, you don't mind shitting on other areas of the constitution / existing constitutional amendments.

If it is flexible on 2a... then it certainly is flexible on the post office.

Personally I like the USPS, but it needs a major overhaul.

Centralized mail delivery locations instead of mail box delivery. Integration into existing locations like supermarkets to cut infrastructure costs.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Where were you when the rescumlicans passed into law the requiremnt that the USPS fund 75 years of pension requirements in a very short time frame? The requirements are to cover employees that aren't even born yet. The annual cost is around 6 billion or more.

Odds are you were cheering on the premeditated invasion and occupation of Iraq. You know, one of the wars that were kept off the books so that the budget numbers didn't look so bad to the ignorant. When a truly fiscally responsible adminstration took over, the hidden costs were put back on the books. The morons among us freak out about the deficit that is mostly due to the previous administration's financial commitments. The morons support massive cuts to social programs, no cuts at all to the defense budget, and no regulation or oversight of the financial community. Thanks a lot, morons. Why do you hate the average citizen of the USA so much?

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Funny, you don't mind shitting on other areas of the constitution / existing constitutional amendments.

You presume too much.

I'm in favor of the entire Constitution. It's an absolutist interpretation I have a problem with when it comes to things people over 200 years ago never could have possibly imagined are being talked about I have an issue with.

The US Constitution is supposed to be a "living" document and updated to reflect the times in which we live. Proof of this is in the Constitution itself by its own language describing the procedures to do so and all of the Amendments which came afterward.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Where were you when the rescumlicans passed into law the requiremnt that the USPS fund 75 years of pension requirements in a very short time frame? The requirements are to cover employees that aren't even born yet. The annual cost is around 6 billion or more.

Odds are you were cheering on the premeditated invasion and occupation of Iraq. You know, one of the wars that were kept off the books so that the budget numbers didn't look so bad to the ignorant. When a truly fiscally responsible adminstration took over, the hidden costs were put back on the books. The morons among us freak out about the deficit that is mostly due to the previous administration's financial commitments. The morons support massive cuts to social programs, no cuts at all to the defense budget, and no regulation or oversight of the financial community. Thanks a lot, morons. Why do you hate the average citizen of the USA so much?

Wipe the spittle from your chin, and look in the mirror...ya got a little crazy on your face. :S
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Regular mail delivery should be cut back to Monday Wednesday Friday.

Priority and overnight can be delivered Tuesday and Thursday with a fraction of the personnel used for regular delivery.

Newspaper deliveries in Alabama's major cities have been cut back to Wednesday, Friday and Sunday to save money. The old timers don't like it but what are you gonna do? Most people nowadays get their news online or via mobile devices.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I think you must mean priority and overnight still would get delivered five days a week.

I wouldn't be opposed to that, but I don't know how much money that would actually save. The delivery people would still be working five days a week and just harder on some days than other. I think mail sorting also ends up being a five day a week gig.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Here you are, morons who support the rescumlicans...

Begin quoted text>>>

In 2006, the GOP Congress passed a bill that required the Postal Service to fully fund future retiree health benefits for the next 75 years and to accomplish this within a 10-year period. Republicans are always insisting that the USPS be run like a good capitalist enterprise, but few, if any, private businesses could bear the burden of funding three-quarters of a century of retired employees’ medical costs over just one decade.

In truth, the Republicans who crafted the bill were not interested in turning the Postal Service into a better business; they were seeking to run the post office out of business. With all those unionized employees working for a quasi-governmental operation that competes with private sector enterprises, the Postal Service is an affront to those who hate government, hate unions and hate to think that there is anything that government can do better than the private sector. The post office may be mandated by the United States Constitution, as clearly as freedom of religion or the right to bear arms, but it does not fit with modern Republican dogma and, therefore, has been targeted for extinction.

<<< End

The rescumlicans and their lackeys are the source of much evil due to their hatred of the average citizens. Only the wealthy elite are worthy. The rest are all scumbag "takers", according to rescumlican dogma.

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Hi air,


Private industry could do so much better if they were allowed.

I have a UPS store less than 1/3 of the distance as is the US Post Ofc.

The UPS has higher rates, less 'be nice to Mr. Customer,' and almost always longer lines.

I do & will use the UPS store when I feel it benefits me; but having been using my US Post Ofc for so long because of their being nicer people, smaller lines and better rates.



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