
Beginner Swooping

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Hopefully some who know how to start swooping safely can provide some input. Currently, we don't have a big swoop crowd or even an up-jump crowd at our DZ so I thought I would see what kind of info I could generate here.

What kinds of drills can I do (up high) to prepare me for a swoop set-up? What kind of basic approach can I do to understand and safely execute a swoop at all (even if it's a short one). I've held back but it seems I've held too long and have no mentor locally...thanks for any info.

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You 're in Cali, there are mentors every where. In fact get to Perris or San Diego and there is a school to teach you too. Over at Byron there is a large swoop crowd that would probally help as well as the Ground Launch center. Expand your horizons and there are potential mentors everywhere.
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Although there are planty of awesome swoopers here this really isn't the place to teach swooping drills.

Go with Phreezones advice and have some one actually watch your set and landing, a series of canopy courses would be best.

Not to many of us have been able to learn it the hard way and live to tell about it. I have made major mistakes and been real lucky and I am not even a true "swooper".

Be serious, but have fun!
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So, start being safe, first!!!

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read brian germains book 7 times and then find a mentor at a DZ near you that does have swoopers...

my advice is wait until you have a few more jumps...I didnt and I have the titanium to prove it...and yes I thought I was different too...

and so did this guy....


and he was my friend...I swoop I love swooping and I would say that it will have its time in your skydiving career...but how long do you want your skydiving career to be

CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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I'm with you, there's plenty of highly skilled players out here particularly in the south w/Perris and Byron where I can visit and Lodi w/mad freeflyers up there but I live in the area of Skydive Monterey and it's a tandem factory so there's a bit less of the swooping right now. It's a coming and going crowd but for me...it's tough to score a mentor right now.

Anyway, I appreciate any drill suggestions. I will read the book though...happy flights...

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You can talk to some of the instructors and video guys at SMB. They are experienced canopy pilots and swoopers. It's a lot easier for someone who has seen you land and fly your parachute to give you advice and help you in your progression. Some beer at the end of the day might help as it gets pretty hectic there while the tandems are jumping.

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I second going over to Hollister. Some awesome swoopers over there, and it is the closest DZ to you.

I need to too...but to actually visit there. But I do want to visit SMB too to at least expereince their super duper King Air.

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is their's more super duper than Hollister's? It got us up to 24k (light load) pretty quick.

The last 18 I did at Monterey was in the 206. Man was that slow! And hypoxic causing.

You can do both in one day! Go to SMB in the morning and when the winds get wonky, drive back along 101. It can happen between 11 and 4 in the summer.

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That King Air is sick. I did two today and it was all of 5 min 33 seconds to 16K...standard...very fast. During the week, they fly it light and it gets going. Even full it hits 16K in 6 + minutes.

Someone here said it was even stronger than Mullins'.

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Davis has some good swoopers as well..

defintely, Jason, but it's a long way from Monterey to Davis. For me in SF, one is 110 minutes south, the other is 90 miles NE.

Davis has a nice LZ, but cows aside, I think Hollister's is the best, and most consistent wrt conditions. Just has that van ride as the negative.

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