So what about the kids? This thread is about Gay Parents

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OK a male gay, and a born female, who becomes a man, who is also gay, if you can grasp the idea, both get married and adopts a boy, what about the boy. What will he become being in the presence of a male gay and transgender. On top of that, lets say the male gay is more feminine than the transgender woman who is now a man. And lets add one more layer. The transgender is bisexual! Meaning that eventhough born as women, who is now a man, will do it yet with men and women.... Hope I got all that right...

The jury is out about what happens to kids raised by other than heterosexuals, but while everyone is talking about how great it is that same sex couples should get married, these people are going to want to have kids. Have the democrats thought about that?

What about the boy?
Should same sex couples be allowed to raise children?

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Should same sex couples be allowed to raise children?

What about the hetro couples who are complete ****ups and raise turd kids? What about the same sex couples who are loving and successful who raise their children in a house full of love and nurturing?

There are a bunch of kids out there in the world who aren't loved like they should be, let them be loved and raised by people who love them.
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Should same sex couples be allowed to raise children?

What about the hetro couples who are complete ****ups and raise turd kids? What about the same sex couples who are loving and successful who raise their children in a house full of love and nurturing?

There are a bunch of kids out there in the world who aren't loved like they should be, let them be loved and raised by people who love them.

I'm talking about gays, making kids.

Do you have any stats regarding child satisfaction between children raised in heterosexual house as opposed to homosexual homes. How about levels of child abuse between the two. Everyone's is jumping up and down on the bandwagon about gays getting married but what are the consequences? I've not heard the word kids even brought up in the discussion.

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I'm talking about gays, making kids.

Jeez. When they're not claiming that gays shouldn't get married because they can't have kids, they're wringing their hands over the impact that gay marriage will have on the children of gay marriages.

Relax, Chute. Most gay couples sell their children to the Catholic Church, where they'll be nurtured and educated in a really biblical way.
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I'm talking about gays, making kids.

Yeah? Go back up and read my post again, I meant it to apply to those situations as well.

Might be too early to talk about. Not enough kids raised by gay parents to make any determination if it's a good idea that gays raise kids.

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I'm talking about gays, making kids.

Yeah? Go back up and read my post again, I meant it to apply to those situations as well.

Might be too early to talk about. Not enough kids raised by gay parents to make any determination if it's a good idea that gays raise kids.

Ok, let me put it in a way you might understand:

Ecclesiastes 1:9(NIV)

9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

It's been going on long before your great grandfather was born.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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My sister, who at one time or another, swears she is gay, no, straight, no, gay, no, straight..............has raised four children to be total fuck ups who are straight.

Her sexual orientation is the least of the reasons her children have not done anything but suck off the California Teat. :S

I'm not sure how you could determine if being gay makes one a better or worse parent. There is plenty of loving on both sides, and plenty of not so much on both sides.

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My sister, who at one time or another, swears she is gay, no, straight, no, gay, no, straight..............

Your sister is Anne Heche?:o
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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My sister, who at one time or another, swears she is gay, no, straight, no, gay, no, straight..............has raised four children to be total fuck ups who are straight.

Her sexual orientation is the least of the reasons her children have not done anything but suck off the California Teat. :S

I'm not sure how you could determine if being gay makes one a better or worse parent. There is plenty of loving on both sides, and plenty of not so much on both sides.

I don't know how you'd measure it now as there's simply not enough kids raised by homosexuals. Sure, many kids are screwed up due to being raised by straights but we're talking percentages, per tens of thousands etc.
I think Elton Johns son might ask one day: OK DADS, who is my mom? And considering peer group pressure at school I presume there could be a lot of bullying regarding having homosexual parents.
Personally there's a lot of screwed up kids due to being raised by single parent and perhaps that might even exceed screwed up kids by gays.

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>OK a male gay, and a born female, who becomes a man, who is also gay, if you
>can grasp the idea, both get married and adopts a boy, what about the boy.

Lucky kid. Much better to be adopted by a couple who very much wants kids, than to a 17 year old couple who was too dumb to know how birth control works.

But let's use a real case instead of the hypothetical you have confused yourself with. A married couple (man and woman) have a few boys, then the man underwent a sex change. Both women and their kids (9 and 11 now I believe) are all still together and living happily. (Jennifer Finney Boylan is her name; you can read her book if you want to know more about it.)

>Should same sex couples be allowed to raise children?

Of course.

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>I don't know how you'd measure it now as there's simply not enough kids raised by

From PubMed:
Sexual identity of 37 children raised by homosexual or transsexual parents.
Green R.

The author reports on 37 children who are being raised by female homosexuals or by parents who have changed sex (transsexuals): 21 by female homosexuals, 7 by male-to-female transsexuals, and 9 by female-to-male transsexuals. The children range in age from 3 to 20 years (mean = 9.3) and have lived in the sexually atypical households for 1-16 years (mean = 4.9). Thirty-six of the children report or recall childhood toy, game, clothing, and peer group preferences that are typical for their sex. The 13 older children who report erotic fantasies or overt sexual behaviors are all heterosexually oriented.
Sociology: Study examines gender roles of children with gay parents

By Gilien Silsby

Children born to and raised by homosexuals tend to play, dress and behave differently than children reared in heterosexual households, a USC study on gay parenting has found.

But, researchers said, many of the differences are those that any democratic society should welcome.

In the paper, "How Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" professors Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz argue that children with lesbian and gay parents are more likely to depart from traditional gender roles.

The researchers’ findings, published in the April edition of the American Sociological Review, were culled from an analysis of 21 studies dating back to 1980. Those past studies – which included only birth children, not adopted children – downplayed contrasts between children raised by homosexuals and heterosexuals. The USC paper focused mainly on lesbian mothers and their offspring, because fewer studies of gay fathers exist.

"We found that despite the ‘no differences’ mantra, many studies do report evidence of some intriguing differences, and even of some potential advantages of lesbian parenthood," said Stacey, holder of the Streisand Professorship in Contemporary Gender Studies. "A difference is not necessarily a deficit."

Stacey and Biblarz found some evidence that children in gay households are more likely to buck stereotypical male-female behavior. For example, boys raised by lesbians appear to be less aggressive and more nurturing than boys raised in heterosexual families. Daughters of lesbians are more likely to aspire to become doctors, lawyers, engineers and astronauts.

In addition, heterosexual mothers tend to encourage sons to participate in historically "masculine" games and activities – such as Little League – and daughters in more "feminine" pursuits – such as ballet. In contrast, lesbian mothers had no such interest – their preferences for their children's play were gender neutral.

. . .

In two studies, a greater number of young adult children raised by lesbians had participated in or considered a same-sex relationship or had an attraction to the same sex. However, statistically, they were no more likely to identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual.

One area the researchers found no differences in was the mental health of children or their quality of relationship with parents. Children brought up by lesbians and gay men are well-adjusted, have good levels of self-esteem and are as likely to have high educational attainments as children raised in more traditional heterosexual families.

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Further to that, this study (the longest running of its kind) found no significant disadvantages and more than a few advantages to being raised by same sex parents. The parents in this instance were all lesbian couples, not quite the exotic mix of the OPs example but relevant nonetheless.

Overall, what research is there shows no inherent disadvantage to children of same-sex parents. With regards to the OPs suggestion of them potentially being the victims of bullying, doesn't that speak more to how society should grow up?
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what a load of crap. straight parents raise gay kids all the time. Straight parents raise straight kids all the time. Gay and straight parents raise kids with learning disabilities, social problems, as well as kids that go on to be Rhode scholars and Phd's.

Alcoholic parents beat their kids sometimes (and sometimes not) and drug-addicted parents manage to raise normal kids some of the time (and sometimes not). Kids turn out the way they do for any number of physical emotion social and cultural reasons, plus thousands more reasons.

What you are insinuating is complete bullshit and has absolutely no basis in fact. Knock it off. All we can hope for is that you don't vote.

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'Should same sex couples be allowed to raise children?'

Absolutely yes. Who people are and the stability of their relationship and their ability to provide a loving home is far more important than who they're attracted to.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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My sister, who at one time or another, swears she is gay, no, straight, no, gay, no, straight..............has raised four children to be total fuck ups who are straight.

Her sexual orientation is the least of the reasons her children have not done anything but suck off the California Teat. :S

I'm not sure how you could determine if being gay makes one a better or worse parent. There is plenty of loving on both sides, and plenty of not so much on both sides.

I don't know how you'd measure it now as there's simply not enough kids raised by homosexuals. Sure, many kids are screwed up due to being raised by straights but we're talking percentages, per tens of thousands etc.
I think Elton Johns son might ask one day: OK DADS, who is my mom? And considering peer group pressure at school I presume there could be a lot of bullying regarding having homosexual parents.
Personally there's a lot of screwed up kids due to being raised by single parent and perhaps that might even exceed screwed up kids by gays.

I think you're obsessing with sterotypes. Gays as you put it are just people and all people are individuals, you get good ones bad ones most are a mixture with good and bad aspects to them just like anyone else in the world. Same goes for kids and schools as well. There is no simple blanket answer to your questions. You will have crap gay parents just as you do crap straight parents, children will be a mixture of well adusted to screwed up on both sides of the metaphorical fence. Homosexual or hetrosexual orientation is really neither here nor there when it comes to what kind of a parent you will be.
I have two sisters, one gay and one straight. Both got married, one to a woman and the other to a man. Both had one child.
The gay sister has been married to her wife for over ten years (Yes civil partnership) and they have been together about 18-19 years now. The other sister was married for 19 years.
My Gay sister is in a loving happy relationship and their child is a very happy, well adjusted and loved child.
My straight sister has been cheated on for her whole marriage, her husband is poor with their child and unengaged, they are currently getting a divorce and my niece doesn't want to leave my house when she visits as she will have to go home to a one parent home.
As I said previously the relationship and home that a child is born and brought up in is far more important than the sexuality of the parents.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The jury is out about what happens to kids raised by other than heterosexuals,

So as we see, there are quite a few scientific studies, so the jury is not "out". You just presumed it, and posted it without looking it up. Again.

The studies are there, but I don't think the body of work is complete. In the broader context of human evolution and where we are heading with reproductive Sciences, I think it's fair to say the jury is still out.

Aggiedave pretty much sumed up my position on adoption though. There are a lot of kids that need good homes. If two people can provide a loving, safe and healthy home for these kids I applaud them.

If humanity is to have any chance of survival we need to be more inclusive and tolerant so we can, as a whole, and address the real threats posed to us. In the next century, the number of new people that come into the world, the quality of thier care and their ability as adults to recognize, care about and confront the issus that face us all is absolutely critical to the development of the species...so yeah, the jury is still out. :D

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