
Kansas Legislature Passes Sweeping Abortion Bill

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>You mean your wife had a "Fetus Shower"?

Nope. She had a baby shower and got stuff for the eventual baby. As a fetus he really didn't need much in the way of toys, diapers etc. However, we did get a fetal heart rate monitor for when he was still a fetus.

During both ultrasounds her and the tech talked about the fetus. Too bad you weren't around to correct them! Would have been funny to listen to you explain to a doctor and and ultrasound tech that you thought they were using the wrong terminology.

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You mean your wife had a "Fetus Shower"? When you were feeling the little fellow kicking around inside of her you said "that's my fetus".

Insert sarcastic comment re: 'redefining language'.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You mean your wife had a "Fetus Shower"? When you were feeling the little fellow kicking around inside of her you said "that's my fetus".

Insert sarcastic comment re: 'redefining language'.

they both mean the same thing, and understand the same connotations, but are using whatever buzz words support feeling good about each persons social position

it's cute how people think words matter more than the actions.....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>Our doctor always refers to an unborn child as a baby.

That's great; he may have picked up that you don't like the more technical term, and like any good doctor converses at a level you're comfortable with.

Nope, he refers to a tumor as a tumor and a cyst as a cyst. Even calls a penis a penis and a vagina a vagina.

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One is just an attempt to depersonalize human life.

and the other is an attempt to put a little cherub face covered in chocolate birthday cake on a fetus

both sides pick the terms that help emotionally sell their argument....

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>Nope, he refers to a tumor as a tumor and a cyst as a cyst.

Hmm. My wife's a doctor and when other doctors and technicians talk to her they call it a fetus, since that's what it is. But again I understand why he would use a different terminology with you. Whatever you are comfortable with.

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I've long suspected that Doctors are also people.

So, when they are being clinical and professional, they certainly call it a fetus.

When they are being people, I suspect they use whatever term they find comfortable as well depending on the situation, who they are talking to, and whatever there position is that might relate to the topic at hand.

just like the rest of us

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>When they are being people, I suspect they use whatever term they find
>comfortable as well depending on the situation, who they are talking to . . .

Definitely agreed. And that doesn't just apply to just fetuses; applies to heart attacks, medical procedures, differential diagnoses etc. They're going to use terms that the people they are talking to are comfortable with even if they're not the most descriptive or accurate, because at the end the person they are talking to will have a better understanding due to the use of the more general/colloquial term. Knowing how to do that is important for anyone who communicates with people they don't know well.

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Hibbert: Homer, I'm afraid you'll have to undergo a coronary bypass
Homer: Say it in English, Doc.
Hibbert: You're going to need open heart surgery.
Homer: Spare me your medical mumbo-jumbo.
Hibbert: We're going to cut you open and tinker with your ticker.
Homer: Could you dumb it down a shade?

((and then Lisa explained it with finger puppets....classic))

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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What about the baby that survives an abortion? According to a news clip there are people out there that want the decision left up to the woman and the physician,isn't that murder?
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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What about the baby that survives an abortion? According to a news clip there are people out there that want the decision left up to the woman and the physician,isn't that murder?

You'll need to be more specific, I'm not quite following you. Are you talking about the mother and physician being able to abort a couple of weeks before the baby is due? That would be post-viability, and yeah, I'd probably call it murder, or an equivalent (I'm not a lawyer, obviously). Last I checked pretty much anywhere that allows abortions still has limits on when it can be done. Until the point of viability though, I'd argue the fetus is still a part of the mother, making it still her choice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the idea of "convenience" abortions. Someone keeps getting knocked up and aborting because they're too lazy and irresponsible to use any form of contraception? That's pretty shit. What I see happening in the states however, is law after law being passed or attempted that want to remove easy access to contraception that could prevent the need for an abortion on the first place. Conservatives crying out for the defunding of Planned Parenthood when the overwhelming majority of the services they provide are about family planning, not abortion, services designed to make sure that when you get pregnant it's because you wanted to.

Hell, there's a teacher being reprimanded for calling a vagina a vagina. In biology class. That's the definition of fucking ridiculous. Study after study has shown that countries with the earliest and frankest sex education have the lowest rates of teen pregnancy - an unwanted pregnancy usually that not uncommonly ends in an abortion.

I respect the intentions of most pro-life supporters. I get saddened by the inability of many of them to see that their energies would be better spent trying to prevent the issue they see as a problem from being necessary in the first place.

PS Anybody trying to offer me abstinence-only as a viable option IMO isn't living in reality, so don't bother... :|
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Adoption is an amazing thing.


So is successful birth control. It isn't 100% effective, unfortunately.

I have no problem with personal freedom and individual responsibility. One of the great concepts that has unfortunate practical results.

Your morality and beliefs may clash with mine. You mind your own business, and I'll stay out of yours. That concept goes a very long way towards a civilized SECULAR society.

As I wrote here once before, if you want to live your life based on a book of fables written 2000 years ago, have at it. Just don't expect me to follow along. Freedom OF religion must inculde freedom FROM religion.

My sisters, cousins, nieces and grand nieces MUST HAVE the right to make such personal private medical decisions free from government or religious zealot interference. How can that be anything less than personal freedom, at its core expression? That is what the USA is supposed to be about, isn't it?

My mother's best friend from her high school days died of a back alley abortion. My mother still keeps her picture on her wall. My oldest niece very well could have been aborted. I have another niece that was born on by birthday in 1978, who was given up for adoption by her teenage mother who had no education or real job at the time. Failed birth control. It happens. She has since gotten in touch with the family. She turned out to be a fine person with a great education, funded by her parents. She has a great husband and awesome, well behaved children.

I get it.

As a true American, I prefer to be on the side of GREATER freedom, not less. I trust my sisters (all women) to make the best decisions that they can.

The government and busybodies can mind their own business.

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I'm looking it up now, it was something I heard in the news but was doing something else at the time.
It involves the Fla. planned parenthood lobbying before a state committee. i would post the link but as it was from a"christian" site I don't think many on here would see it as a creditable source, even though it does show the "unedited" video of the representative from planned parenthood and what they would like to see passed.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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Are you suggesting abortion is a form of birth control?

Yes birth control can and will fail, that's why a couple should never rely on only one form or type of birth control.

My two youngest siblings are adopted.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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