
Static Line?

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static line is a much more self satisfying way to learn. imho

your first freefal is by yourself and with no trainer wheels!

and when you first see someone else in freefall you will get to play with them not just follow thier orders.

if you learn to ride a bike without trainer wheels you are much cooler!

and besides you'll get plenty of chance to drag a 3 way out but those that did aff most often never do a static line jump but a quick to mock them.

all the best
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Hi Kim,


just a safety issue...

I've known Urban since the days at Scravel Hill; and that's a lotta years ago. He and I have always gotten along good with each other. And, I hope that he continues to succeed down there.

But when you talk about safety, you should include the tandem downplane that pounded in last summer. That one has been kept quiet and not reported. I bet that you know about, and not just because I know about it.

Safety and 'How safe is it, really?' are very subjective things.

My subjectivity and yours (and most anyone else's will never match up).


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you should include the tandem downplane that pounded in last summer. That one has been kept quiet and not reported. I bet that you know about, and not just because I know about it.

What are you guys talking about?

"The best things in life are DANGEROUS!"

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Safety and 'How safe is it, really?' are very subjective things.

Your right! :S
Skydiving is dangerous!!![:/]
People drink and skydive, people do drugs and skydive. B|
Experienced people fuck up and hurt themselves when they skydive. :o
It's a dangerous sport and nobody should do it!!!:P

But seriously...it's different to TRY and be safe and still fuck up...than to inscrease danger (alcohol/drugs) and fuck up.

Your right, what's scary to me is normal to you is crazy to others.

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