
U.S. Letter Says Leaker Won’t Face Death Penalty

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From NYT.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a letter sent to the Russian minister of justice this week that the United States would not seek the death penalty against Edward J. Snowden, and would issue him a passport immediately so he could travel back to the United States.

The letter also offered reassurances that the United States would not torture Mr. Snowden, the former intelligence contractor who faces criminal charges of disclosing classified information and has been hiding in an airport in Moscow in order to evade the American authorities. [...]

Here are a few comments, spot on.

"The very fact that the US government is making such a promise ("We solemnly swear we will not torture or kill Edward Snowden if you turn him over to us.")--and to Russia, yet!-- with its implicit admissions of Abu Graib, Guantanamo and the dronings of US citizens abroad, is a measure of how far the nation has fallen in the world's estimation."


"I hope all of my fellow New York Times readers and commentators who are older than thirty or so will take a moment to pause and contemplate the headline of this article and what it means for America that the United States is assuring Russia that we "won't torture or kill" a government whistleblower. Do you all remember a time not so long ago when a statement like this would have seemed surreal, improbable?

Whether we accept that Snowden's leaking (of what many, but by no means all, believe to be illegal behavior by the executive branch) was the correct thing to do, or not, just focus for a minute on the fact that our officials are assuring the Russians that the government will not be torturing or killing Snowden.

The rule of law in this country is in truly deep trouble. The irony is that for me at least, it is this 'constitutional lawyer president,' Obama, who has brought it even lower than the Rumsfeld-Cheney administration.

The depressing thing is that I don't even believe them; I suspect that Snowden might well in fact be tortured and mistreated if he were returned to the US."


"I think the thing that frosts me the most about the Snowden case is how the U.S. government is openly and shamelessly pursuing him when his "crime" was exposing the completely illegal and unconstitutional activities of the U.S. government. The government has become so emboldened that they don't feel the need to handle this in a more discreet way and in fact they want what happens to Edward to be a Lesson to All of Us. We the People have just been peed on. The flagrancy with which they are attempting to make a political prisoner out of Snowden is truly quite alarming."

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You know that anything you say, post, communicate--be it via e-mail, Internet, phone, or any other means of electronic transmission--can and will be used against you.

P.S.: I am not sure I even want to know the facts that Edward is holding back for now, supposedly as a form of "life insurance."

Reminds me of the Matrix: "You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."


Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.

But the letter did not say he won't be subject to enhanced interrogation.

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How is this any different than business as usual?

You tell people what they want to hear in order to get your way....

The ever shrinking world is much smaller than it was 30 years ago when a guy like Snowden would never have been a world headline...he would have been quietly taken care of...when we told Russia whatever they wanted to hear then (we will trade you for whatever)

Now we just have to pander to the masses a bit more and to be fair Holder was just refuting point for point the claims Snowden was making on his asylum application.

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I rest my case.
With people like you, the US will make out like a wiener.

P.S.: You wouldn't know the difference between a "wiener" and a "winner", anyways. Same thing.


How is this any different than business as usual?

You tell people what they want to hear in order to get your way....

The ever shrinking world is much smaller than it was 30 years ago when a guy like Snowden would never have been a world headline...he would have been quietly taken care of...when we told Russia whatever they wanted to hear then (we will trade you for whatever)

Now we just have to pander to the masses a bit more and to be fair Holder was just refuting point for point the claims Snowden was making on his asylum application.

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My only question is, if the AG just stated torture is illegal in the United Stasi of America, why the hell isn't Bush and his peons in prison for torturing ex-State Dept (CIA) employees, Saddam Hussein and Obama bin Laden (fake edit: I mean Osama, sorry the B & S are always so close together)?

GodSpeedSnowden, may the wind carry you far away and protect you from the modern day Gestapo.

Just want to remind the masses, the legal director for the United States Government & Co.'s legal dept is a FOOL!

"Give him back, Russia! :( he's lying! What you define as torture is not the same as our definition. We create our own definitions to benefit us, kinda like terrorism! Remember what that used to mean? Well it means what we say it does now because we use it all the time in conjunction with other un-important, unrelated words like 'al queida' and 'Osama' and 'Iraq' to create fear amongst the citizens so we can do what we want. You should try it, Russia, it's great! And the sheeple continue to let me take ALL their liberties!!! MUAAHAHAHAHA!!!"

NEWSFLASH - ERIC HOLDER - a terrorist is NOT someone who disagrees with oppressive government regimes!!!

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it isn't like it actually has changed at all. the only difference is now it is more widely known. remember the detainment camps in ww2? or the treatment of former slaves after the civil war? or the trail of tears? etc, etc....
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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******Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.


Sad, isn't it.

Utterly. Beyond shameful.

Well, in all fairness, Snowden claimed that he would face torture and/or the death penalty if he was returned to the US. It was part of his request for asylum.
This letter was, in part, to rebut that claim.

I do agree, however, that it's pretty pathetic that the US has to give assurances that he wouldn't face torture.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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******Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.

Sad, isn't it.
Utterly. Beyond shameful.

I get a small dose of the same feeling every time I see a movie in theaters and they have multiple trailer/PSAs to remind audience members not to take phone calls or text/tweet/post on Facebook with their phones during the movie.

"We don't... We don't really need to say that... do we?"

The really bizarre thing about this statement is, why is torture even a likely scenario in anybody's mind? The guy walked off with information the government already has.

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*********Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.


Sad, isn't it.

Utterly. Beyond shameful.

Well, in all fairness, Snowden claimed that he would face torture and/or the death penalty if he was returned to the US. It was part of his request for asylum.
This letter was, in part, to rebut that claim.

I do agree, however, that it's pretty pathetic that the US has to give assurances that he wouldn't face torture.

Even more pathetic that the assurances are being given to - let's call it what it is - the Soviets by merely a different brand-name - the very same Russians that kill dissidents abroad with polonium and imprison Pussy Riot musicians for dangerous sedition.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

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Well, let me chime in here.

The United States, the SELF-PROCLAIMED beacon of democracy, all the world should revel in. No more...

I can't believe I voted twice for Obama. He is worse than Bush. With Bush, we had hope that things could change. With Obama, now all hope has been lost...


************Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.


Sad, isn't it.

Utterly. Beyond shameful.

Well, in all fairness, Snowden claimed that he would face torture and/or the death penalty if he was returned to the US. It was part of his request for asylum.
This letter was, in part, to rebut that claim.

I do agree, however, that it's pretty pathetic that the US has to give assurances that he wouldn't face torture.

Even more pathetic that the assurances are being given to - let's call it what it is - the Soviets by merely a different brand-name - the very same Russians that kill dissidents abroad with polonium and imprison Pussy Riot musicians for dangerous sedition.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

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Well, let me chime in here.

The United States, the SELF-PROCLAIMED beacon of democracy, all the world should revel in. No more...

I can't believe I voted twice for Obama. He is worse than Bush. With Bush, we had hope that things could change. With Obama, now all hope has been lost...

***************Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.


Sad, isn't it.

Utterly. Beyond shameful.

Well, in all fairness, Snowden claimed that he would face torture and/or the death penalty if he was returned to the US. It was part of his request for asylum.
This letter was, in part, to rebut that claim.

I do agree, however, that it's pretty pathetic that the US has to give assurances that he wouldn't face torture.

Even more pathetic that the assurances are being given to - let's call it what it is - the Soviets by merely a different brand-name - the very same Russians that kill dissidents abroad with polonium and imprison Pussy Riot musicians for dangerous sedition.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Welcome back to reality. I'm glad you are here.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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*********Well stated. The US now has to tell the world we won't be torturing a specific person.

Sad, isn't it.
Utterly. Beyond shameful.

I get a small dose of the same feeling every time I see a movie in theaters and they have multiple trailer/PSAs to remind audience members not to take phone calls or text/tweet/post on Facebook with their phones during the movie.

"We don't... We don't really need to say that... do we?"

Yes, and even then there are people (mostly young) who don't think it applies to them.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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well, at least you've finally realized that all of them are basically the same. now, when can we count on you to join the revolution? that's the only way to actually change anything for the better. of course, it probably won't go anywhere. americans are too weak now, bunch of fucking pussies. oh, well. at least i can dream...
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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