WhatIsAUsername 0 #26 August 5, 2013 RobertMBlevins***I hope another 1000 NSA insiders come out and do the same thing he did and rat out he government for the corrupt paranoid idiots that they are., it might be what stops this madness. Okay...here's the problem with that statement: In the type of job Snowden had, when you take that job they make you sign stuff and swear an oath, just like they do when you go into any branch of the service. And when you do that of your own free will...you no longer get the privelege to make certain personal, moral-driven choices. It goes with the job you took. If you have a moral problem from something you see, or learn while you work that job, there are channels to be followed. Snowden knew that when he took the job. If you violate that oath, not only are there penalties, but you shame the memory of all those before you who died serving under basically that same oath. Which makes Snowden nothing more than a traitor to his country. Here's the problem(s) with that statement(s)... Snowden was employed by Booz Allen Hamilton, NOT the NSA. His firm was contracted by the NSA, similar to an excavator working for his company and getting contracted by the state to rehab the highway. Insinuating there's a parelell from that to a military oath are extremely far fetched. Regardless, lets assume what you said was the case... That oath swears (or affirms) to protect the Constitution of United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. Notice I said constitution, not country. Defending the constitution is to defend the morals and values America was founded on (those crazy, constantly sought after things called LIBERTIES); defending a 'country' implies landmass. Now, as for your statement (you're not the only one, there's thousands more just as confused) condemning him a traitor to his country.. The definitions of a traitor include: 1. one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty. Hmm, he's no different than Jorge Dubya Shrub. Either way, this doesn't make him a traitor to his country. Or... 2. one who commits treason. Lets look up the definition for treason. 1. the betrayal of a trust : treachery. Again, doesn't fit. Or.. 2. the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family. He never attempted, implied, suggested, or even hinted anything towards overthrowing ANY government entity... As for the killing part, that goes without saying... "Accordingly, I did what I believed right and began a campaign to correct this wrongdoing. I did not seek to enrich myself. I did not seek to sell US secrets. I did not partner with any foreign government to guarantee my safety. Instead, I took what I knew to the public, so what affects all of us can be discussed by all of us in the light of day, and I asked the world for justice." -Edward Snowden Now, can you explain how he is a traitor to his country? Hell, I'd be happy to hear how he's anymore of a traitor than you or I. Getting back to my original point... The problem(s) in your statement is/are you're (knowingly, or unknowingly, im not sure) justifying dictatorship! "Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." Nueremburg 1945 kelpdiverHe certainly chose Russia. You don't get from Hong Kong to Moscow by accident. For the reasons you listed right below. He didn't choose Russia. His right to travel was illegally revoked by his own government which rendered him stateless, midflight from Hong Kong to Moscow. Along with that, he was placed on a no fly list by his own government (which, coincidentally, includes ally's). On an international flight, in order to get airspace clearance, the entire manifest must be sent with request for airspace. Meaning, any and all american ally's the Aeroflot plane would've had to fly over would've, among other possible scenarios, denied them clearance. He didn't have a choice. And that was later proven when another country's PRESIDENTIAL airplane was grounded under mere speculation Snowden was on board - a rhetoric we've seen from Washington thousands of times. Edit: clearing up false information for the future readers. (Isn't this why we don't openly discuss certain skydiving skills with unknown persons, because being fed bologna can hurt you!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #27 August 5, 2013 WhatIsAUsername ***He certainly chose Russia. You don't get from Hong Kong to Moscow by accident. For the reasons you listed right below. He didn't choose Russia. His right to travel was illegally revoked by his own government which rendered him stateless, midflight from Hong Kong to Moscow. Along with that, he was placed on a no fly list by his own government (which, coincidentally, includes ally's). On an international flight, in order to get airspace clearance, the entire manifest must be sent with request for airspace. Meaning, any and all american ally's the Aeroflot plane would've had to fly over would've, among other possible scenarios, denied them clearance. (Great - yet another sock puppet) So to repeat your paragraph - midway through a flight he choose to take, his right to travel was revoked, thereby trapping him at the destination he elected to take? However, he did not choose it. Somehow. I'll ask this another way, since I don't fly between HK and Europe very much...is Moscow a typical stopover city? Seems very unlikely to me. And with most of his candidate nations in Latin America, it's going the wrong direction. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sfzombie13 324 #28 August 5, 2013 doesn't really matter whether he chose it or not, he got stuck there. and it wasn't his fault. but he got his asylum, and good for him. i just today talked to a woman whose son was a uav pilot. she said when he joined, he was super patriotic, but after serving his enlistment, he was almost ready to renounce his citizenship. it's typical of what happens to people with morals when they finally find out what goes on at the highest levels of govt. at least when i went in, i listened to my dad who warned me about it. and you can tell the ones who have no morals. they go really far in politics._________________________________________ Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #29 August 5, 2013 sfzombie13doesn't really matter whether he chose it or not, he got stuck there. and it wasn't his fault. It matters to at least someone (plus socks) here. And if it wasn't his 'fault,' then whose is it? He knew there would be consequences with the US, which is why he flew out to Hong Kong first. He apparently underestimated the extent of the consequences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennedy 0 #30 August 6, 2013 QuoteSnowden offered job at Russia's top social network Hours after the fugitive was given temporary asylum in Russia, the country's hugely popular VKontakte site offers him work as a programmer. It's likely that Russia's top social-networking site VKontakte won't be seeking references from previous employers when recruiting U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden to its staff. Despite being a wanted fugitive, Snowden appears to have no problem finding work. VKontakte offered Snowden a job as a programmer on Thursday, according to The New York Times. snipwitty subliminal message Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. 1* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 816 #31 October 6, 2015 He wants to come home. Russia must suck bad for him. This could get interesting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites