
Florida choirboy in custody

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hot and killed a child

That "child" would of most likely kicked your ass as well.


has had three different women accuse him

Key word ACCUSE. Not saying Zimmerman is a choirboy... But he was ACCUSED of murder and that charge did not stick (I know you ignore the FACT he was found not guilty.... But it is a fact).

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Don't mean to speak for Bill, just wanted to answer. He should get the same consideration as anyone else accused of the same crime...

this ^

the other stuff is -other- stuff. To be handled separately (or already addressed in court). Bill talked about him not shooting anyone else. I thought this incident was about him being accused of beating on someone. Not shooting.

take each accusation one at a time, trial fairly - no 'special' treatment pro or con. Only guilty verdicts get to be used in establishing a trend of behavior.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Key word ACCUSE. Not saying Zimmerman is a choirboy... But he was ACCUSED of murder and that charge did not stick (I know you ignore the FACT he was found not guilty.... But it is a fact).

I always forget the fact that GZ & OJ were both found not guilty, and therefore should be accorded all due respect. I'm certain the behavior that GZ exhibits in the future will prove all of his detractors wrong about his character and not being a valued member of society.

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Key word ACCUSE. Not saying Zimmerman is a choirboy... But he was ACCUSED of murder and that charge did not stick (I know you ignore the FACT he was found not guilty.... But it is a fact).

I always forget the fact that GZ & OJ were both found not guilty, and therefore should be accorded all due respect. I'm certain the behavior that GZ exhibits in the future will prove all of his detractors wrong about his character and not being a valued member of society.

actually that's true - 'not guilty' has to mean just that

future behavior will be future behavior and judged as is. Anything else is emotional pouting - not justice. (now if new evidence on closed issues comes to light, that's another topic, isn't it)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>That "child" would of most likely kicked your ass as well.

Right - and this "choirboy" most likely would have killed you. Your point?

> Not saying Zimmerman is a choirboy... But he was ACCUSED of murder and that
>charge did not stick

Yep. Yet Martin, with an even cleaner record, is considered a dangerous criminal deserving of death. Odd.

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It's ironic that more than one of the regular posters here claim that GZ saved us all from the mayhem that TM was certainly going to unleash one day upon society.

What else needs to be said about a guy who has had three different women accuse him of violence and who also shot and killed a child.

He's a pussy.

Yes, TM was such a tiny little thing: http://www.hlntv.com/video/2012/05/18/video-last-moments-trayvon-martins-life
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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>That "child" would of most likely kicked your ass as well.

Right - and this "choirboy" most likely would have killed you. Your point?

> Not saying Zimmerman is a choirboy... But he was ACCUSED of murder and that
>charge did not stick

Yep. Yet Martin, with an even cleaner record, is considered a dangerous criminal deserving of death. Odd.

read up thread bill. this has all been hashed out over the last what, 9 pages?

here, I'll rehash it again for you. hispanic guy stalks black kid through his neighborhood because he looks suspicions. ignores suggestions of 911 operator and gets out of the car. black kid, meanwhile, has circled around after noticing he was being checked out. Jumps hispanic guy, fight ensues, hispanic guy, fearing for his life, shoots black kid. Local cops question hispanic guy, and neighbor who saw the fight. Release hispanic guy without charging him. The court of media quickly and without facts convicts hispanic guy, important black guy pulls strings to get local cops to press charges. DA does half-assed job, hispanic guy found innocent. result? shit ton of butt-hurt people everywhere. (9 pages of butt-hurt just here)


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Or he was justified in the TM case and all the crap thrown at him messed with his head. Spike Lee attempted to tweet his address to people who wanted to kill him.

The stress of the shooting and its aftermath isn't a valid rationalization for the alleged events. It could explain him verbally snapping with a short temper, and maybe you could invoke it for a shove. But waving a gun, or nailing a used target to the door, or punching people in the face....nah, it's called assault.

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Listened to parts of the calls.

the girlfriend didn't sound like a terrified woman being threatened with a gun.

she sounded like a pissed off crazy woman

I bet the stuff up to that first call was weird and wild

in the movie versions - GZ will likely be played by Adam Sandler. he's likely kind of a creep. and either is a really bad guy but a genius actor - or the most unlucky guy in recent history. either way, he makes really bad choices.

He should just move to a small, isolated island and read books

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Local news bit

Interesting to note that no weapons were found in the search of the home.

Not all that interesting considering that GZ told police the guns were locked in a safe and the police were now obtaining a search warrant.


The sheriff's office was seeking a search warrant to look for two guns deputies believed were inside the home, he said. According to the police report, Zimmerman had locked up the guns before police arrived.


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Ya know, I think he was dead fucking wrong in the TM case. I really do. I also think he's unequipped to deal with the aftermath of major negative and major positive notoriety from that, and is taking it out on whoever and whatever is closest. Few people are equipped for that.

He needs therapy more than he needs jail.

Wendy P.

Maybe some Jail Therapy!:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I always forget the fact that GZ & OJ were both found not guilty, and therefore should be accorded all due respect.

You might want to remember that lots of people are found not guilty.


I'm certain the behavior that GZ exhibits in the future will prove all of his detractors wrong about his character and not being a valued member of society.

His past is his past. Unless you think both Clinton and Obama smoking pot should be held against them now.

In the end, a jury found Zimmerman not guilty. You may not like the fact, but it is a fact.

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Right - and this "choirboy" most likely would have killed you. Your point?

False, I don't make it a habit to attack people and try to bash their head in.


Yep. Yet Martin, with an even cleaner record, is considered a dangerous criminal deserving of death. Odd.

The EVIDENCE pointed to Martin on top of Zimmerman and hitting him in the head while bashing his head into the ground.

Again, you might want to read up on Zimmerman being found *NOT GUILTY*.

You may not like it, but it happened.

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The stress of the shooting and its aftermath isn't a valid rationalization for the alleged events. It could explain him verbally snapping with a short temper, and maybe you could invoke it for a shove. But waving a gun, or nailing a used target to the door, or punching people in the face....nah, it's called assault.

Police did not find a gun the first time they were called about Zimmerman "waving a gun". So far, they have not found a gun here as far as I have read. It is pretty common in domestic abuse cases for one side to lie about what the other did. I had a buddy have the police called on him by his GF and she told the police that he 'hit her with a gun'.... The problem is that he has NEVER owned a gun in his life. They also didn't find a gun anywhere in his house and days later she admitted she made it up.

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The stress of the shooting and its aftermath isn't a valid rationalization for the alleged events. It could explain him verbally snapping with a short temper, and maybe you could invoke it for a shove. But waving a gun, or nailing a used target to the door, or punching people in the face....nah, it's called assault.

Police did not find a gun the first time they were called about Zimmerman "waving a gun". So far, they have not found a gun here as far as I have read. It is pretty common in domestic abuse cases for one side to lie about what the other did. I had a buddy have the police called on him by his GF and she told the police that he 'hit her with a gun'.... The problem is that he has NEVER owned a gun in his life. They also didn't find a gun anywhere in his house and days later she admitted she made it up.

hence, the use of the word "alleged,"

But I was addressing your rationalization that if he did these things, it was because he broke under the stress he was subjected to by the lynch mob. I reject this argument. He's a big boy, took his lumps, and can move forward. If not, then he probably should give up those weapons for a bit before he is legally forced to.

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>False, I don't make it a habit to attack people and try to bash their head in.

Bet you don't make it a habit to pursue people through developments with a gun after the cops tell you not to, either - so it probably doesn't apply to you in either case.

>Again, you might want to read up on Zimmerman being found *NOT GUILTY*.

Yep. So was OJ Simpson. They are both NOT GUILTY.

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Bet you don't make it a habit to pursue people through developments with a gun after the cops tell you not to, either - so it probably doesn't apply to you in either case.

Any chance we could retire this lie, once and for all? Surely, Bill, you don't want to be a liar here. You're above that.

911 dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah.
911 dispatcher: OK. We don’t need you to do that.

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more reasons to suggest that GZ stay single for a while. Seems to pick the crazies, demonstrated by their actions, and the fact that they choose to date him in the first place.

(And if he is as broke as he claims to be, she's the one paying for dinner)

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more reasons to suggest that GZ stay single for a while. Seems to pick the crazies, demonstrated by their actions, and the fact that they choose to date him in the first place.

Is there any proof that she's actually been doing what she's accused of?
Owned by Remi #?

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more reasons to suggest that GZ stay single for a while. Seems to pick the crazies, demonstrated by their actions, and the fact that they choose to date him in the first place.

Is there any proof that she's actually been doing what she's accused of?

Individually, mixed. Collectively, there is a pattern of smoke that both he and any prospective new gf should be wary of. I think I've made one 911 call in my life, and it was a person that suddenly fell to the ground. These folks can't go 3 months without calling.

We do know the wife claimed over the phone there was a gun, and then recanted it within the day.

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Bet you don't make it a habit to pursue people through developments with a gun after the cops tell you not to, either - so it probably doesn't apply to you in either case.

Well, he was not told "not to", he was told, "we don't need you to do that".

Facts are important.


>Again, you might want to read up on Zimmerman being found *NOT GUILTY*.

Yep. So was OJ Simpson. They are both NOT GUILTY.

I am not the one claiming OJ or Zimmerman was guilty. You are.

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The stress of the shooting and its aftermath isn't a valid rationalization for the alleged events. It could explain him verbally snapping with a short temper, and maybe you could invoke it for a shove. But waving a gun, or nailing a used target to the door, or punching people in the face....nah, it's called assault.

Police did not find a gun the first time they were called about Zimmerman "waving a gun". So far, they have not found a gun here as far as I have read. It is pretty common in domestic abuse cases for one side to lie about what the other did. I had a buddy have the police called on him by his GF and she told the police that he 'hit her with a gun'.... The problem is that he has NEVER owned a gun in his life. They also didn't find a gun anywhere in his house and days later she admitted she made it up.


Five guns WERE in the house. Locked in a case when police got inside the house but who knows when they were put in the case.

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"George Zimmerman had five guns and more than 100 rounds of ammunition with him when deputies arrested him earlier this month on domestic violence charges, according to court documents released Tuesday."

ooh, so dramatic. I'm shocked he has so little.

So now we know there was a shotgun in the house, though that still gives us little confirmation on whose accounting of the events was truthful. The part about him barricading the home and delaying (?) LEOs entry could be suggestive, or again could be factually challenged reporting.

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