WhatIsAUsername 0 #1 September 13, 2013 Anyone ever bank with Wachovia before they abruptly closed the doors? The truth lies within... Enjoy. Just how big is the underground drug market? The little known secret of banking is that some of the world’s most powerful banks have always depended on black-market money – including drug money – to survive. To understand the depth of corruption in today’s banking industry, it is useful to look at some of the key points in banking history. Sometime around 300 BCE, the Roman Republic establishes the first global currency in the form of metal coins. Gold and silver coins are minted in Rome, while bronze and copper coins are minted around the Empire. After Rome gradually drains all of the silver out of its “silver” coins, inflation sets in and its western empire collapses, opening the door for a new global banking authority. Founded in 1119, the Kinghts Templar are a religious order granted a papal exemption from usury laws. This highly secretive order begins operations by generating “letters of credit” for pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. After falling deeply in debt to the Templars the King of France outlaws the order and attempts to seize its assets on Friday, October 13, 1307. The Templars’ French Grandmasters are tortured and executed, but much of their gold simply vanishes. In 1400, the Medici Bank in Florence, Italy, invents double-entry bookkeeping and becomes the world’s biggest bank for generations, famous for persecuting Jews and undertaking murder plots against other banking families in Italy, a country where banking continues to reign supreme for several more centuries. Meanwhile, the Jewish del Bancos become a dominant banking family in Venice until they’re forced to flee to Warbug, Germany, in the 16th century. The family adopts the name “Warburg” and becomes a powerful financial dynasty. Several centuries later, one of its scions – Paul Warburg – will become known as the “father of the Federal Reserve.” In the 1500s, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Spain institutionalizes “fractional reserve” banking, which means banks are allowed to loan out more money that they have on deposit, thereby creating new money as debt. In 1600, several prominent British families band together to create a cartel known as the British East India Company. Like the Templars, this company will eventually maintain its own armies, forts and conquered lands. The East India Company trades in cotton, silk and tea, but its biggest profits, the opium must be smuggled into China, where black-market prices prevail. The Bank of Amsterdam is created in 1609 and becomes the only bank whose charter demands a 100 percent (as opposed to fractional) reserve – system that lasts for 170 years. The Bank of England is created in 1964 and immediately becomes Britain’s central bank and the model on which all future central banks will be founded. It’s a private bank with an exclusive government contract. In 171, Sir Isaac Newton establishes a mint ratio that devalues silver, putting England on the gold standard. In the early 1700’s, banker and goldsmith Mayer Rothschild has the brilliant idea of relocating his sons to five banking centers in Europe, thereby carefully spreading their wealth around to protect it from the sort of seizure that destroyed the Templars. Meanwhile, during a trip to England, Benjamin Franklin as asked why the American colonies seemingly have no unemployment while mother England is full of homeless beggars. He replies: “In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called ‘colonial Scrip.’ We control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one.” This comes as a surprise to the British bankers, who quickly demand that colonial scrip be outlawed, cutting the colonies’ money supply in half. In 1785, not long after the Revolutionary War, the US adopts a silver standard. The biggest controversy of the new nation concerns whether to establish a privately help central bank. Alexander Hamilton lobbies for it, while Thomas Jefferson argues strongly against it. The first Bank of the United States is created in 1792. Public outcry is so great, however, that it dissolves in 1811. In Europe, the Rothschilds – generally considered the most successful banking family in history – gain significan power after the Battle of Waterloo by spreading rumors of a Napoleonic victory, which creates an exploitable financial panic. The second Bank of the United States is created in 1816 by President James Madison and Lasts until 1833, when it is killed be President Andrew Jackson. There is no central bank in the US for the next 73 years. Jackson will always consider killing the central bank his greatest achievement. In 1832, the Order of the Skull and Bones is created at Yale University. It’s the first American branch of an elite German secret society. Many of the original members come from families involved with the East India Company’s opium cartel. In 1857, a banking panic spreads throughout North America as the economy sours and several banks fail. Former Tories who had supported England during the Revolutionary War quietly fund the abolitionist movement. Unfortunately, President Abraham Lincoln goes along with emerging war plans. However, Lincoln refuses to borrow money since the banks demand over 20% interest. Lincoln prints his own debt-free paper money, dubbed “greenbanks.” After the Civil War, J.P. Morgan emerges as the dominant financial power in North America due to his war profiteering (including trafficking in defective weapons). But morgan isn’t along: The Rockefellers, Carnegies, Mellons and many other names from the ‘Social Register’ all make fortunes during and after the Civil War, and almost all are devoted Anglophiles with deep connections to British banks. England continues on the gold standard, while the United States remains on a bimetallic standard (gold and silver). But in 1873, in what becomes known as the “crime of 73,” Congress demonetizes silver. In 1896, William Jennings Bryan runs for president, campaigning to restore the bimetallic standard. His opponent, William McKinley, is the approved candidate of Wall Street. Bryan becomes known as “the lion” for his fiery speeches, so McKinley brands him the “cowardly lion” on account of his opposition to war. “The Wizard of Oz” is an allegory for this famous struggle and provides the inspiration for the same character. In 1871, the privately help Reichsbank becomes the central bank of the newly created German empire, replacing 31 separate Prussian central banks, all of which had been issuing money. In 1910, Senator Nelson Aldrich organizes a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. The meeting includes Paul Warburg, Frank Vanderlip, Henry P. Davison, Charles Norton, and Benjamin Strong. Warburg is the primary architect of a plan for a private banking cartel in the US. Later that year, an economic depression occurs following enforcement of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, while in 1911, the Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil, at the time the largest corporation in the world. The Federal Reserve Act is passed on December 23, 1913, while most of congress is on holiday. It is hyped as protection against future depressions. Hamburg banker Max Warburg (brother of Paul) becomes chief advisor to the German Kaiser Wilhelm II at the start of World War I. Meanwhile, in 1915, the US “robber barons” pool their funds to create the American International Corporation (AIC). In March 1917, Czar Nicolas II of Russia abdicates following the February Revolution. Germany and Wall Street back the exiled Bolsheviks to return to Russia and subvert the democracy that is spontaneously emerging. In April 1917, the US enters World War I. Six months later, the fully funded October counterrevolution sweets Lenin into Power. In 1925, I.G. Farben is formed through the merger of six major corporations in Germany and instantly becomes the dominant corporation in Europe, referred to simply as “the cartel.” It’s the fourth largest corporation in the world, behind only General Motors, US Steel and the downsized Standard Oil. In 1928, the Federal Reserve begins raising interest rates to slow market speculation. One year later, Wall Street crashes, creating the Great Depression. In 1930, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is formed in Basel, Switzerland, ostensibly to facilitate German war reparations. Actually, however, BIS is designed to function as a central bank to privately held central banks. Participating countries are required to stockpile gold in Basel, and this gold is used to settle debts between nations. By international treaty, BIS is immune from government interference or taxation and can never be audited. From its inception, the leadership of BIS is dominated by the powerful Nazis who have just assumed control of Germany. In 1934, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner Major General Smedley Butler tries to blow the whistle on a Wall Street plot to remove President Franklin Roosevelt and establish a military dictatorship in the US. Butler pretends to go along with this plot in order to identify the major sponsors and then presents his evidence to an embarrassed Congress, which immediately goes into private session and circles the wagons to protect the guilty. The following year, Butler publishes his book “War is Racket.” L.G. Farben becomes a major sponsor and chief corporate cheerleader for Adolf Hitler’s conquests. At the start of World War II, the company holds more shares of Standard Oil than any other except the Rockefeller family. Strangely, many Wall Street companies continue to do business with Germany throughout the war, most notably Standard Oil. The Luftwaffe, in fact, is dependent on fuel from Standard Oil. Immediately after the war, American forces are headquartered at I.G. Farben’s main office while hundreds of Nazi war criminals, scientists and intelligence operatives are aided in disappearing into North and South America. Those that remain in Europe are recruited into a secret stay-behind network dubbed “Gladio” to foment both left- and right-wing terror operations during the Cold War. According to former SS Commander Paul Hausser, the foreign divisions of the Nazi SS become the foundation for NATO. During the war, Germans and Japanese systematically steal gold from occupied countries now worth trillions of dollars, almost all of which disappears. Much of the German gold is washed through BIS, while the Japanese gold is slowly recovered from booby-trapped burial sites in the Philippines. Military intelligence operative Paul Helliwell is involved in this recovery. Completely cloaked via national-security policy, this “Black Eagle Fund” is devised and orchestrated by Henry Stimson, a member of Yale’s Skull and Bones. In 1951, Helliwell sets up the Sea Supply Corporation to provide weapons to Taiwan and Thailand. The company immediately becomes involved with opium. In 1952, the Reece Committee on Tax-Exempt Foundatinos is created by Congress to investigate support by major corporate foundations for communism. Banker Norman Dodd is appointed chief investigator and eventually concludes that the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations are deliberately weakening individual freedoms in order to allow central government to assume greater power. In June 1963, President John J. Kennedy instructs his Treasury Secretary to issue $4Billion in debt free silver certificates. JFK plans to end the oil industry’s depletion allowance and “break the CIA into a thousand pieces.” David Rockefeller writes an op-ed in the New Your Times blasting JFK policies. Kennedy will be dead a few months later. In 1964, Helliwell creates the Castle Bank in Freeport, the Bahamas, although the bank won’t be operational for another three years. It soon becomes the bank of choice for the CIA and organized crime, especially Meyer Lansky. An IRS investigation into the bank is quickly shut down. In 1973, the Nugan Hand bank is founded in Sydney, Australia, by an Australian mobster and former Green Beret involved in the opium trade. It will become the CIA and Mafia’s favorite bank for many years following the demise of Castle Bank. Nugan Hand creates branches around the world run by retired high-ranking military officers. When a scandal breaks out regarding the bank’s involvement in Australian politics, Frank Nugan is murdered and Michael Hand vanishes. The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) was registered in Luxembourg by a Pakistani financier in 1972. After the fall of Nugan Hand, however, it quickly becomes the seventh-largest private bank in the world, with 400 branches in 78 countries. BCCI is heavily involved with thet CIA and organized crime in money laundering, drug running, illegal arms sales, and terrorism. In 1980, Charlotte Iserbyt, senior policy advisor in the Office of Education Research, has a chance encounter with Nroman Dodd and becomes so upset with the corruption of the education system that she publishes “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.” Iserbyt leaks her father’s Skull and Bones membership directory to economist Antony Sutton, who has been exposing Wall Street’s connections to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. In 1982, CIA director William Casey gets a legal exemption sparing any members of the CIA from reporting on drug smuggling by CIA officers, agents or assets. In 1986, famed drug runner Barry Seal – who has threatened to Blow the whistle on CIA drug smuggling – is murdered in Baton Rouge, LA, after Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North reveals Seal’s work as an informant in the Iran-contra hearings, which are controlled by Bonesman John Kerry. In 1988, Pan Am 103 blows up over Scotland. The plane carries four intelligence agents returning to Washington, DC, to blow the whistle on controlled deliveries of heroin out of the Bekaa Valley. Pan Am learns this after hiring former Mossad agent Juval Aviv to investigate the incident. In 1990, Pete Brewton of the Houston Post uncovers evidence linking the CIA and Mafia to the looting of dozens of savings-and-loans over the previous decade. The bailout of the failed savings-and-loan industry eventually costs the US taxpayers more than the Vietnam War. In 1991, after the British media reports that BCCI is providing arms to Iran and funding terrorists, the bank is forced to close and liquidate. BCCI pays $10 MILLION in fines and forfeits $550MILLION in American ASSETS. It goes down as the largest forfeiture in history. In 1996, investigative reporter Gary Webb publishes evidence linking the spread of crack in Los Angeles to the CIA’s contra-supply network. He is crucified in the media and loses him journalism career. Although no on will ever disprove a single one of his reported facts, Webb later commits suicide after defaulting on his mortgage. In 1999, Alexander Hamilton’s prestigious Bank of New York is discovered laundering billions for Semion Mogilevich, the Meyer Lansky of Russia. The bank eventually pays a paltry #38 MILLION to settle two criminal probes against it. At the time, the case is dubbed “the biggest financial scandal of all time,” but not a single member of the bank’s executive staff is indicted. Court records reveal interactions between bank executives and organized-crime figures, as well as massive worldwide fraud, drug and weapon trafficking, and murder-for-hire. Billions transferred through the International Monetary Fund and intended for Russia remain unaccounted for. On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfield goes on national television to admit that the Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 TRILLION – a story that evaporates the following day as essential financial records at the Pentagon are destroyed on 9/11. Between 2003 and 2004, $9BILLION goes missing from Federal Reserve transfers to Iraq. Apparently, the missing money belongs to Iraq. In 2005, whistler-blower Marin Woods exposes massive drug-money laundering inside Wachovia Bank. The complex court case drags on for years. In 2006, Felipe Calderon becomes president of Mexico and vows to capture or kill the country’s drug lords and their associates, setting off a brutal wave of violence that takes 40,000 lives over the next five years, though it will have little impact on drug distribution. In July 2007, the Mexican drug cartels abruptly stop feeding cash into the global banking system, possibly fearing confiscation. Exactly one month later, many banks line up at the New York Federal Reserve’s discount window for injections of cash – a sign of impending crisis that inadvertently initiates a silent run which will blow up the housing bubble and threaten to bring down the global financial system. Congress commits around $4TRILLION for bailouts. The Federal Reserve demands total secrecy, but Antonio Maria Costa, head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, admits that over $300BILLION in drug money is used to rescue the system. Costa declines to identify the banks involved and says the drug money is now “part of the official system.” In 2009, Wachovia finally settles. The bank confesses to laundering $378BILLION in drug profits over several years. But it pays only $160MILLION in fines, which represents less that 2 percent of its annual profits. Unfortunately, this is probably just the top of the iceberg. International banking is dirty business and has been for a long time. Apparently, it’s not a problem as long as the drug lords and local mafias use CIA-cnnected banks. Over the last few generations, however, the corruption involved in these operations seems to have grown, judging by the size of the crimes being committed. One wonders what our real economy might look like without all this thievery to drag it down. Rest assured, banks will continue to pay nominal fines if caught laundering drug money, while most banks will never get caught. Why would they, when no whistle-blower has ever emerged victorious and the taxpayers are always available to pick up the tab? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites