
Kudos to Paul Ryan

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Ryan is the latest republican to be open to compromise on the budget. And he's going about it the right way - by actually meeting with the president and suggesting areas for negotiation, rather than adding fuel to the fire with the usual bullshit rhetoric.

From WaPo:
Now Mr. Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee and a former vice presidential candidate, has offered a different approach, although he doesn’t explicitly label it that way. In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, Mr. Ryan proposes negotiations not over Obamacare but about “common-sense reforms of the country’s entitlement programs and tax code.”

This is what both sides should be talking about. Unreformed entitlement programs, including Social Security and Medicare, will drive the country deeper and deeper into debt, as a recent Congressional Budget Office analysis showed; meanwhile, Congress and Mr. Obama have agreed to unsustainably deep cuts in all other spending, including defense, education, parks and many other programs. Mr. Ryan says some of those cuts could be undone in exchange for reforms to Medicare and Social Security, including some that Mr. Obama included in his budget. There should be common ground.

“This isn’t a grand bargain,” Mr. Ryan writes, sensibly. A commitment to make progress on these issues, accompanied by a reopening of the government and a temporary extension of the debt ceiling, could offer a way out.

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>Yes, it's good to see the President has dropped his stupid hardline stance against

He actually hasn't changed his stance. But don't let that get in the way of a good slam. After all, it's always Obama's fault no matter what the facts.

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