Boogers 0 #26 February 24, 2014 kallendSo why is it that the conservatives only get all upset about raising the debt it when a black Dem president is in office, but GAVE A PASS to every GOP president who did it on an even greater scale? HYPOCRISY is the answer - just look in the mirror. Okay, so let's say you're correct, that conservatives are guilty of hypocrisy for not complaining about Bush's spending, while complaining about Obama's spending. Now, by the same token, aren't liberals equally as guilty, for complaining about Bush's spending, but not complaining about Obama's spending? I await your thoughtful reply. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airdvr 210 #27 February 24, 2014 You'll be waiting a long time for that response. Spending...hmmm...what branch of government controls spending? We like to put a target on the President for this when it's actually a congressional problem. Not one of them, D or R has the balls or moral fortitude to do what's right for the country anymore. They are only interested in what's good for their constituents or themselves (getting re-elected)...and I'll venture to say that given a choice they'd vote for themselves over their constituency 9 out of 10 times. So who's to blame? Ultimately we are for allowing these douchebags to stay in office. What needs to happen is a culture change. We need some way to make being elected to congress not quite the lottery win that it's become.Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #28 February 25, 2014 marks2065 ***You do not read graphs well do you.... Debt under President Carter ( which pissed me the F#@# off and caused me to vote for Ronnie RayGun) was 800 BILLION. Please tell me about GOP fiscal responsibility and SMALL government again??? Orwellian NewSpeak at its best. If 800 billion pissed you off, how does almost 9 trillion? come on, you can do it, tell us how you really feel now.It really pisses me off.. BUT.. I realize WHY it that high.. Your Hero... DOUBLED the debt AND set the laws in motion to essentially TRIPLE IT... yes.. that is right.. Bush. With his PNAC policy of handing everything to his rich buddies of the 1%.. AND taking us to a completely unnecessary war in Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan ( President Bush.. "OH LOOK something OILY and that man tried to kill my daddy") "Hey Dick lets have a war in an oil rich country to destabilize the world oil market.. then all our thousands of crap ass wells all over teh Intermountain West that are producing $20 a barrel will be profitable at $100 a barrel.. yeah that's the ticket... we are all gonna be rich." If numbnutz would have left the tax structure and programs as Clinton left it.. there would now be no deficit. What really must gall you and your fellow travelers is the black guy has grown spending less in real terms as a percentage than as all three of your GOP Small government/ Fiscal responsibility hero's . They would not have been lying to all you faithful now would they??? Yall can stick this in the ole GOP krak pipe and light it up.....inhale deeply. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grue 1 #29 February 25, 2014 airdvr We need some way to make being elected to congress not quite the lottery win that it's become. Term limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start, as well as some system to make sure they're not pocketing bribes from lobbyists and interest groups.cavete terrae. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labrys 0 #30 February 25, 2014 Quoteterm limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start You actually think that time and money drive policy to benefit people who don't have time or money? ROFLMAOOwned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grue 1 #31 February 25, 2014 labrysQuoteterm limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start You actually think that time and money drive policy to benefit people who don't have time or money? ROFLMAO Of course not, and that's not how I intended for it to be taken. I bet changes like those would change the type of people who'd seek the offices, though. Frankly the issue lies with the idea that being a politician should be a career choice. We shouldn't be putting people who have never had a real job into office, we should be working to get people who've lived in the real world to help improve the world they came from. Not a bunch of shitlords with law degrees feeding on the country.cavete terrae. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #32 February 25, 2014 grue*** We need some way to make being elected to congress not quite the lottery win that it's become. Term limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start, as well as some system to make sure they're not pocketing bribes from lobbyists and interest groups. Stop the money.. period.. I remember a time when a "Lobbyist" would have been put in jail for bribery... which what it is.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #33 February 25, 2014 Ok I get it, it is all good when it is your guy spending the money. so it is not the bankrupting of America that is bad, it is what path we go down while doing it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #34 February 25, 2014 Boogers***So why is it that the conservatives only get all upset about raising the debt it when a black Dem president is in office, but GAVE A PASS to every GOP president who did it on an even greater scale? HYPOCRISY is the answer - just look in the mirror. Okay, so let's say you're correct, that conservatives are guilty of hypocrisy for not complaining about Bush's spending, while complaining about Obama's spending. Now, by the same token, aren't liberals equally as guilty, for complaining about Bush's spending, but not complaining about Obama's spending? I await your thoughtful reply. The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, has suddenly become bad.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boogers 0 #35 February 25, 2014 grue*** We need some way to make being elected to congress not quite the lottery win that it's become. Term limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start, as well as some system to make sure they're not pocketing bribes from lobbyists and interest groups. How about for every percent they spend over a balanced budget, their own salaries are REDUCED by that same percent. They only way to make these fat cats quit spending everyone else's money that we don't have, is to hit them in their own pocketbooks. Spend 10% more than what a balanced budget would be - take a 10% pay cut! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boogers 0 #36 February 25, 2014 kallend******So why is it that the conservatives only get all upset about raising the debt it when a black Dem president is in office, but GAVE A PASS to every GOP president who did it on an even greater scale? HYPOCRISY is the answer - just look in the mirror. Okay, so let's say you're correct, that conservatives are guilty of hypocrisy for not complaining about Bush's spending, while complaining about Obama's spending. Now, by the same token, aren't liberals equally as guilty, for complaining about Bush's spending, but not complaining about Obama's spending? I await your thoughtful reply. The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, has suddenly become bad. So then you APPROVED of Bush's deficit spending! Oh, and you didn't answer MY question: Aren't liberals equally as guilty? To answer YOUR question: Because there comes a point when you have too much debt, and the payments on those debts are too high. A reasonable amount of debt can be a good way to fund projects based upon future revenue. But we're in so deep now, that there's no end in sight... We're spending 223 BILLION per year just on interest! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #37 February 25, 2014 marks2065 Ok I get it, it is all good when it is your guy spending the money. so it is not the bankrupting of America that is bad, it is what path we go down while doing it. Reading is FUNdamental Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #38 February 25, 2014 QuoteWe're spending 223 BILLION per year just on interest! Well then.. since the "debt" interest breaks down to mostly being held by our own government and US public holdings ( Foreign is NOT the major player to get payments) that is still part of our economy. But for the fact reading challenged... lets use pretty pictures just like comic books. How did the US Get to 14.3 ( latest pretty picture) Mandatory spending Debt chart (This is why we can't have nice things) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #39 February 25, 2014 AmazonQuoteWe're spending 223 BILLION per year just on interest! Well then.. since the "debt" interest breaks down to mostly being held by our own government and US public holdings ( Foreign is NOT the major player to get payments) that is still part of our economy. But for the fact reading challenged... lets use pretty pictures just like comic books. How did the US Get to 14.3 ( latest pretty picture) Mandatory spending Debt chart (This is why we can't have nice things) What party wrote and passed the spending bills in congress? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #40 February 25, 2014 marks2065***QuoteWe're spending 223 BILLION per year just on interest! Well then.. since the "debt" interest breaks down to mostly being held by our own government and US public holdings ( Foreign is NOT the major player to get payments) that is still part of our economy. But for the fact reading challenged... lets use pretty pictures just like comic books. How did the US Get to 14.3 ( latest pretty picture) Mandatory spending Debt chart (This is why we can't have nice things) What party wrote and passed the spending bills in congress? All of that was from 2001 to 2009... budgets from the Shrub.. without the niceties of paying for a couple wars.. because.. well.. the "oil would pay for that" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
winsor 236 #41 February 26, 2014 Boogers****** We need some way to make being elected to congress not quite the lottery win that it's become. Term limits and pegging their salary to the national average would be a good start, as well as some system to make sure they're not pocketing bribes from lobbyists and interest groups. How about for every percent they spend over a balanced budget, their own salaries are REDUCED by that same percent. They only way to make these fat cats quit spending everyone else's money that we don't have, is to hit them in their own pocketbooks. Spend 10% more than what a balanced budget would be - take a 10% pay cut! Since the laws written by Congress tend to exempt them from acts that would put mere mortals behind bars (think Martha Stewart), the game is rigged such that the majority of legislators could do without their congressional paycheck and still wind up very well to do indeed. A draft system for legislative office akin to the Athenian model might be a start. Your average Parking Meter Reader or Heavy Equipment Operator could hardly do worse than the morons we elect as it is. You get one term and you're out. A Sundown clause on legislation would help. After X amount of time, 'bad' laws would go away and 'good' laws would be renewed. As it is, dull-witted legislation, passed through subterfuge, becomes sacrosanct. Unfortunately, I suspect we are beyond the tipping point. Whatever we do at this point, the question is not whether we are screwed so much as when and how bad. BSBD, Winsor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #42 February 26, 2014 marks2065***QuoteWe're spending 223 BILLION per year just on interest! Well then.. since the "debt" interest breaks down to mostly being held by our own government and US public holdings ( Foreign is NOT the major player to get payments) that is still part of our economy. But for the fact reading challenged... lets use pretty pictures just like comic books. How did the US Get to 14.3 ( latest pretty picture) Mandatory spending Debt chart (This is why we can't have nice things) What party wrote and passed the spending bills in congress? Deficits have 2 dimensions. Which party wrote the bills that so unwisely reduced government revenues while at the same time increasing spending? Hint, it wasn't the Dems.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #43 February 26, 2014 Boogers*********So why is it that the conservatives only get all upset about raising the debt it when a black Dem president is in office, but GAVE A PASS to every GOP president who did it on an even greater scale? HYPOCRISY is the answer - just look in the mirror. Okay, so let's say you're correct, that conservatives are guilty of hypocrisy for not complaining about Bush's spending, while complaining about Obama's spending. Now, by the same token, aren't liberals equally as guilty, for complaining about Bush's spending, but not complaining about Obama's spending? I await your thoughtful reply. The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, has suddenly become bad. So then you APPROVED of Bush's deficit spending! No. When the economy is in good shape government should save. Only when the economy is in bad shape should government deficit spend. Bush spent and spent when he should have been saving. The debt more than doubled under GWB who not only increased spending, he also very unwisely reduced revenues when measure in real terms. Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #44 February 26, 2014 kallend************So why is it that the conservatives only get all upset about raising the debt it when a black Dem president is in office, but GAVE A PASS to every GOP president who did it on an even greater scale? HYPOCRISY is the answer - just look in the mirror. Okay, so let's say you're correct, that conservatives are guilty of hypocrisy for not complaining about Bush's spending, while complaining about Obama's spending. Now, by the same token, aren't liberals equally as guilty, for complaining about Bush's spending, but not complaining about Obama's spending? I await your thoughtful reply. The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, has suddenly become bad. So then you APPROVED of Bush's deficit spending! No. When the economy is in good shape government should save. Only when the economy is in bad shape should government deficit spend. Bush spent and spent when he should have been saving. The debt more than doubled under GWB who not only increased spending, he also very unwisely reduced revenues when measure in real terms. Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, but I was asking, because I already know, who wrote and passed the bills that caused the overspending. I know that Polosi was the speaker when over 6 trillion of deficit spending was passed. You and Amazon keep blaming Bush and he did sign some of the overspending bills leaving him to blame, but doesn't the speaker and their party hold some blame? they could have easily stopped the overspending before Bush even got the chance to sign the bill. Gingrich did this under Clinton. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #45 February 26, 2014 marks2065Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #46 February 26, 2014 kallend***Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower? Over spending is not always bad, not paying off the debt or paying more than 10% of you income to interest is bad. most of the programs that the Dem's want to run could be paid for just with what we are paying in interest. This government is overspending by 30-50% of what they take in. A lot of the money has ended up in the hands of people that helped get Obama elected and has been wasted on companies that have gone bankrupt. The left blasted Bush for the same things, why not blast this president even more since the overspending and corruption is worse? I Blasted Bush for signing the bills the last 2 years of overspending and for Obama overspending, I am not a hypocrite, are you? I would have given Obama a couple trillion just like I did for Bush, but both have gone overboard by a combined total of over 10 trillion $s. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #47 February 26, 2014 marks2065******Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower? Over spending is not always bad, not paying off the debt or paying more than 10% of you income to interest is bad. most of the programs that the Dem's want to run could be paid for just with what we are paying in interest. This government is overspending by 30-50% of what they take in. A lot of the money has ended up in the hands of people that helped get Obama elected and has been wasted on companies that have gone bankrupt. The left blasted Bush for the same things, why not blast this president even more since the overspending and corruption is worse? I Blasted Bush for signing the bills the last 2 years of overspending and for Obama overspending, I am not a hypocrite, are you? I would have given Obama a couple trillion just like I did for Bush, but both have gone overboard by a combined total of over 10 trillion $s. Can you point to that post??? I reviewed your Bush posts for the last couple years he was in office and you and other vociferous supporters of the GOP did seem to be defending everything he was doing, or did we all miss a secret GOP SC forum with hidden posts??? As far as your 10 TRILLION for both of them, the reality is of the 17 Trillion you can place about 14 TRILLION directly on the Reagan-Bush Cabal... you really do need to start at the beginning of what GHW Bush lovingly referred to as VOODOO economics. Smart man he was and the debt that grew under him was actually St Ronny RayGuns and GHWB’s son more than doubled down on that number when he came to power and when he left, his policies in place saddled this president( no matter how you might wish to hang that budget debacle on him) with budgetary mayhem. The VOODOO bill is now coming due on We The People... most people realize it was GFS since the spending went out of control in the early 1980's and at least this president has grown it less than any of his last 4 predecessors. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #48 February 26, 2014 marks2065******Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower? Over spending is not always bad Indeed it seems to be OK just so long as a Republican is in the White House.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks2065 0 #49 February 26, 2014 Amazon*********Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower? Over spending is not always bad, not paying off the debt or paying more than 10% of you income to interest is bad. most of the programs that the Dem's want to run could be paid for just with what we are paying in interest. This government is overspending by 30-50% of what they take in. A lot of the money has ended up in the hands of people that helped get Obama elected and has been wasted on companies that have gone bankrupt. The left blasted Bush for the same things, why not blast this president even more since the overspending and corruption is worse? I Blasted Bush for signing the bills the last 2 years of overspending and for Obama overspending, I am not a hypocrite, are you? I would have given Obama a couple trillion just like I did for Bush, but both have gone overboard by a combined total of over 10 trillion $s. Can you point to that post??? I reviewed your Bush posts for the last couple years he was in office and you and other vociferous supporters of the GOP did seem to be defending everything he was doing, or did we all miss a secret GOP SC forum with hidden posts??? As far as your 10 TRILLION for both of them, the reality is of the 17 Trillion you can place about 14 TRILLION directly on the Reagan-Bush Cabal... you really do need to start at the beginning of what GHW Bush lovingly referred to as VOODOO economics. Smart man he was and the debt that grew under him was actually St Ronny RayGuns and GHWB’s son more than doubled down on that number when he came to power and when he left, his policies in place saddled this president( no matter how you might wish to hang that budget debacle on him) with budgetary mayhem. The VOODOO bill is now coming due on We The People... most people realize it was GFS since the spending went out of control in the early 1980's and at least this president has grown it less than any of his last 4 predecessors. Grown it less? what a bunch of shit! he spent over 2 trillion more than came in. this crap about growing less or reducing it more is all words to make the stupid people believe they are helping. the fact is they are overspending, the house under dem control wrote and passed over 75% of the total debt and the pres in charge at the time signed the bill. remember the dems control congress during Reagans term, the first 2 years of Clinton's term, the last 2 years of Bush's, and the first couple years of Obama's. you can find that most of our debt happened during those times and the Dem's in control of the house passed the spending. If the dem's wanted to be responsible they would have passed balanced budgets during those years. Time to do some research and learn who has control of the check book. When representatives try to cut spending recently the left berates them and calls them baby killers or grandma haters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #50 February 26, 2014 kallend*********Quote Now how about you answer my question? The US has run a debt every year since Andrew Jackson was president. In that time the US went from being a backwater to being a superpower and the world's richest nation. So tell us why debt, per se, suddenly becomes bad when a Dem is in the White House. It is bad no matter who overspent, If it is always bad, and the US has been doing it every year for the last 179 years, (and for decades prior to 1835) how come the US became the world's richest country and the only superpower? Over spending is not always bad Indeed it seems to be OK just so long as a Republican is in the White House. I don't think the Right would even have an issue with deficit spending by most Democrats, but an uppity Democrat is a whole other story. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites