
American POW freed

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I know this subject will break down to party lines here. But I just can't see team Obama making such a big mistake.

1. It would be well known that he was a deserter.
2. It would be well know if men had been killed in the search for him.
3. It would be well known that this would cause a shit storm in congress, about Obama not giving the 30 day notice.

I'm going with #3.

The left narrative "We saved this man, if we had let him die the right would scream"

The right narrative "They gave away to much, broke the law"

No matter what it is an argument that has emtional strings to it and it is at least defensible from the lefts view.

The ultra left will say that is doesn't matter if he deserted or if American troops were killed looking for him, he was still an American and we should do everything to get him back.

It will be intersting to see what the main stream press does with this.

Personally I'll bet it will be hard if not impossible to prove that anyone was killed in the search for him - if it IS proved - thats going to look real bad..... I just don't think team Obama would make that mistake.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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"Many of Bergdahl's fellow troops -- from the seven or so who knew him best in his squad, to the larger group that comprised the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division -- told CNN that they signed nondisclosure agreements agreeing to never share any information about Bergdahl's disappearance and the efforts to recapture him. Some were willing to dismiss that document in hopes that the truth would come out about a soldier who they now fear is being hailed as a hero, while the men who lost their lives looking for him are ignored."

CNN story

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Except his fellow soldiers who served with him in action.
They say he deserted and should face a court martial.

Maybe he did... but maybe he didn't. We really don't know yet. There needs to be a very thorough investigation into the facts.

Yes, the circumstantial evidence offered by some of his fellow soldiers, plus the e-mails to his parents, suggests he may have been motivated to go AWOL or desert. But it also still remains possible that a soldier who was a serious malcontent just happened to get captured while on post.

I know you're sensitive to how the criminal justice system can unjustly over-reach. Well, don't abandon those instincts here just because he expressed very poor morale in e-mails to his parents, and some of his fellow soldiers thought he was an asshole and already have their minds made up. Historically, as you well know, lots of soldiers in-country in combat zones develop and express poor morale; and bookish loners are often not well-received by young enlisted personnel with high school level interests and social skills.

Circumstantial evidence can be a very damning thing, but it sometimes leads in the wrong direction. Remember when Richard Jewell was "convicted" in the court of public opinion for the Atlanta Olympics bombing, based in large part on circumstantial evidence? Turned out he was eventually exonerated, but not before his life was basically ruined.

Until the investigation into the facts - and possibly court proceedings - are completed, I think it's too early to either convict or exonerate this guy.

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Fully agreed.
I've not said otherwise.

"Said Bergdahl's former squad leader, Greg Leatherman: "I'm pleased to see him returned safely. From experience I hope that he receives adequate reintegration counseling. I believe that an investigation should take place as soon as healthcare professionals deem him fit to endure one.""

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Except his fellow soldiers who served with him in action.
They say he deserted and should face a court martial.

Yeah, I'm changing my position. The PGR in FL has been a strong supporter for Bergdahl. Probably, because most are Vietnam and Era Veterans. Now as the news is unfolding it appears he may not have been worth the trade.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Except his fellow soldiers who served with him in action.
They say he deserted and should face a court martial.

If he in fact turns out to be more or less responsible for his own capture, the President would have known about this before negotiating any swap. If he was captured under less than honorable conditions, this was a horrible swap. Obama having his parents celebrating at at the WH, while the families of those who were killed searching for him were at home, watching this on tv, this must have been a huge insult.

If he was truly a POW, I have no problem with the swap, the Israelis swap hundreds, sometimes thousands of detainees for a single Israeli solider. Isn't it the GOP that's always telling us be more like Israel when it comes to fighting terrorism?

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Let me present it this way. Lets say the story that comes out quickly is:

This guy deserted, 6 men were killed searching for him, and we traded 5 top bad guys KNOWING all this.

I just don't see Obama making this trade under these facts and I believe that team Obama looks EVERYTHING over carefully before doing it. It just doesn't seem possible, to many people IF these were the facts AND they can come out this fast are going to be to pissed.

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Hi Andy,


Remember when Richard Jewell was "convicted" in the court of public opinion for the Atlanta Olympics bombing, based in large part on circumstantial evidence? Turned out he was eventually exonerated, but not before his life was basically ruined.

And let us not forget Brandon Mayfield.



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It would a big oops to say the least.
There are news stories regarding this guy going back some time though, it appears his next level up supports the idea that he deserted though.
Interesting story to say the least.

Thoughts on U.S. law that requires the administration to give Congress notice 30 days before releasing any detainees from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay that was ignored?

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It would a big oops to say the least.
There are news stories regarding this guy going back some time though, it appears his next level up supports the idea that he deserted though.
Interesting story to say the least.

Thoughts on U.S. law that requires the administration to give Congress notice 30 days before releasing any detainees from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay that was ignored?

The IDF learned a long time ago that killing terrorists in prison was usually very counterproductive... BUT.. when they returned to the battlefield after a 100 to 1 prisoner swap.. fair game...

Just sayin

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>Now as the news is unfolding it appears he may not have been worth the trade.

So much for "support the troops."

What would you say if someone suggested that the people in Benghazi weren't really worth protecting anyway?

Oh come on billvon! You are smarter than that. The four killed at Benghazi were honorably fighting for their lives. It appears that Bergdahl was a traitor, deserter or AWOL. Trying to compare the two incidents is like the traditional apples and oranges argument.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Thoughts on U.S. law that requires the administration to give Congress notice 30 days before releasing any detainees from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay that was ignored?

It falls the same way. If it turns out that his health wasn't bad, REAL BAD it will play poorly...especially with Congress. OTOH if he's health really is poor than I think the public will give Obama a pass.

Personally I think we are in a new time. We aren't fighting other nations and swapping POW like this may be a bad idea but it certainly has been done in the past.

I'm leaning toward this was 100% political but would like more info..........
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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>The four killed at Benghazi were honorably fighting for their lives.

So embassy workers killed by terrorists bomb were heroes - because that hurts Obama.

>It appears that Bergdahl was a traitor, deserter or AWOL.

So a US soldier captured by the enemy is a traitor - because if he was a hero that might help Obama. And you will do anything to avoid that.

Glad I don't live in your world, and I am glad for the sake of our soldiers that most people don't share your worldview.

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"So a US soldier captured by the enemy is a traitor - because if he was a hero that might help Obama."

From what I'm seeing, fellow service men, in HIS UNIT, that served on active duty with him, MULTIPLE members, are all claiming and telling very similar stories and have been for some time....

What are you after in this debate?

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So a US soldier captured by the enemy is a traitor - because if he was a hero that might help Obama. And you will do anything to avoid that.

Did the baby keep you up all night or you just being argumenative for the hell of it?? :P

IF BILL IF... he deserted and was captured are you suggesting that he is every bit as much a hero as a person who was captured serving at his post?

Or are you defending Obama because you just can't stand someone to criticize him?
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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***>Now as the news is unfolding it appears he may not have been worth the trade.

So much for "support the troops."

What would you say if someone suggested that the people in Benghazi weren't really worth protecting anyway?

Oh come on billvon! You are smarter than that. The four killed at Benghazi were honorably fighting for their lives. It appears that Bergdahl was a traitor, deserter or AWOL. Trying to compare the two incidents is like the traditional apples and oranges argument.

How long do you have to be AWOL before its relevant to being a traitor??

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Immediately in his case. It was known for a long time via comments to his fellow troops, emails to his parents, and the fact that he mailed all of his valuables home half way through the deployment, and left camp with only a few survival items that he went awol.

I dont care who made the decision to free him, im not sure how that process works, but there are a few things that are clear.

They broke the law

They broke the long standing tool of war that the U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists. The terrorists now know that if they kidnap the right people and keep them long enough there is HOPE that they can actually have their demands met. Up to till this point that was not the case, our M.O. was to say no, then beat the door down with operators and take back what is ours.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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