normiss 811 #126 June 22, 2014 Then I totally misunderstood. I was under the impression it was about the possibility of 50k armed illegals coming into the country. Which I still think entirely possible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #127 June 22, 2014 normissThen I totally misunderstood. I was under the impression it was about the possibility of 50k armed illegals coming into the country. Which I still think entirely possible. The "Red Dawn" scenario is silly. It has been silly for at least 30 years. It was silly to speculate about it in 1984 with the Russians and equally silly to speculate about it in the reboot with China; both of whom are far more well financed and militarily powerful than ISIS. The first thing they'd have to do is transport 50,000 troops. THAT wouldn't go unnoticed. The other problem is currently the total ISIS membership is estimated to be maybe an order of magnitude less than that (okay, maybe 10,000 or so total for both Syria AND those in Iraq). They'd have to do an awful lot of recruiting as well as pretty much abandon Iraq. They are simply spread too thin and have too few numbers to do the scale of invasion you're imagining.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #128 June 22, 2014 From 2005-2010 1.58 million illegal immigrants entered the US. That's 316,000 per year, 865 per day on average. Why do you guys think it would be so hard to have a few guys come over per day? I'm not saying they are trying to take over with 50k guys. 100 guys entering the us per year that decide to gather rifles and start sniping people spread out over the us is very possible. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BartsDaddy 7 #129 June 22, 2014 Ah but people that come across or border illegally are just here to do jobs Americans won't. They would never cross the border to do us harm. We have shown how hard that would be. That we leave watering stations for ones crossing the desert illegally. We also deport any found sneaking across the border or overstaying visas. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #130 June 22, 2014 Anvilbrother100 guys entering the us per year that decide to gather rifles and start sniping people spread out over the us is very possible. Also possible, you getting a date with Angelina Jolie. Odds of it happening? Roughly the same. Let's say 100 of their guys decides to do this. Yeah, sure it could happen, but how long do you think it would last before the area was swarmed with cops, military, national guard, "minute men" and tea party volunteers and at least a couple of them were taken out? Once it is discovered it's a bigger plot, how long do you think it would take to really close the boarder to virtually ALL traffic? Do the terrorists win that moment, because they've caused us to change a bit? Sure. Does it escalate to your apocalyptic wet dream? No way! Now, use a bit of logic. When the first 100 guys are stopped, how long do you think it is before we bomb the crap out of their hometown and especially whatever airport they flew out of?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #131 June 22, 2014 How long have we been fighting over there? Better or worse? You act like they just give up..... They outlasted the mighty US for 8 years. Whatever i am done talking about it, we will see what happens in the next few years. Set an alarm on your phone to come back and see who was right. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BartsDaddy 7 #132 June 22, 2014 Wow by what you say Quade if 100 so called terroriste(sp) were caught sneaking across the border it would be shut down. But yet we have more people than that coming across everyday unobstructed and it continues day to day. The border is still open your statement is incorrect. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #133 June 22, 2014 AnvilbrotherHow long have we been fighting over there? Better or worse? You act like they just give up..... They outlasted the mighty US for 8 years. Because that's where they LIVE. It is ALWAYS more difficult for the invading country than the one with the home advantage. Because they LIVE there. They don't have to transport anyone. They don't have to supply anyone. All they have to do is survive until they make the invaders go away. The Russians invaded Afghanistan. They massively outgunned them. The Afghan people was able to draw out the conflict and waste the Russian resources. The Russians eventually lost interest and left. We just did the exact same thing. The last exceptions to this were played out hundreds of years ago by accidental germ warfare, gun power vs arrows, and steel. With regards to ISIS... We out gun them. We massively outnumber them. They have no method of transport. Any "Red Dawn" scenario you can concoct involving ISIS invading the US is ultimately doomed to failure.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #134 June 22, 2014 BartsDaddyWow by what you say Quade if 100 so called terroriste(sp) were caught sneaking across the border it would be shut down. But yet we have more people than that coming across everyday unobstructed and it continues day to day. The border is still open your statement is incorrect. Apples versus oranges. The people who sneak across the border right now benefit the US far more than you give them credit for. Many, MANY industries, while not admitting it, would collapse without the influx of dirt cheap labor. The entire system is a wink and a nod only regulating the flow. Pretty much never intending to cut it off completely. Or did you really think there wasn't a reason the borders aren't 100% secure?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,526 #135 June 22, 2014 Quote 100 guys entering the us per year that decide to gather rifles and start sniping people spread out over the us is very possible. And yet it's not happening.Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WoodlandWookiee 0 #136 June 22, 2014 quade***How long have we been fighting over there? Better or worse? You act like they just give up..... They outlasted the mighty US for 8 years. Because that's where they LIVE. It is ALWAYS more difficult for the invading country than the one with the home advantage. Because they LIVE there. They don't have to transport anyone. They don't have to supply anyone. All they have to do is survive until they make the invaders go away. The Russians invaded Afghanistan. They massively outgunned them. The Afghan people was able to draw out the conflict and waste the Russian resources. The Russians eventually lost interest and left. We just did the exact same thing. The last exceptions to this were played out hundreds of years ago by accidental germ warfare, gun power vs arrows, and steel. With regards to ISIS... We out gun them. We massively outnumber them. They have no method of transport. Any "Red Dawn" scenario you can concoct involving ISIS invading the US is ultimately doomed to failure. Huh, kind of wish there was a 'thumbs up feature here. But for what it's worth, I kind of enjoyed reading this, it's logical and skeptical by me and I approve of that sort of thing! So, well: [Thumbs Up]! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #137 June 22, 2014 Bullshit! It's not because they live there! Where did the fucking Germans live?? It's not because they have resources we don't have they fucking use 25+ year old weapons, old as Toyotas for travel. It's the type of enemy they are, they don't wear a uniform, they don't stand up face to face to fight they snipe, ied, and ambush. They also mostly did not stay during the war, they ran off to neighboring countries and hid in caves and among others and waited us out. Now we left they are moving back in. We have plenty of technology and resources, don't blame us not being able to win in 8 years on that. Also look up the number of British and Americans that have been reported to have joined Isis, it it's about 400 from each country. That's gonna make it real easy to move around the US. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #138 June 22, 2014 AnvilbrotherYou better check your laws. There are restrictions even if it is in your car. In some states it has to be locked in a case, some states require the ammo and weapon be located in two different parts of the vehicle. Ie weapon in trunk, ammo locked in glove box. As far as the hunting goes, no just killing a deer or food basically anytime of the year. If you lived on a ranch in my state and wanted to be self sufficient you could only shoot a deer from October 1-February 15th. That's with a bow only. For a gun you only get a month. How can the government tell a person they can't kill a deer for food if they are hungry but one month per year. The topic has changed from the start, but here in sc it usually does. The point i am trying to make is that we had the revolution to get away from the same type of shit we are dealing with today. Snowden, wiki leaks, and whistleblowers have proven time and time again if you let government do what it wants it will trample all over your rights and break laws at will. I'm not paranoid I'm prepared for natural disasters which happen in Louisiana quite frequently. Watch how fast stores run empty about 48 hours after a predicted landfall happens. Watch how fast criminals come out to loot after a town is forced to evacuate. Then mandatory curfews happen. Read Gordon Hutchinsons book "the great gun grab". It details the gun confiscations and arrests during Katrina, the military state that happened once the national guard started patrolling with rifles. I was there, when I get home tomorrow I will post pictures, that place was a war zone! The same will happen during political unrest. Ok, "without restriction" was an overstatement. There are rules. But it's doable. And hunting seasons/bag limits are in place for a reason. If everyone took "just one deer" for food whenever they wanted, the population would be decimated. That's what wildlife management is all about. The DNR up here has some very vocal critics, but overall the deer population is pretty stable and well managed. We are actually having a deer cull in my town. The local nature center is getting overpopulated and too much damage from the deer. So the city council passed a measure allowing archery hunting inside the city limits, under special circumstances. And the nature center will have hunters out, reducing the population. There are always going to have to be rules and regulations. Some aren't going to be popular. Having none would become anarchy very quickly. And I agree completely with your assessment of how the aftermath of Katrina was handled. I'm aware of how the mayor and the cops overstepped their authority by a huge margin in confiscating guns. As you probably know, there were cops convicted of murder during the crisis. They shot unarmed citizens. Who were running away. It took a while, but they were convicted. And almost nobody (on a national scale) noticed. The level of preparedness for natural disasters in this country is pathetic. Lose power for more than a few days and there's chaos and anarchy. And some people will give up a lot of civil rights to have "order" restored. And food delivered."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #139 June 22, 2014 AnvilbrotherHow long have we been fighting over there? Better or worse? You act like they just give up..... They outlasted the mighty US for 8 years. Whatever i am done talking about it, we will see what happens in the next few years. Set an alarm on your phone to come back and see who was right. Thank GOD...... ( ok queue up the button to turn off the scary brown people with Dragunovs fantasy ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #140 June 22, 2014 You don't have to be rude Amazon. I understand a few of you here cant even imagine being wrong, and everyone that does not agree with you is either "paranoid", a conservative, or a gun nut. I think you guys just get caught up in sticking to the politicians you love, forget the history of the world, and bash those that try to stay aware and ready for it to repeat itself. Is the right of every American to question their government. Look at all the quotes on liberty from the founding fathers. They were oppressed by government, their words are a warning to everyone that comes after them to prevent it from happening again! Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jclalor 12 #141 June 22, 2014 There's one Republican that gets it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #142 June 22, 2014 AnvilbrotherYou don't have to be rude Amazon. I understand a few of you here cant even imagine being wrong, and everyone that does not agree with you is either "paranoid", a conservative, or a gun nut. I think you guys just get caught up in sticking to the politicians you love, forget the history of the world, and bash those that try to stay aware and ready for it to repeat itself. Is the right of every American to question their government. Look at all the quotes on liberty from the founding fathers. They were oppressed by government, their words are a warning to everyone that comes after them to prevent it from happening again! Look at the Founding Fathers indeed... more of the GOP and Conservatives should try that.. REALLLY look at them... what they wrote and what they believed. It encompasses an openness to peoples and ideas and a way of life that in what passes as todays conservatives is completely lacking.... YES look at them... beyond the one amendment to the Constitution that most are willing to accept, while forsaking all the others. YES LOOK AT THEM. The Truthiness was not strong in them Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,055 #143 June 23, 2014 AnvilbrotherBullshit! It's not because they live there! Where did the fucking Germans live?? It took the combined efforts of the USSR, USA, Britain, Canada, and a lot of others to invade Germany. ISIS isn't exactly in the same league.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #144 June 23, 2014 And how many Germans and their allies were fighting us vs the people we were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan... Millions vs thousands... Ok thought so Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,526 #145 June 23, 2014 QuoteYou don't have to be rude Bullshit! People should fucking say whatever they fucking want.Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #146 June 23, 2014 If that were only allowed here for everyone but the few chosen children. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanG 1 #147 June 23, 2014 QuoteBullshit! People should fucking say whatever they fucking want. You can say what you want without being rude. - Dan G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,526 #149 June 23, 2014 DanGQuoteBullshit! People should fucking say whatever they fucking want. You can say what you want without being rude. If that's rude then Anvil has a problem, doesn't he?Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanG 1 #150 June 23, 2014 You clipped his sentence. He was calling Amazon rude. And my statement stands on its own. - Dan G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites