
Riots over a shoting turn into free jordans and 40's

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Where did you get the felon part?

Have you read the cop interviews for the grand jury yet?
Sounds to me like skinny white guy scared of black demon!
The pictures of his facial "injuries" clearly show one more punch, as feared, would surely been fatal. ha.

I would ask you do a tiny bit of research on the history of racism in Ferguson. It certainly deserves to be considered.
Cops and ghetto dwellers are enemies there.
WE have created this problem.
WE need to address it.
Drawing a colored race line in the sand will only get more people killed.

As a side note, why are you always so damn angry?

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Civil unrest is an inevitable response to intractable corruption. Google Ferguson. You'll see this isn't their first time at the rodeo. This is just the first time they've drawn international attention. Unfortunately, the town has quite a history of corruption, cover ups and predatory racial bias.

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***He referred to him as a "demon".
I'd say that's rather telling.
The community is seeing it as he was afraid because the kid was big. And black.

Until we fucking white people see this from the black perspective, we are doomed to repeat.
There is no other race we as a society has treated the way we treat blacks.

A jury of 3/4 white people in a racist ass town, in a racist ass state, decided not to indict a white cop!?

I think I understand both sides.
It IS about race.
I'd like to see us address that.

It took a long time for the grand jury to reach a decision.

I do not believe they took this lightly at all.

25 days and 70 hours of testimony. They had access to every report, photograph, video, the works.

Should the jury have indicted the cop just to 'keep the peace?'

Or address a social issue?

Or try to advance 'race relations' in the community?

that's exactly what happened in Sanford Fl. and it didn't help at all. It just postponed the outrage until GZ was found not guilty.

until we find a way to stop the "us vs them" mentality I do not see an end to shit like this happening
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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It's not, it's a counterpoint to mr. sky is falling. What is the point of your sarcastic comment, or did you just show your face around here again to start more shit?

I thought we did the falling from the sky?

The point is that comparing cops shooting civilins with civilians shooting civilians is kinda stupid.

Maybe would be much better if people didn't shoot other people so much at all. Both American cops and American civilians seem to be leading developed western nations in shotting people.

Combine that with some racial tensions and a distinct Us vs. Them mentality LEO seems to have...and you got a problem.

Countering that problem with, well at least cops don't kill as much as civilians do, doesn't appear to be very strong in that sense....

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Your trying to tie two different but related arguments together, and it doesn't work in this shooting.

I get the felon part from him punching a cop, and trying to disarm him with probable intent to harm him with his own firearm, that's a felony.

12 people who were already chosen before the shooting even happened sat and listened to 70 hours of information. All they had to find was a sliver of information that would show a law MIGHT have been broken by the cop. Not find him guilty, but find any little bit of information that would justify a true bill and they could not.

The fact is brown broke the law, and crossed a line that got him killed. The officer did not, and 12 people could not find that he did anything illegal. It doesn't matter how scared the cop was if you don't beat a cop and try to take his gun you won't get shot, seems really really fucking simple.

Are you trying to say that brown did nothing wrong, and the cop broke the law?

I agree there are race issues all across the United States, but the cop did not make brown do what he did, brown did. If brown was a 6,2 300lb white guy doing the same thing he would have been shot the same way.

I love how in August the cops were vilified for taking too much action and stopping the riots and damage. This time after many federal mandated classes on how to deal with it, they sat back, protected the police and fire station, and let the rioters burn the place down without doing their job, and they are being vilified for letting that happen. You can't have it both ways when dealing with criminal opportunists.

Did you see the fox camera at that the meat and liquor store? There wasn't just a few people from out of town looting, everyone the camera showed was looting, then when they saw the camera man they came up cussed him, and destroyed the camera right off the mans shoulder.

Edited the errors I made while typing it on the iphone.

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Maybe would be much better if people didn't shoot other people so much at all. Both American cops and American civilians seem to be leading developed western nations in shotting people.

Im with you on that brother, but the fact is(in this case) a cop has the right to defend himself in this situation where a person punches him in his own vehicle and goes for his gun causing a shot or two to be fired inside the car.

I would be ok with the old ways of a fist fight, the problem with that is you never know who is gonna pull out a gun first once they realize they cant win by hands only, and its usually the criminal who goes for the cheaty way out first. Remember the knock out games that were going around recently where people just sucker punched people out of the blue.

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12 people, racially imbalanced, chosen by a racist legal system???

Being accused of a felony does not a felon make.

I've not said he didn't do anything wrong. I simply want to see cops stop executing people and use their little brains on occasion.
Drop the fucking car in drive and get away from a "fatal" encounter.
I've had pimples leave bigger marks on my face and I didn't feel the need to shoot.

We MUST find better ways to deal with each other.
This will get much worse if we don't.

Looking at it from whitey's perspective won't work any more.

If you could try and understand, I'm not disagreeing with you on our legal position, I'm tired of seeing us killing each other.
We have got to appreciate human life more than we currently do.

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part of the problem

"How can a shrinking minority of whites continue to dominate the political power structure in Ferguson? One answer: In the 2013 municipal election, just 11.7 percent of Ferguson's voting-eligible residents cast a ballot. The percentage was far lower for African Americans--some 17 percent of eligible white voters participated, compared to 6 percent of eligible Black voters. As a result, according to a Washington Post analysis, whites were actually a larger part of the electorate than Blacks, despite being a much smaller minority in the population."

we need to teach people that more can be accomplished by voting than by rioting
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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12 people, racially imbalanced, chosen by a racist legal system???

Seriously?The grand jury was composed of 12 people "selected at random from a fair cross-section of the citizens," according to Missouri law. How was a jury that was chosen at random before the shooting happened a racist system?


Being accused of a felony does not a felon make.

Word play whatever, brown was committing a felonious act on the cop when he was shot hows that.


I simply want to see cops stop executing people and use their little brains on occasion.

How was this an execution?


Drop the fucking car in drive and get away from a "fatal" encounter.

I agree if you have the chance to retreat and take cover then reengage them it would be best, but the last thing you need to do is teach criminals that if you engage cops, the will fucking run away. A cops job is to catch criminals and that's what the cop did. Also he was approached and sucker punched while still inside the car, then the dude tried to take his gun while inside the car. The whole incident from start to finish was 90 seconds, it did not start at a standoff where the cop had time to set up some elaborate barricade area, and call for help. He stated he had 2 suspects, then brown walked up to the vehicle punched him then the shots started.


Looking at it from whitey's perspective won't work any more.

Im looking at it from a legal perspective. I dont care if your a fucking purple martian from outer space, you walk up and punch a cop and try to take his gun your getting shot. I would and have said that about anyone black, white, or otherwise.

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not directed at you:

just a note if you want people to understand you point of view and your pissed put someone who has some competence in speaking English behind the mic to make you first statement!!!!??

How stupid did everyone sound? watching cnn cringing at the guys speaking skills.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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they are clearly in the lead.

Bullshit, there were probably more civilian vs civilian shootings since brown was shot than all of the cop shootings in 2014!

That's kind of a ridiculously stupid comparison.

There are (approx) 780,000 LEOs in the USA, or one LEO per 248 civilians.

However, on the topic of cops shooting civilians:

Through the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, specifically Section 210402, the US Congress mandated the Attorney General to collect data on the use of excessive force by police and to publish an annual report from the data. Two national systems collect data which include homicides committed by law enforcement officers in the line of duty. The National Center for Health Statistics maintains the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) which aggregates data from locally filed death certificates. State laws require that death certificates be filed with local registrars, but the certificates do not systematically document whether a killing was legally justified nor whether a law enforcement officer was involved. The FBI maintains the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) which relies on the voluntary participation of state and local law enforcement agencies in submitting reports about crimes. A study of the years 1976 to 1998 found that both national systems underreport justifiable homicides by police officers, but for different reasons. Records in the NVSS did not consistently include documentation of police officer involvement. The UCR database did not receive reports of all applicable incidents. The authors concluded that "reliable estimates of the number of justifiable homicides committed by police officers in the United States do not exist." A study of killings by police from 1999 to 2002 in the Central Florida region found that the national databases included (in Florida) only one-fourth of the number of persons killed by police as reported in the local news media. "Nationally, the percentage of unreported killings by police is probably lower than among agencies in Central Florida".

It is believed that there are more than 400 cases of cops killing civilians each year.


The USA is WAY out of line with other democracies.

Anyhow, US cops shoot civilians at about 10x the rate that civilians shoot civilians.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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1. If you are a P.O. and your department wants you to carry a gun - you MUST have body video. Period.

Sure it cost money - it's part of the "responsibility" of having a weapon. We the people need to pay for it.

Wouldn't fix it all, there are people that won't believe forensic evidence in this case....they won't believe that the "white man" didn't photo shop the video. But for the average person it would help.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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1. If you are a P.O. and your department wants you to carry a gun - you MUST have body video. Period.

Sure it cost money - it's part of the "responsibility" of having a weapon. We the people need to pay for it.

Wouldn't fix it all, there are people that won't believe forensic evidence in this case....they won't believe that the "white man" didn't photo shop the video. But for the average person it would help.

Agreed, it would protect both sides - public AND police. I can see no excuse for not implementing this.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Sunday, Nov. 2nd in Detriot an unarmed black youth was shot and killed by a police man

where is your outrage???

Oh, never mind, the police man was black :S


facts that can be found on various network reports

1. Surveillance video showed that shortly before the confrontation, 18-year-old Brown stole cigarillos from a convenience store and shoved a clerk who tried to stop him.

2. The autopsy report showed that Brown had marijuana in his system when he died.

3. Officer Wilson, driving to the call of a medical emergency, first encountered Brown walking in the middle of a street and told Brown and his friend to walk on the sidewalk. Brown responded with an expletive.

4. Wilson chose to confront Brown only after he saw the cigarillos in his hand and recalled the radio report of a robbery at the convenience store.

5. Wilson said when he tried to open his car door, Brown slammed it back shut, then punched Wilson in the face.

6. Fearing another punch could knock him out, Wilson drew his gun, he told the grand jury, and Brown grabbed the gun, saying "you are too much of a pussy to shoot me."

7. An African-American witness confirmed that Brown and Wilson appeared to be "arm-wrestling" by the car.

8. Another witness saw Brown leaning through the car's window and said "some sort of confrontation was taking place."

9. After Wilson fired a shot that struck Brown's hand, Brown fled and Wilson gave chase. Brown suddenly stopped. An unidentified witness told the grand jury that 6-foot-4, 292-pound Brown charged at Wilson with his head down. Wilson said Brown put his hand under the waistband of his pants as he continued toward Wilson. That's when Wilson fired.

10. A witness testified that Brown never raised his hands.

11. Gunpowder found on the wound on Brown's hand indicated his hand was close to the gun when it fired. According to a report, the hand wound showed foreign matter "consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm."

12. Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist who reviewed the autopsy for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, said the gunpowder "supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has particulate matter in the wound."

13. Wilson said Brown was physically uncontrollable and "for lack of a better word, crazy." He said that during the confrontation, he was thinking: "He's gonna kill me. How do I survive?" Legal experts say police officers typically have wide latitude to use deadly force when they feel their safety is threatened.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Civil unrest is an inevitable response to intractable corruption. Google Ferguson. You'll see this isn't their first time at the rodeo. This is just the first time they've drawn international attention. Unfortunately, the town has quite a history of corruption, cover ups and predatory racial bias.

I would like to see your info regarding the corruption claim if you dont mind
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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How would police accountability have changed this outcome? Brown actually getting the cops gun and shooting the cop would have changed the outcome, is that what you want? The cop ignoring a SOLID description of a person who just robbed a store would have changed the outcome. The cop choosing to "floor it" and run away while brown ran and got away would have changed the outcome...

Brown not being a low life thug robbing that store then punching a cop, then trying to take the cops gun is what should have happened.

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Your google-fu is weak.
It's just so damn easy to click and find.

I think then, the support for your claim is week
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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That cop never had the call for the store robbery.
Maybe you should read the grand jury documents?

"Brown not being a low life thug robbing that store then punching a cop, then trying to take the cops gun is what should have happened."
You're incapable of letting go of the enemy perspective aren't you?

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If brown was a 6,2 300lb white guy doing the same thing he would have been shot the same way.


This is not a racial issue. It's a socioeconomic, lack of education, lack of respect for others, no responsibility, no accountability issue.

Making this racial disrespects and insults all African Americans.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
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