
"Militarization" of the police

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My friends were there at the game mentioned in Cary, and I'd been to that game before.

Anecdotal yes, but I just can't imagine any world where raiding a home poker game with a SWAT team is a good idea.

The last high stakes game I raided (not a SWAT raid) had prostitutes and cocaine. It was a long time ago but the anecdotal can go both ways...............

Oh NO. Not people having SEX and taking substances that only affect their own body!!!1one
cavete terrae.

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True, I could actually care less, but it's the peripheral activity that goes with it that concerns the surrounding neighborhood.
This game was in a residential area..........

…where babies are made, and alcohol is likely consumed.
cavete terrae.

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True, I could actually care less, but it's the peripheral activity that goes with it that concerns the surrounding neighborhood.
This game was in a residential area..........

I don't suppose there is any benefit to the local cop shop by the drugs and money seized in raids such as that..
I see the police nowadays as more a force of revenue generation... than a force to protect and serve the people. That also holds true for several ex police officers I know.

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You are very right.
I'm sure you would like a high stakes gambling operation, complete with the hookers and dope, next to your house.


I see the police nowadays as more a force of revenue generation... than a force to protect and serve the people. That also holds true for several ex police officers I know.

Really, that's the best you can do?
Why don't you just call me a pig and go oink, oink, seems all the rage from the "activist" crowd.........

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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You are very right.
I'm sure you would like a high stakes gambling operation, complete with the hookers and dope, next to your house.

Wouldn't bother me, as long as they're not impinging on my health, liberty or property (and keep the noise to a reasonable level).
cavete terrae.

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>Wouldn't bother me, as long as they're not impinging on my health, liberty or
>property (and keep the noise to a reasonable level).

Wouldn't bother me as long as all that stuff was legal. Gambling - we have a bunch of Indian casinos around here; they are in general pretty good neighbors to the people around them. Drugs - plenty of stores selling liquor and cigarettes, including the one closest to me. They stock half a dozen beers I asked them to carry so I visit there pretty often. Prostitution - the legal brothels in Nevada don't see too much crime, so I wouldn't have a problem there.

Now, make all that stuff illegal and suddenly everyone who went there would be a criminal - and THAT I would have a problem with.

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oink oink!!!
I have lived in America my entire life and have always been a person of conservative values.
a few weeks ago I went to Switzerland and Italy for a base trip. what I realized there made my stomach turn. America "land of the free" BULLSHIT!!!!
I was there for 3 weeks and saw 2 cops the entire time. one was called to a highway accident and the other was on his way to work in the am.
over there the people control the government.
the cops are actually there for the good of the people. not to harass, intimidate, and fine.
would you believe that there are NO undercover cops hiding in the bushes waiting to fine you for living!!!
they have bright orange decals and a blue light on top of their vehicles that is on all of the time.
its disgusting to come back to the "land of the free" and see how corrupt our police and politicians are.
its an ugly manifestation of what our founding fathers dreamed. just like the politicians, the police will not stop until we are subservient to their cause.
I really wish you roided out oinkers could stop juicing for a cycle or two and see that you are not above anyone else or the law of the land. when the police start being policed we will be free.
Flock University FWC / ZFlock
B.A.S.E. 1580
Aussie BASE 121

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You mean videos of guys trolling around antagonizing cops .....?


Those police-provokers are STUPID!
Anyone who tries to pick a fight with an armed man is STUPID!
Stupid might be forgivable, but being stupid and malicious is not. Police-provoking is a dangerous practice that deserves a beating in most jurisdictions.
Fortunately most North American cops are too professional to fall for that foolishness.
Hopefully arming police with cameras will scare off a few "police provokers."

cue evil laughter....... maybe we could have some fun by promoting a TV show that pits privileged police-provokers against beat cops in Paris, Mexico, the Phillipines, Singapore........

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A well thought out response.............
Coming from a BASE jumper, what a surprise.
I watched the Spanish Guardia Civil beat a man unconscious in a train station in Madrid, stand by gas stations with sub-machine guns during a gas strike, and watched the Danish Police kick the shit out of a guy at a jazz festival.
In those places there is no such thing as police brutality, you resist in any way and it's your fault.
Every time I've been to Italy, there were plenty of cops, I talked to them and traded patches.
We all know the Carabinieri in Sicily have a stellar record with corruption.
The worlds a little bigger than your BASE trip......

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Maybe you can just go no knock warrant every house in your neighborhood. You're likely to find at least one with cocaine or hookers.

I mean if they aren't doing anything wrong they shouldn't mind you busting in the door, right?

Were you wearing your Guy Fawkes mask when you typed that? It's scathing commentary............

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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You are very right.
I'm sure you would like a high stakes gambling operation, complete with the hookers and dope, next to your house.


I see the police nowadays as more a force of revenue generation... than a force to protect and serve the people. That also holds true for several ex police officers I know.

Really, that's the best you can do?
Why don't you just call me a pig and go oink, oink, seems all the rage from the "activist" crowd.........

Does not sound like anything more than the Morals Police kinda like what The Kingdom has...

I hear they are not so fond of pork there too.

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Different terms, same lack of depth.

I see it more as a further example of YOU WILL COMPLY assholes who get off on beating anyone they can justify it in their little thought processes who are not on their side of those little lines that delineate would be "sheep dogs" gone rabid.

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You're going to jail!!!

ETA Video

He was screwed when he said "I know my rights."
It would seem some police perceive that as a challenge.

I didn't see what happened before the video started recording - but my first reaction is that he is doing a bit of grand standing and race baiting.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I didn't either, but all charges were dropped and his video was returned so it appears he did nothing at all like he claims.

I'd personally grand stand the fuck out of getting harassed and arrested by the man for simply not submitting. I'm guessing you would as well.
Continuing to refuse the fact that black people are stopped for simply being black doesn't make it any less true.

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I didn't either, but all charges were dropped and his video was returned so it appears he did nothing at all like he claims.

I'd personally grand stand the fuck out of getting harassed and arrested by the man for simply not submitting. I'm guessing you would as well.
Continuing to refuse the fact that black people are stopped for simply being black doesn't make it any less true.

It rings true to the like of Henry Louis Gates.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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oink oink!!!
I have lived in America my entire life and have always been a person of conservative values.
a few weeks ago I went to Switzerland and Italy for a base trip. what I realized there made my stomach turn. America "land of the free" BULLSHIT!!!!
I was there for 3 weeks and saw 2 cops the entire time. one was called to a highway accident and the other was on his way to work in the am.
over there the people control the government.
the cops are actually there for the good of the people. not to harass, intimidate, and fine.
would you believe that there are NO undercover cops hiding in the bushes waiting to fine you for living!!!
they have bright orange decals and a blue light on top of their vehicles that is on all of the time.
its disgusting to come back to the "land of the free" and see how corrupt our police and politicians are.
its an ugly manifestation of what our founding fathers dreamed. just like the politicians, the police will not stop until we are subservient to their cause.
I really wish you roided out oinkers could stop juicing for a cycle or two and see that you are not above anyone else or the law of the land. when the police start being policed we will be free.


That "militarization of the police" is even a topic of discussion among sane people is indicative that the US government has completely lost its way.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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That "militarization of the police" is even a topic of discussion among sane people is indicative that the US government has completely lost its way.

true - in many other countries the government would just shut that dialogue down completely before the uppity populace gets out of line thinking they can talk about whatever they like instead of topics approved by big brother

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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