kelpdiver 2 #451 November 1, 2014 regulator Love the lead need to worry about objectivity. "Voter fraud is all over the place. Democrats are all over cheating like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm." It got even funnier a couple paragraphs later where it writes that the Washington Post exposed voter fraud, but the hyperlink is actually to a Washington Times story. Which is the equivalent of citing Einstein, but actually quoting Ted Cruz. The writer himself acknowledges that the video 'evidence' looks like simply a case of the guy touching the screen a bit high, but then simply says "Drudge is convinced it's real, so it must be." Touch screen calibration is hardly a new problem - I see it with ATMs, Redbox kiosks, etc. If you go to vote and it refuses to work for you, complain. Get it right. If you accept it picking the wrong candidate and just leave, you're the problem. Personally, any electronic voting system that doesn't give you a paper receipt (and better yet, a means to verify it after election night) is open to fraud. It was 10 years ago that there was great suspicion of lousy/corrupt Diebold machines giving Bush Ohio. If the code isn't open source and there's no way to validate your vote, you cannot eliminate the concern. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #452 November 3, 2014 An ID most likely would have help prevent this one? Guy goes in to vote and is told he already voted The signature they have on record does not math the guys who wanted to vote Voted on a provisional ballot which may or may not be coundted This guy IS disinfranchised but, he dont count, RIGHT???"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #453 November 3, 2014 Quote Elections officials have no legal means of actually verifying signatures or confirming identification of a voter. Fucking exactly! We need voter registration, and ID laws! Stop giving Pakistan 10 billion per year if you want and pay to have everyone picked up in a limo and brought to the court house or DMV to get id and registered for all I care! Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ibx 2 #454 November 3, 2014 QuoteFucking exactly! We need voter registration, and ID laws! Stop giving Pakistan 10 billion per year if you want and pay to have everyone picked up in a limo and brought to the court house or DMV to get id and registered for all I care! Why not issue a mandatory free ID to every citizen? Then have anybody that does not vote pay like $500 like in Australia. This makes voter fraud very hard and disenfranchising impossible. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #455 November 3, 2014 Quote Why not issue a mandatory free ID to every citizen? I would be happy to do that, the argument from the left here is that 1. They don't have the transportation to get there. 2. They don't have the time to go do it. 3. They don't have the proper documents to get an id. 4. Its unconstitutional to require them to do so. Dont let them hear you say your gonna charge them $500 for not voting, their heads will explode I will say again I want EVERYONE to vote. Just be a citizen, show ID, be registered so they can track who voted, when and where, and only once! Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,387 #456 November 3, 2014 H Anvil, Quotebe registered so they can track who voted, when and where, and only once! And I keep saying that all states should do as Oregon does; ALL voting is by mail-in ballot. You can avoid the stamp by dropping your ballot off at any number of drop-off locations all around the state. Here, once you are registered, you get to vote. The mail-in ballot ensures that you vote only once in any election. You, as the potential voter, must update any address changes, party affiliation changes, etc with the Registrar of whatever county that you live in. And this can also be accomplished by mail. Works here, folks. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #457 November 3, 2014 What stops anyone from making fake mail in ballots and sending in duplicates of real ones or making fake addresses and people? Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #458 November 3, 2014 AnvilbrotherWhat stops anyone from making fake mail in ballots and sending in duplicates of real ones or making fake addresses and people? I don't know, Green Lantern? Captain America? maybe the Coast Guard? ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #459 November 3, 2014 rushmc This guy IS disinfranchised but, he dont count, RIGHT??? He certainly does count. But he's one vote. How many total cases like this will we see? A solution to protect him that disenfranchises 10,000 others in New Mexico is not an improvement. Come up with a better solution. IBX: making IDs freely available could address the concerns. Having the census workers also register people could be an avenue in 2020. But if that is done by not worrying about the lack of documentation for people, then we'll see a very different set of complainers about giving votes to illegal aliens. and let's not lose sight of the frank comments from GOP insiders as to their real intent. They don't give a fuck about this guy in Rio Arriba. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #460 November 3, 2014 > Stop giving Pakistan 10 billion per year if you want and pay to have everyone > picked up in a limo and brought to the court house or DMV to get id and > registered for all I care! Your liberal terrorist-coddling tax-and-spend policies will get no support here! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #461 November 3, 2014 QuoteBut he's one vote. You seem to be always late to the party. QuoteNon-citizen votes could have given Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health-care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) won election in 2008 with a victory margin of 312 votes. The 2005 COMMISSION ON FEDERAL ELECTION REFORM a bipartisan commission headed by former president Jimmy Carter stated that voter fraud DOES happen, and it could affect the outcome of close elections. They recommended voter id and registration laws, and a uniform voter ID despite the regularity of the fraud the outcome is huge if it did and outweighs the hardship put on those that need to obtain the proper doccuments..... QuoteEffective voter registration and voter identification are bedrocks of a modern election system. QuoteThere is no evidence of extensive fraud in U.S. elections or of multiple voting, but both occur, and it could affect the outcome of a close election.The electoral system cannot inspire public confidence if no safeguards exist to deter or detect fraud or to confirm the identity of voters. Photo IDs currently are needed to board a plane, enter federal buildings, and cash a check. Voting is equally important. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #462 November 3, 2014 AnvilbrotherQuoteBut he's one vote. You seem to be always late to the party. That's all conjecture. Jesus Christ might rise from the ground as well. The false vote in New Mexico is real, probably. Can't eliminate the possibility that it's a contrived event with a co-conspirator. Saying people have won close elections and there possibly might have been some fraudulent votes is rather pointless if you can't actually identify any of them. That 2005 commission was started in part because people thought Ohio was stolen by Diebold/GOP evilness. It too was a close election. To repeat - solutions that don't cause massive disenfranchisement is worth pursuing. But we factually know why the GOP has been doing it, and it's not about fair elections. You can't put forth changes based solely on the benefits while ignoring the costs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #463 November 3, 2014 Do you even read the links in the replies? That "conjecture" has data to it to prove their stance...... Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,387 #464 November 3, 2014 Hi Anvil, QuoteWhat stops anyone from making fake mail in ballots and sending in duplicates of real ones or making fake addresses and people? It is very controlled here. How would you make a fake person? IMO if someone is truly committed to voting 'unfairly', then they will probably succeed. It is sort of like the concept of zero defects in mass production; the success is simply not worth the costs. Jerry Baumchen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #465 November 3, 2014 Thats what I was wondering is how is it controlled? Do the ballots just come back with a name, address and the votes, and all they do is verify that it exists and counts the votes. Or are the ballots printed from a voter registration system with a unique barcode, and once its returned its scanned in and the system will only accept known barcodes, and ones that have not already voted. Rejecting duplicates, and ones no in the system? Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #466 November 4, 2014 AnvilbrotherDo you even read the links in the replies? That "conjecture" has data to it to prove their stance...... uh, no it does not. It is littered with phrases like may have or could possibly be. The authors acknowledge a weakness is the sample size for illegal aliens and also point out that voter ID would not be a blocker for these would be voters. I'll point you back to the Florida 2000 election. There are far more real issues with this election that cast doubt on the Bush victory than this conjecture about illegal aliens. Do you consider that win tainted? I don't. We can only count real ballots, not how we extrapolate how they might have turned out if X and Y hadn't been done. And every count of the actual ballots says that Bush won. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #467 November 4, 2014 Ok Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #468 November 4, 2014 so let's hear it, Anvil. Was Florida a tainted win? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #469 November 4, 2014 I have not done any research into that election, so I have no opinion. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,387 #470 November 4, 2014 Hi Anvil, Quotehow is it controlled I've already mailed mine so I don't have it to look at. It does come to my name at my address. The package contains the ballot(s) and two envelopes. One is a 'secrecy' envelope that you put your ballot(s) into and seal. The 2nd is the mailing envelope that has ( I think ) some type of barcoding or similar. You must also sign the outer envelope; and that is compared to the signature that you have on file at the Registrar's office. I am of the opinion that it is very secure. Jerry Baumchen PS) I am always skeptical about new systems but I really, really like the system here. If more of you knew about how it works, you would work to get the same system in your state. It works!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #471 November 4, 2014 So I go to check in and just hand her my ID. She gets a little scared and looks at the wall and says "we're not allowed to use ID, you have to tell me"...... 1 - Me USING ID as a means to provide my name and address is worlds different than them REQUIRING the use of an ID for providing name and address. 2 - What if I was was a mute and this was convenient? Why do they hate people with disabilities? Methinks this is an example of the no-ID crowd being way over the top and not understanding their own position. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rick 67 #472 November 4, 2014 rehmwaSo I go to check in and just hand her my ID. She gets a little scared and looks at the wall and says "we're not allowed to use ID, you have to tell me"...... 1 - Me USING ID as a means to provide my name and address is worlds different than them REQUIRING the use of an ID for providing name and address. 2 - What if I was was a mute and this was convenient? Why do they hate people with disabilities? Methinks this is an example of the no-ID crowd being way over the top and not understanding their own position. wow not allowed to use ID that makes no sense I went this morning and everyone was asked for id If I remember correctly Florida is one of the states where they ask but don't requireYou can't be drunk all day if you don't start early! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DanG 1 #473 November 4, 2014 That's weird. I had to provide ID this morning. BTW, it was the first time I've had to provide ID since I started keeping track a few weeks ago when the whole, "you can't live in America without ID," debate started. Full disclosure: I did have to show my military ID to get a discount on a new microwave at Lowes. I haven't otherwise needed ID in at least three weeks, when I last flew on a commercial plane. - Dan G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #474 November 4, 2014 DanGThat's weird. I had to provide ID this morning. BTW, it was the first time I've had to provide ID since I started keeping track a few weeks ago when the whole, "you can't live in America without ID," debate started. Full disclosure: I did have to show my military ID to get a discount on a new microwave at Lowes. I haven't otherwise needed ID in at least three weeks, when I last flew on a commercial plane. I did not need to show an ID I just had to give them my name and write down my address and a signature I would gladly show my ID I have to to give my drivers license ID to US cellular if I want to adjust my cell phone plan or before they will answer any questions for me Even if they know me"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,535 #475 November 4, 2014 rehmwaMethinks this is an example of the no-ID crowd being way over the top and not understanding their own position. Or just one person who doesn't understand her job properly?Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites