
Radicalized Islamist Kills one Canadien Soldier - Injures Another

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A while back, it was an English soldier/cadet who was murdered. Now it's a "radicalized" Canadien who ran a couple of soldiers down.

Note to the rest of the world: It is not just the US that is threatened. It's not just US intervention in foreign affairs. It's not just Israel. I think it is an "underestimation" to view any country or any person as immune from a threat. In fact, just last year a rail bombing plot in Montreal was uncovered.

As a final thought, the attacker was not what would be a stereotypical picture, unless the stereotype is the image of a Quebecois.

I find it interesting. The changing faces and methods of those who want to destroy others.

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I find it interesting. The changing faces and methods of those who want to destroy others.

The faces/methods may change, but at its core it's all caused by the same thing....religion.
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I think what we are seeing are the results of well orchastrated and effective social media "campaigns" targeting the disenfranchised.

I don't think we are even close to seeing the end of this.

I don't see really how this guy was "disenfranchised." It looks like he was focused on hate and blame and had a lot of rage. And then found a group of people that agreed with him and enabled him to believe that he actually WAS disenfranchised.

One doesn't need to be disenfranchised. This shows that a person need only think he or she is. Hate groups are easy to form and to recruit. This guy went looking for validation and he found it.

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I agree.

My personal thoughts are that too much focus is placed on "religion" as the blame for this stuff. Blaming religion for thugs being thugs is like blaming racism for the Aryan Nation. As if the members of Aryan Nation would be nice guys but/for the influence of racists.

No. They are thugs. A criminal enterprise that happens to use race as its identifier. Same thing with ISIS - a group of thug sociopaths who use religion as an identifier.

It's why Muslims are peaceful people. Radical Muslims? They're far more "radical" than they are "muslim." The Surenos and Nortenos are criminal enterprises identified by their racial lineage.

Too many sociopaths and assholes and criminals simply look to find a justification. Some use race. Some use political leanings (like Occupy Wall Street thugs). Some use religion. All arbitrary. Arbitrary lines to differentiate "us" vs. "them."

It's not a religious person who will convince a kid to be a suicide bomber. It's a sociopath who just doesn't care about anyone else. It's the desire for power.

I think we should strip it down.

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I agree.

My personal thoughts are that too much focus is placed on "religion" as the blame for this stuff. Blaming religion for thugs being thugs is like blaming racism for the Aryan Nation. As if the members of Aryan Nation would be nice guys but/for the influence of racists.

No. They are thugs. A criminal enterprise that happens to use race as its identifier. Same thing with ISIS - a group of thug sociopaths who use religion as an identifier.

Aryan Nation is also a religious group.

They aren't just using religion as there identifier, it's their motivation tool and funding source.

All religion uses the same tactics to control and exploit: something that can't be proved that you just have to have faith in and afterlife punishment and/or reward.

The only real difference between a religious terrorist group and organized religion is what they use the above to make their people do.


Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

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No. They are thugs. A criminal enterprise that happens to use race as its identifier. Same thing with ISIS - a group of thug sociopaths who use religion as an identifier.

I disagree. At a low estimate ISIS has 20,000 armed fighters on the ground. Would they all have been violent criminals without having been unified by ISIS's mission? What about the people that Aryan Nation are emulating? Is everyone you see in the crowds in Triumph Of The Will suffering from a diagnosable mental disorder?

The worrying thing about movements like that is what they can convince normal people to do.
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Too many sociopaths and assholes and criminals simply look to find a justification.

Yep your on the money there, since when was 'Martin Couture Rouleau' a Muslim name? It isn't of course, just yet another psychopathic mental case looking to use Islam as an excuse to carry out his sick fantasies. 25 years old and a 'convert' sound familiar? Yet another 'convert' psycho.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
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What the hell is going on in Ottawa?

Still very fluid. My kids' school is on lockdown, as is much of the city.

What has been interesting is that in all the reporting I have seen and listened to, the word terrorist or terrorism has not been used....(yet)

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>What has been interesting is that in all the reporting I have seen and listened to,
>the word terrorist or terrorism has not been used....(yet)

It's already all over the media in the US of course. CNN: "The FBI is helping Canadian authorities as they respond, a U.S. law enforcement official told CNN, adding that a connection to terrorism hasn't been ruled out."

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We should treat the perpetrators as what they are criminals, no use of the word terrorist, simply murderers. Thats what they are calling them terrorists just gives them a veneer of glamour and recognises their cause (whatever it may turn our to be).
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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A decade ago, bored, white, middle-class losers became "whiggers" (white people who dressed like drug dealers and spouted angry rap music).
Every generation has its own brand of "angry young man music: swing, rockabilly, rock, punk, grunge, rap, hip-hop, etc.
The measure of a society is how it challenges its angry young men. Simply sending them off to wage "jihad," "crusade," "cattle theiving" or "war" against the neighboring tribe is a lazy ruler's way to dispose of a juvenile delinquency problem at home.

Wiser nations challenge their youth to engage in education, careers, music, sports, or charity work. In that respect, skydiving is just another diversion for angry young men/women. That is also why skydiving is more honorable than jihad.

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All good points but where would you rather this 'psycho convert' was today, Canada or Iraq/


I accept that something has to be done to turn off the tap (faucet) that is flooding the cause of Jihad with angry young men and women. However even if you turn off the tap you still have a basin full of water to deal with. Like I said, turn those you can and use them to expose others, address issues around marginalisation and belonging. But as well as talking softly Roosevelt was right you also need to be carrying a big stick and not be afraid to use it in a strategic fashion. Some people can't be reasoned with and are a treat to their their fellow nationals. I'm not suggesting sending people to jihad in Syria or Iraq, they are already going. I want to see them stopped either by preventing their radicalisation before they go, by turning them and using them to diffuse other before they go or failing that by removing the threat from them on the battlefield if required.
And I say this as a British Muslim.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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We need to stop being so politically correct with the Mosques and stop this nonsense of labeling people Islamophobic when they speak out against Islamist violence. If a Mosque is preaching radicalism, they need to be dealt with immediately. NO more sugar coating this politically correct BS. I am not afraid, despite the two attacks on Canada in the last few days. I don't want the government infringing on people's rights with new spying legislation. I cherish my freedom just as much as I cherish the freedom of people who don't quite see the world the same way I see it. But if someone commits a crime, if someone threatens violence, they are criminals and need to be treated as criminals. The fellow responsible for this crime today was arrested in Vancouver in 2011 for armed robbery (not sure what weapon he used, I am guessing it was something like a knife). But when it came time for his court appearance, the charges for his 2011 crime spree were reduced and he only ever spent one day in jail. Yet another in a long list of examples where the legal system has failed us.

PS: I work closely with a Muslim fellow and today he and I interacted in a friendly, courteous and professional way like all the other days since we began working together three years ago. Despite today's event, our work relationship did not change, nor should it change. Just because I do not approve of the Progressive's PC agenda towards Islam doesn't mean I can't have a meaningful productive professional relationship with people of the Muslim faith. My Muslim work colleague keeps his beliefs to himself and I keep my beliefs to myself.

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I agree with you completely.
We need to do some serious racial profiling to shove these fanatics off to the margins of society.

Maybe we could divert them to some sort of Moslem Boot-camp - led by moderate Moslems - that would run them to physical exhaustion and force them to seriously question their radical beliefs.

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I agree with everything you said. However I would say regarding:


I do not approve of the Progressive's PC agenda towards Islam

Theres difference between Islam and Islamist inspired terrorism.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I agree with you completely.
We need to do some serious racial profiling to shove these fanatics off to the margins of society.

That would be a big mistake. Being a Muslim is a religious belief system not an ethnicity. Most of the recent attacks have been by 'converts' many of whom were black or even white, go down the route of racial profiling and you simply make it easier for those loons bent on murder who don't fit into a stereotype of a Islamist criminal.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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