
Airport takes jump operations hanger

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Thats pretty fucked up! Its upsetting to see politicians going hell bent to get their way. Doing to many shady things in the face of FAA recommendations, and ignoring the greater good for the airport and the community.

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Another episode of "As The Propeller Turns". For small airports without a commercial carrier skydiving is one of the few profitable businesses other than renting hanger space for the "fun police".

This stuff happens all over and no DZ on a public airport is immune.

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Yea, the City of Cresswell has this rule to avoid property taxes on the airport. Any aviation business that builds (with their own $$$) a building on the airport must donate the building back to the city and then you lease it back from the city. Sweet deal for the city and the business owner is screwed.

The airport manager's husband owns aviation maintenance business on the airport GONG...conflict of interest.

The city manager was a douchebag, he finally quit and a DZO died.


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