
Ferguson\Darren Wilson-to indict or not indict

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You have already proven to me you dont care to understand the real issue

You do not have to keep trying

I think you are willingly ignoring what he is saying so that your 200 year old world view is not challenged.

Not really
I know, as do you , that bias's do and will always exist

But, in this care, there are a few who are trying to make this into something that it is not to keep their 200 year world view in play

Cause it makes them money

Are there problems in Ferguson? Ya, I think so.
To the degree the race baiters and thier willing followers decry? Not so much

This bs is exactly like the Tryvon Martin bs

The ONLY ones that gain anything from this are those in the race industry

But, if I am wrong in your opinion, tell me what the thugs have to gain by burning down their own town?

And I am glad to know there is another mind reader on this site who knows what my 200 year world view is:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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