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Another scumbag politician.

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54 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

Most on both sides of this coin will only point back to 1948, some go back to the Balfour Agreement, but most will not explore the history of conflict between Palestine & Israel for some 10,000 years.      

Would you have a book we can reference?

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1 hour ago, JoeWeber said:

Would you have a book we can reference?

That would be stele, scrolls, or perhaps a couple codex. A learned man like Keith likely has several of each in his library. Most likely next to his book Roman Battle Tactics.

Edited by Phil1111

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15 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

The Palestinian people in general have nothing wrong. They have been pawns of corrupt leaders, foreign governments, Israel and religion. I agree the solution isn't easy.

You seem to imply the people of Palestine are different from the people of Israel in this situation, which I don't think is the case at all.

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2 hours ago, gowlerk said:

The earliest known Jewish history, Egyptian records are from 1200 BCE. Which goes a long way to explaining why no one ever speaks of the conflict 10,000 years ago.

I thought this thread was about scumbag politicians.  everything today seems to migrate to Israel and Gaza.  I try not to spend too much time on problems that have no solution.

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36 minutes ago, tkhayes said:

I thought this thread was about scumbag politicians.  everything today seems to migrate to Israel and Gaza.  I try not to spend too much time on problems that have no solution.

Speaking of scumbag politicians try reading up on all the sins of the biblical legend King David. Famous for killing Philistines and taking their foreskins as trophies. Many wives and children. Puts that Mohamad who Winsor loves to slag to shame in the debauchery department.

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22 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

Speaking of scumbag politicians try reading up on all the sins of the biblical legend King David. Famous for killing Philistines and taking their foreskins as trophies. Many wives and children. Puts that Mohamad who Winsor loves to slag to shame in the debauchery department.

"But that's different . . . . "

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3 hours ago, gowlerk said:

Speaking of scumbag politicians try reading up on all the sins of the biblical legend King David. Famous for killing Philistines and taking their foreskins as trophies. Many wives and children. Puts that Mohamad who Winsor loves to slag to shame in the debauchery department.

King David wasn't a politician.

The patriarchs of the Torah were largely in the 'Mr. Bad Example' mold, from Adam forward.  We don't use dicta from an ancient King as an excuse for evil, followers of the Illiterate Psychopath Pervert do so routinely.

It is ironic that New Improved Universal Religions use the Bronze Age superstitious lore of a big dysfunctional family as their basis.  Given how much of a mess they all are, I think they could have done much better.




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On 5/6/2024 at 3:56 PM, normiss said:

Palestine is the only country on earth that has no right to resist occupation, land theft, ethnic cleansing and genocide. WHY?

Why does the entire planet have to ignore or forget what Israel has done TO the Palestinians for the last 70+ years?

Check out the track record of Palestinian Arabs in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan for starts.  Have you noticed that not one Islamic country has offered refuge to the poor, misunderstood denizens of Gaza?  The border between Gaza and Egypt is MUCH more secure than that between Gaza and Israel.

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23 minutes ago, winsor said:

Check out the track record of Palestinian Arabs in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan for starts.  Have you noticed that not one Islamic country has offered refuge to the poor, misunderstood denizens of Gaza?  The border between Gaza and Egypt is MUCH more secure than that between Gaza and Israel.

Why would they? They are gifted with a perpetual shit storm.

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25 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

Not really. And, I'm kinda with TK on this one. Multitudes of scholars can recite the history, but not the solution.  

And I'm with Winsor on this one: there is no solution. However our current policy of throwing good money after bad is not helping. I say, it's past time to let them sort it out on their own and let history pick the winners. 

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7 hours ago, jakee said:

Ok, name a region that doesn’t have a thousand year history of conflict with its neighbours.


3 hours ago, BIGUN said:


The history was largely lost (or never really recorded), but there was LOTS of conflict amongst the indigenous groups in North America before Europeans arrived.

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6 hours ago, BIGUN said:


The last one.  From Wikipedia:

The Battle of Nashville was a two-day battle in the Franklin-Nashville Campaign that represented the end of large-scale fighting west of the coastal states in the American Civil War. It was fought at Nashville, Tennessee, on December 15–16, 1864, between the Confederate Army of Tennessee under Lieutenant General John Bell Hood and the Union Army of the Cumberland (Dept. of the Cumberland) (AoC) under Major General George H. Thomas. In one of the largest victories achieved by the Union Army during the war, Thomas attacked and routed Hood's army, largely destroying it as an effective fighting force.

Earlier, in 1838, the Cherokee were rounded up by the federal government and relocated to concentration camps near Charleston, Tennessee.

Earlier, in 1714, the Cherokee destroyed the Tennessee town of Chestowee, in reprisal for an attack against a Cherokee village.

Before Europeans arrived, the Cherokee regularly battled the Chickasaw for land in what is now Tennessee.  This goes back at least thousands of years - back to around 1200, per the scant records that the Cherokee managed to keep.

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19 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

Damn  - you guys are good. Nothing like having the knowledge of the universe in your hands. 

Some days yes, some days...

Not so much.

I say this out loud on a pretty regular basis:

I hold in my hand a device that allows me to make contact with the majority of the people on the planet, and to access the entirety of man's knowledge.

I use it primarily to argue with strangers and look at cute pictures of cats.

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1 hour ago, BIGUN said:

Damn  - you guys are good. Nothing like having the knowledge of the universe in your hands. 

So why did you decide not to use it?

Seriously - do you think there is a region on earth without (much more than) a 1000 year history of conflict with its neighbours?

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15 minutes ago, jakee said:

Seriously - do you think there is a region on earth without (much more than) a 1000 year history of conflict with its neighbours?

Well, you have to remember that a lot of US folks aren't aware (as in weren't taught) that there is actual history that took place in North America before the Europeans arrived.

Kinda funny (not in an amusing way) - I got a decent amount of history about pre-European South & Central America (Aztec, Inca, Maya) and a bit about the Conquistadors.

And a tiny bit on the indigenous folks in what's now the US (mostly how they were conquered and subjugated), but virtually nothing on who was where and what happened, or any of the realities of what was truly genocide.

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28 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Well, you have to remember that a lot of US folks aren't aware (as in weren't taught) that there is actual history that took place in North America before the Europeans arrived.

I will also add that the reason we perceive that areas of the US do not have a history of violence is because we killed all (well, 99.9%) of the indigenous people when we got here, either directly or via what we brought with us (typhus, smallpox, alcohol etc.)   Dead men fire no rockets into Memphis.

If we had two million native Americans living in Tennessee, on what they consider their own land, with their own government, determined to right the wrongs of the Trail of Tears - and those native Americans were being funded and armed by Iran - I think we'd be less condescending towards the Middle East's endless history of violence.

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