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Another scumbag politician.

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Hi folks,

Re:  Another scumbag politician.

And one more:  'GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public'

'As a longtime strategist for the Republican National Committee, Thomas Hofeller was known for his warnings to keep redistricting work under wraps.'


We simply cannot have the citizenry seeing what we are doing.

Jerry Baumchen

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3 hours ago, ryoder said:

D.C. attorney general sues Trump inaugural committee over $1 million booking at president’s hotel

It's ok though, he can't be profiting from the office because he's giving his salary to charity...

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11 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks,

And add another one to the list:

Lindsey Graham: 'We need to figure out . . .  what’s best for country.'




Jerry Baumchen

Should be interesting - 

I know Trump did piss Romney off pretty well.

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In Minnesota, there are several challengers to Ilhan Omar (the US citizen Trump wants to 'send back').

One of them is a bit 'fringe'. Believes the "Q" idiocy, says Omar is an Iranian agent and should be 'tried for treason and hanged'. 

But that's not the 'scumbag' part.

She has a felony arrest warrant out on her. Failure to appear for several court appearances for shoplifting. Over $2k in stolen goods, which is why it's a felony.



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Frankly, that goes for any of the congresscritters, Democrat, Republican, or independent. However, the Democrats didn't come out and say "everything is just fine" as they donned some of the not-enough life jackets. That's some kind of special, there.

Wendy P.

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2 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

Whoa there. Something is very very fishy here. Tucker doesn't call for the rule of law or justice unless there is a serious underlying political angle.Its as fishy as you and AOC agreeing. I smell something here...

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1 hour ago, Phil1111 said:

Whoa there. Something is very very fishy here. Tucker doesn't call for the rule of law or justice unless there is a serious underlying political angle.Its as fishy as you and AOC agreeing. I smell something here...

Tucker is pissed that he didn't get the briefing.


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Instead of starting a new thread. I thought this story about trump's closest and a full equal in lying. OK he lies 1/4 as much as trump. Is handling the C-19 threat to his little fiefdom.

About the shortages of equipment.

Just another politician lying to cover everything up.

Edited by Phil1111

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It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I, of course, was never, ever, at a DZ party where drugs were present that I didn't approve of. And I certainly have never been drunk enough to puke.

But his upward political career is probably over.

Wendy P.

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1 hour ago, kallend said:

I expect that any call, texts, emails, and contacts related to such sales are long deleted.  It is not exactly news that he made the trades.


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1 hour ago, headoverheels said:

I expect that any call, texts, emails, and contacts related to such sales are long deleted.  It is not exactly news that he made the trades.


Somehow, I doubt it. Criminals, no matter what their station in life, don't seem to be the smartest.

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57 minutes ago, turtlespeed said:

Somehow, I doubt it. Criminals, no matter what their station in life, don't seem to be the smartest.

ISome make it to the very highest offices in the land.


To obtain a search warrant, federal agents and prosecutors must persuade a judge they have probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.

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1 hour ago, turtlespeed said:

Somehow, I doubt it. Criminals, no matter what their station in life, don't seem to be the smartest.

White House plan to sell nuclear tech to Saudi Arabia

Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser, was behind it.

$ 40 billion worth of sensitive technology, reactors with enormous under the table kickbacks for Flynn, trump, Jared and other insiders. Obvious allot smarter than those who voted for them.

Well these criminals almost got away with it. Oh well on to other scumbag deals.

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2 hours ago, headoverheels said:

I expect that any call, texts, emails, and contacts related to such sales are long deleted.  It is not exactly news that he made the trades.


Subpoena served on your service provider will easily glean the information.

I wonder how Senator Kelly Loeffler slept last night.

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