tkhayes 348 #26 January 20, 2015 One of the reasons that Arpaio is in trouble is that he consistently went after people that WERE NOT illegal in any way. Those are the constitutional violations. I guess then you support a country where LE can sweep up an enormous dragnet hoping to catch a few criminals. and screw the innocents, if they were doing nothing wrong they they should be thrilled with the outcome right? Sure I bet that is what you want. You are simply cherry picking the illegals he found out of the hundreds if not thousands of people that got detained, searched, arrested etc and were perfectly legal citizens and permanent residents of the USA. Difference is that these are people of color, so that sort of behavior by LE is acceptable, and the whit population is blind to it because of course. it never actually happens to them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #27 January 20, 2015 QuoteArresting illegals, good stuff Im all for it. Racial profiling and harassment of hispanic US Citizens is not okay, not to mention violating their Constitutional Rights. So what, a couple of wetbacks are inconvenienced in the war against illegals. First, they aren't like me. Second, it doesn't inconvenience me. Third, Fox News and Blaze TV don't care, so why would I? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BornToThrill 0 #28 January 20, 2015 I am a fan to both Fox News and The Blaze. I guarantee that Glenn Beck and member of Fox do care and have a problem with it. Resources, jobs and tax dollars (and not paying taxes) should inconvenience you if you are an American citizen. There is a process to entering and becoming a citizen of this country legally, however broken it may be, there is a system. Nobody gets a free ride... If you can accept hispanic US citizens getting their Constitutional rights violated, whats next? Check all Arab-descent US citizens? Then all non-caucasian citizens? Then everyone. At that point we are nowhere near free... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #29 January 22, 2015 I wonder what would happen if Joe was caught employing an illegal alien. Do you think he would be able to invite her anywhere - like say - the SOTU?I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tkhayes 348 #30 January 22, 2015 QuoteThere is a process to entering and becoming a citizen of this country legally, Part of the problem is that for so many, there is NOT a process to become legal. Part of immigration reform is actually trying to create that process. I think people are blind to the reality that the process does not exist for many. Particularly for the undocumented children that were brought to the country illegally, lived here their whole lives, are now working adults, pay taxes, have jobs, have degrees and trades, know no other country other than America, but are not American citizens. For a lot of these people (probably millions of them), there is no 'application for citizenship" that addresses their situation. Question 2 of the worksheet derails it immediately. There is NO PATH to apply for citizenship for these people. Of course if you think that it is then OK to deport someone who say is 30 years old, came to the USA when they were 2 years old, lived and went to school here, got a degree, has a job, pays taxes, owns a house, car, contributes to society, then I guess that is your right. Or we could offer a plan for these people based upon their circumstances of arrival (i.e. the 2 year old did not make a conscious decision to move to the USA), their contribution to society, etc, then that might be considered as 'immigration reform' However immigration reform is often over-simplified by extremists to mean 'free everything for illegals that came here illegally' and words like 'amnesty' which does not describe the situation with any real justification. It is a massive oversimplification of what the real situation is. Real Immigration reform might actually address this problem and allow millions of people that are already here, are already and always have been contributing to American society, have fully assimilated into the America way of life, stand at attention to to the American flag and anthem, pay their taxes, own businesses, create jobs, wealth and GDP. Or you can chose to deport them back to a country that they no absolutely nothing about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,998 #31 January 22, 2015 >Resources, jobs and tax dollars (and not paying taxes) should inconvenience you if you >are an American citizen. ================== Top 10 Myths About Immigration By Leo Anchondo 1) Immigrants don't pay taxes. Immigrants pay taxes, in the form of income, property, sales, and taxes at the federal and state level. As far as income tax payments go, sources vary in their accounts, but a range of studies find that immigrants pay between $90 and $140 billion a year in federal, state, and local taxes. Undocumented immigrants pay income taxes as well, as evidenced by the Social Security Administration's "suspense file" (taxes that cannot be matched to workers' names and social security numbers), which grew by $20 billion between 1990 and 1998. (Source: 2) Immigrants come here to take welfare. Immigrants come to work and reunite with family members. Immigrant labor force participation is consistently higher than native-born, and immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S. In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits. In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use. (Source: "Questioning Immigration Policy - Can We Afford to Open Our Arms?", Friends Committee on National Legislation Document #G-606-DOM, January 25, 1996. 4) Immigrants take jobs and opportunity away from Americans. The largest wave of immigration to the U.S. since the early 1900s coincided with our lowest national unemployment rate and fastest economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs create jobs for U.S. and foreign workers, and foreign-born students allow many U.S. graduate programs to keep their doors open. While there has been no comprehensive study done of immigrant-owned businesses, we have countless examples: in Silicon Valley, companies begun by Chinese and Indian immigrants generated more than $19.5 billion in sales and nearly 73,000 jobs in 2000. (Source: Richard Vedder, Lowell Gallaway, and Stephen Moore, Immigration and Unemployment: New Evidence, Alexis de Tocqueville Institution, Arlington, VA (Mar. 1994), p. 13.) ================ >There is a process to entering and becoming a citizen of this country legally, >however broken it may be, there is a system. From the American Immigration Council: =========== No “line” available for the vast majority of undocumented immigrants Suggestions that immigrants who are in the United States illegally—numbering an estimated 11 million—should simply get in line miss the point: There is no line available for them and the “regular channels” do not include them. If given a choice, opinion surveys of undocumented immigrants indicate that 98 percent would prefer to live and work legally in the United States and would do so if they could. Furthermore, a recent survey of Latino immigrants found that more than nine in 10 who have not naturalized said they would if they had the possibility. However, most undocumented immigrants do not have the necessary family relationships to apply for legal entry, or, if they do, they face years or decades of waiting for a visa. Those here illegally generally do not qualify as refugees unless they come from a handful of countries experiencing political unrest. And most undocumented immigrants do not work in professions that qualify for a green card. The annual number of green cards for lower-skilled workers is extraordinarily small and insufficient for America’s enormous economy, which depends on high-, medium-, and lower-skilled workers. =========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #32 January 22, 2015 Most of us know why you do not post links Just another example QuoteTop 10 Myths About Immigration By Leo Anchondo of Justice for Immigrants QuoteThe Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy arm of the American Immigration Council. IPC's mission is to shape a rational conversation on immigration and immigrant integration. Through its research and analysis, IPC provides policymakers, the media, and the general public with accurate information about the role of immigrants and immigration policy in U.S. society. IPC reports and materials are widely disseminated and relied upon by press and policy makers. IPC staff regularly serves as experts to leaders on Capitol Hill, opinion-makers and the media. IPC, formed in 2003 is a non-partisan organization that neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate for offic Just for full discloser you know Another thing that is interesting to me is, where have all these so called myths been? I mean, I have heard a few of them but not nearly all these supposed 10 myths (of course some of these I found in the full document)"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anvilbrother 0 #33 January 22, 2015 QuoteTop 10 Myths About Immigration This list was prepared to be thrown in the face of people saying that about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I have yet to see anyone out there saying majority of those on your list about LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #34 October 26, 2016 Arizona sheriff officially charged with criminal contempt:"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites