
American Sniper

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Movies are for entertainment.
I have to laugh at the bitching and moaning about inaccuracies to real world comparisons. Watching Mission to Mars last night playing with the 3D viewing on the new TV, I had to laugh at a few of the technical mistakes while enjoying the visuals.

Relax, enjoy the show folks!

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In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

Couldnt answer the previous question so you resorted to this.

I answered it. not my fault you don't understand the answer.

There was a Mustafa, Kyle never saw him, never shot him.

In the movie, Mustafa is almost the driving force behind Kyle's decision to keep going back. Kyle shoots him with a magnificant shot. Never happened. Hollywood.

In the end, as I have explained a number of times now, it doesn't matter. I gave my impression of what I thought after seeing the movie. Which means nothing with regards to my opinion of Kyle. I simply do not have one of Kyle, I don't know enough about him to have an opinion and I am not basing it on a Hollywood movie.

Now go ahead and call me another name because things are too difficult for you to understand.

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Without reading the book, and without having had someone point it out to you, or searched the internet i'm so sure you knew that part about Mustafa wasn't true. What are you some sort of expert on Iraq snipers? Did you do some sort of history paper on Juba also? Get that out of here.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Without reading the book, and without having had someone point it out to you, or searched the internet i'm so sure you knew that part about Mustafa wasn't true. What are you some sort of expert on Iraq snipers? Did you do some sort of history paper on Juba also? Get that out of here.

I'll refer you back to the definition of troll that you posted earlier. Seems you have run out of substance.

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What are you some sort of expert on Iraq snipers?

Clearly he knows more about it than you do. You issued a challenge, he answered it. So what exactly are you bitching about?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>Movies are for entertainment.
>I have to laugh

They are not. And if you watched the Matrix you wouldn't be laughing, coppertop.

Certainly the Matrix was anything but entertaining.

Homer Simpson: STEALING! How could you? Why do you think I took you to see all those "Police Academy" movies, FOR FUN? I DIDN'T HEAR ANYONE LAUGHING, DID YOU?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I liked the movie for entertainment value. I don't know why they added stuff like the first kill being a child instead of the mother on her own etc it added nothing to the story. Also WTF was up with that creepy silicone baby with the fucked up hair?? And finally if it was a bit irritating that it showed the spotter in the team being just along for the ride, sitting about doing bugger all for the entire movie.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Baby number 1 showed up with a fever, and baby number 2 was a no show. Eastwood is known for only doing a couple takes and moving on, so either that or scheduling issues they plowed through the scene.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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I'll give "The Guardian" and "The Daily Telegraph" about as much credibility as you probably give Breitbart or Fox news. So you came out of combat operations in much better shape?

This season, the two movies, "American Sniper" and the "Imitation Game" are bookends to each other. War is first fought in the mind and ends at the tip of the spear. It's dirty ugly business or as General Sherman once said, "War is hell and you can't refine it."

The Imitation Game is a work of fiction loosely based on the breaking of the Enigma codes. Its timeline is wrong, its technical details are wrong, the characterizations are mostly wrong, the first Bombe was not called "Christopher" (it was called "Victory") nor was it a solo effort by Turing (it was built by an engineer, Harold Keen), the first decode by a Bombe was not a U-boat attack, it makes no mention of the cribs, codebooks, etc. obtained by the capture of the U-33 rotors or the German weather ships, etc., etc., etc., etc.

I've yet to see American Sniper but I have no hope that it is any more accurate.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Baby number 1 showed up with a fever, and baby number 2 was a no show. Eastwood is known for only doing a couple takes and moving on, so either that or scheduling issues they plowed through the scene.

That explains it, worst fake baby in a movie I've seen in years. I'm hearing a lot of noise about this movie. Bottom line is its entertainment nothing more, loosely based on a real person. In my opinion... Was he a hero? I don't know (or care) however he was a man doing a job, his job was killing humans and gathering intel on the field, he did it well. He was clearly a skilled soldier who served his nation. As for the rights and wrongs of the war, thats for politicians, lawyers and civilians to debate a soldier goes where he is told and fights the wars his nation wages. Kyle did that. I've heard that the movie is responsible for a sudden rise in Anti Muslim sentiment, personally I think nutters running around Paris offing civvies has more to do with that.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Here is another item I think you guys might find enlightening. It's an interview with the screenwriter of the film. I think you guys who keep comparing the life to the book to the movie to the ethics to the bravado to whatever else, might be surprised by some of the details found within this interview.


You -may- want to speed past the introductory questions by Jeff Goldsmith, but let me assure you the body of this interview is fascinating.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Here is another item I think you guys might find enlightening. It's an interview with the screenwriter of the film. I think you guys who keep comparing the life to the book to the movie to the ethics to the bravado to whatever else, might be surprised by some of the details found within this interview.


You -may- want to speed past the introductory questions by Jeff Goldsmith, but let me assure you the body of this interview is fascinating.

Very good interview, he almost lost me in the beginning, when talking about putting the Texas SWAT officer in the headlock.

I thought his description of the writing process was extremely interesting. Wasn't sure I was going to be able to listen for an hour, but it stayed interesting the whole interview.

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The Imitation Game is a work of fiction loosely based on the breaking of the Enigma codes.

Are you talking about the movie or the book written in 1983 by Andrew Hodges? Both movies incorporate artistic license which sufficient comment has been madehere and any more would be in effect piling on. So did Andrew Hodges, a Senior Research Fellow and Tutor in Mathematics at Wadham College get it wrong when he wrote the book in 1983?

My point that you have seemed to miss (but will deny you missed so it's useless to "go there" any further ) is that the BASIC facts less all the embellishment, myth and artistic license have a ring of truth about the nature of war, it is first planned and intelligence IS a factor in that planning and then it is executed with deadly force. I'll refer you back to General Sherman's quote I referenced and both movies bare such basic fact out.

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***Baby number 1 showed up with a fever, and baby number 2 was a no show. Eastwood is known for only doing a couple takes and moving on, so either that or scheduling issues they plowed through the scene.

That explains it, worst fake baby in a movie I've seen in years. I'm hearing a lot of noise about this movie. Bottom line is its entertainment nothing more, loosely based on a real person. In my opinion... Was he a hero? I don't know (or care) however he was a man doing a job, his job was killing humans and gathering intel on the field, he did it well. He was clearly a skilled soldier who served his nation. As for the rights and wrongs of the war, thats for politicians, lawyers and civilians to debate a soldier goes where he is told and fights the wars his nation wages. Kyle did that. I've heard that the movie is responsible for a sudden rise in Anti Muslim sentiment, personally I think nutters running around Paris offing civvies has more to do with that.

I totally agree with your assesment
This is a movie to most people
but the left sees it as a chance to bash America and its soldiers
Sad really

In any event
The movie is doing very very well at the box office
Much to the shagrin of those described above
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***The box office speeks
Guess you are in the tiny minority

How do you do that math?

The people who have seen the film are in the tiny minority.

He's talking box office records... The movie has broken several records already.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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The Imitation Game is a work of fiction loosely based on the breaking of the Enigma codes.

Are you talking about the movie or the book written in 1983 by Andrew Hodges?

The context in this thread is VERY clear.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And FWIW, The only reason I went to see it was because my GF talked me into it. I'm also way too critical of 90% of movies I see, I'm not surprised I disliked it. I also will admit to googling every movie I see, this is how I found out about his love of telling tall Tales.

The best movie of the year IMHO, "The Grand Budapest Hotel".

I figured it out. You're finally growing pubes.


If that movie is your favorite, there is no need debating this movie any more with you.

Your taste obviously sucks ass. You probably enjoy michael moore movies.

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