
Hey look: Another one ...

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Sorry, but you Germans are gonna be wearing that badge of shame for at least as long as there are people who experienced or lived through it, are still alive to tell about it.

In my experience, Germans are more willing to confront the Nazi past than southern whites are to confront Jim Crow and lynchings. In fact many southern whites seem determined to disenfranchise minorities once again.

And in my experience Southern Whites are float more willin to confront the racism of past and present than the Northern Whites who continue to deny its very existence while relegating blacks to slums and ghettos and practicing the de facto segregation and bigotry while transferring intent to Southerners who have made great strides. By no means are they done but Northern Whites have a pretty good history of being bigots and acting like they aren't.

Edited to add: Or England. Remember Enoch Powell?

Why do you think blacks migrated from the south to the north? Because the south was so welcoming for them?

Enoch Powell was a loud mouth like Rush Limbaugh. Basically irrelevant, eventually became an MP for an IRISH constituency (South Down) because he couldn't get elected in England.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This is somewhat local to me. Madison is a couple hours away. It's all over the local news.
And the cops are doing a pretty good job of getting the info out. They aren't stalling or stonewalling. They are (of course) not telling everything they know, but it's a long, long way from what happened in Ferguson.

This is the absolute key, getting facts out QUICK. They absolutely failed at that in Ferguson.
People may not like them, but facts are facts.
I've seen some earlier interviews with Madison's Police Chief, he's well spoken and pretty candid.
This will be a study of the exact opposite of what happened media wise from the PD in Ferguson.

I can't say that I'm confident that the results will be any different.

(Replying to both of you)

The way the cops have addressed the media here is pretty much textbook.

Make statement, express regret, promise a full and fair investigation - in this case, full cooperation with the outside investigators.

And the Madison cops don't have anywhere near the horrible reputation that Ferguson did/does. They aren't anywhere near as bad as even Milwaukee (which has had some pretty ugly incidents).

And the WI DOJ has a reasonably good rep too.

As I said above, if the facts of the case are being accurately told, this case will probably come back as "justified."

And there will probably be a bunch of folks protesting that decision.
And the Madison cops will let them protest peacefully (no armored cars or teargas shot at non-violent crowds).

Hopefully (but I doubt it) the crowd will change their chant from "Hands Up Don't Shoot" to "Don't Attack An Armed Cop." :P
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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This is somewhat local to me. Madison is a couple hours away. It's all over the local news.
And the cops are doing a pretty good job of getting the info out. They aren't stalling or stonewalling. They are (of course) not telling everything they know, but it's a long, long way from what happened in Ferguson.

This is the absolute key, getting facts out QUICK. They absolutely failed at that in Ferguson.
People may not like them, but facts are facts.
I've seen some earlier interviews with Madison's Police Chief, he's well spoken and pretty candid.
This will be a study of the exact opposite of what happened media wise from the PD in Ferguson.

I can't say that I'm confident that the results will be any different.

(Replying to both of you)

The way the cops have addressed the media here is pretty much textbook.

Make statement, express regret, promise a full and fair investigation - in this case, full cooperation with the outside investigators.

And the Madison cops don't have anywhere near the horrible reputation that Ferguson did/does. They aren't anywhere near as bad as even Milwaukee (which has had some pretty ugly incidents).

And the WI DOJ has a reasonably good rep too.

As I said above, if the facts of the case are being accurately told, this case will probably come back as "justified."

And there will probably be a bunch of folks protesting that decision.
And the Madison cops will let them protest peacefully (no armored cars or teargas shot at non-violent crowds).

Hopefully (but I doubt it) the crowd will change their chant from "Hands Up Don't Shoot" to "Don't Attack An Armed Cop." :P

I wouldn't hold your breath. Logic an reason does not a mob crowd make.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I can't say that I'm confident that the results will be any different.

What results do you want?
Again, if you assault/attack an armed police officer, you do so at your own peril.

If the investigation proves the officer acted inappropriately, there is a litany of things that can happen.

You seem to forget, there have been officers recently who were found to use deadly force inappropriately, then were criminally charged.

Madison PD is a pretty straight up organization from what I've seen, their chief is a pretty plain spoken guy.

There are videos of some of his interviews regarding the 1033 program, they are pretty entertaining. He also had an excellent written reply to "demands" of militarization protesters.


"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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In saying that it doesn't matter whether the shooting was justified or not. Protesters gotta protest. It's what they do. And they look for a reason regardless of the validity.


They're going to march & chant. Whether or not this guy attacked the cop, they are going to go on as if he was shot & killed for no reason at all. They will paint him as a "good boy", who "wouldn't hurt a fly" and all that crap.

You know, that "Right To Assemble" & "Freedom of Speech" stuff.

And the cops are going to watch them do it.
And if they do it peaceably, the cops will just sit there and watch.

Unlike Ferguson.

Fortunately, the local news is reporting that he has a criminal record for armed robbery. He was not a choir boy.

Again, we shall see what happens.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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***In saying that it doesn't matter whether the shooting was justified or not. Protesters gotta protest. It's what they do. And they look for a reason regardless of the validity.


They're going to march & chant. Whether or not this guy attacked the cop, they are going to go on as if he was shot & killed for no reason at all. They will paint him as a "good boy", who "wouldn't hurt a fly" and all that crap.

You know, that "Right To Assemble" & "Freedom of Speech" stuff.

And the cops are going to watch them do it.
And if they do it peaceably, the cops will just sit there and watch.

Unlike Ferguson.

Fortunately, the local news is reporting that he has a criminal record for armed robbery. He was not a choir boy.

Again, we shall see what happens.

It doesn't look like the awful hideous americans are the only ones . . .
granted - it was a few years ago - but . . .

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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OK...so what's your point? intent?

Another fatal shooting of an African-American male at the hands of a police officer. Sad and tragic.

There will be an investigation and hopefully due process will prevail in rendering whether the cop responsible was justified or unjustified in the action taken.

However, if the facts clearly point that the dead suspect engaged the cop to do harm to the cop, the cop was in their right to defend themselves with deadly force. As someone here has already stated, I'll just reinforce the point, you tangle with a cop, you do so at your own peril.

Lotta stuff goes down over here. It's a big country with a lot of people. Kinda reminds me of that scene in "Smokey and The Bandit" where the Bandit tells this woman he picks up on the side of the road.

"When you tell somebody something, it depends what part of the country (United States) you're standing in...as to just how dumb you are!"

And if you're not standing in this part of the country (US), you just might be making it worse.

But you are entitled to your opinion which like @$$holes...everybody's got one.

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I know right!>:( When are they going to realize it isn't ok to shoot black criminals. They are supposed to let them beat and then kill a cop before shooting them. Stupid cops, you would think they would have learned that by now

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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I know right!>:( When are they going to realize it isn't ok to shoot black criminals. They are supposed to let them beat and then kill a cop before shooting them. Stupid cops, you would think they would have learned that by now

NO NO NO . . . they are supposed to let them attack, beat, and then grab the gun and shoot the cop.

That would make them so much happier.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You and mpohl need to spend one week in a ride along with the LAPD.
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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Are you once again putting the US down?

This is at least the third African-American man to be shot dead by police since last Friday, who either was or seemed unarmed.


Still think, I am putting down the US ....? :S

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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This is at least the third African-American man to be shot dead by police since last Friday, who either was or seemed unarmed.


Still think, I am putting down the US ....? :S

You seem to be putting down African American men who are doing things to cause them to be shot in self defense by cops.

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***This is at least the third African-American man to be shot dead by police since last Friday, who either was or seemed unarmed.


Still think, I am putting down the US ....? :S

You seem to be putting down African American men who are doing things to cause them to be shot in self defense by cops.

No. The issue is that the cop isn't being subsevient and allowing the African American male to dominate and beat and kill him. christelsabine seems to believe that a cop, no matter what, should not defend themselves.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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This is nothing!!! You have to do better than that!

Just yesterday, in my home town.
Police shoots an UNARMED, NAKED Man. Dead!

So, these days just moving towards an officer can get you the instant death penalty. Even if unarmed and naked!!!!! I mean it is not like one can hide a weapon when being naked.

"Anthony Hill, 27, was shot and killed Monday afternoon by a DeKalb County police officer. According to police, Hill was naked, knocking on doors in the complex and crawling on the ground.

Hill then allegedly ran at the officer, ignoring commands to stop, police said. Hill was shot by the officer, identified Tuesday as Robert Olsen, and died at the scene."

P.S.: Am I late to the party???:)


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Honestly, police shootings, school shootings.

They are a daily occurrence in this part of the world. Not really worth reporting any longer.

But some still stand out...

Of course, the 12-year old kid in Cleveland that was really classy;

Yesterday's shooting of a naked and unarmed man certainly deserves a medal of departmental honor;

Honorary mention has to go to the Houston Police Department who shot a double amputee in a wheelchair because he was trying to stab the officer with a PEN!!!!!

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