
Cop Slams Pregnant Woman To Ground When She Says She Doesn’t Have to Show ID

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This kind of stuff goes on daily, without fanfare, without the 24 hour news cycle over every shoulder. In many, many towns and cities, cops not only work in the community, they are a integral part of the community. They act as mentors, coaches, tutors, ministers, and in a litany of other capacities. The female officer who was recently killed in Omaha Nebraska is a perfect example of this.


I live very near where I work, I see people I deal with almost daily(good and bad), in the grocery store, at little league games, out eating dinner, and even one time when I ended up in the hospital.

I was walking out in the hallway dragging all my IV's with my ass hanging out of my gown, who walks by but a guy I had arrested, along with 4 out of 5 of his kids. His wife was put in the room next door while I was out of it. He looked at me and I said "what's up man, everything okay?" He then proceeded to tell me about his wife having a heart attack, and all the trouble his kids were still in. Why? Because I always treated him and his family decent.

I treat people as I would want to be treated, so do the vast, vast majority of cops.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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