
I am afraid that the camel's toe is now in the Ranger's tent

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Now that 18 hand selected fembots have washed out of Ranger school, without even making it out of Benning phase, I am afraid that there will be a race to the bottom with regard to standards.

I didn't know they were trying women in the Rangers. Probably not a good idea if they can't meet the basic requirements. Didn't the Israeli Army find the women, though capable of combat, reduced the effectiveness because the men worried too much about them?

We're probably going to SC with this. :D

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***Now that 18 hand selected fembots have washed out of Ranger school, without even making it out of Benning phase, I am afraid that there will be a race to the bottom with regard to standards.

I didn't know they were trying women in the Rangers. Probably not a good idea if they can't meet the basic requirements. Didn't the Israeli Army find the women, though capable of combat, reduced the effectiveness because the men worried too much about them?

We're probably going to SC with this. :D
I don't see how it's not. :)

Even with the worry factor accounted for, if someone (male/female, it doesn't really matter), can't meet the physical requirements, that means someone will have to take up the slack, even before the exercise/mission begins. When the SHTF, that puts you even further behind the power curve.

It irritates the crap out me, when people confuse "equality" with "the same". Not everyone can do the same job, especially when it comes to physicality. Heck, even brains aren't the same with both sexes.
WSCR 594
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***You do know, Battlestar Galactica is not real? Don't you? [:/]


Are you sure???? ;)

So now I am confused. Are they fembots (as stated in the OP) or Cylons? What's the difference? They are both hot! :)

(Assuming we are talking about the Cylons from the remake and not the 1978 original series):D:D:D
"There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."
Life, the Universe, and Everything

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It irritates the crap out me, when people confuse "equality" with "the same". Not everyone can do the same job, especially when it comes to physicality. Heck, even brains aren't the same with both sexes.

This is old-school thinking to me :)
I believe that most so-called differences (especially in thinking) are more related to upbringing and established role models than genetics.

It has been irritating the crap out of me since gym class in secondary school that grades for girls were judged according to a more lenient standard than boys' grades. Especially since almost every girl could outperform me in almost any sport or test you care to think of. :)
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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If the physical requirements are reviewed regularly and updated as the job changes, then such is life. If the physical reauirements were set in WW2 based on equipment available then, maybe they should be reviewed based on the job as it is now. Technological changes have been incorporated into the requirements I'm sure.

People who can't meet regularly-reviewed requirements probably don't belong in the job. People who can't meet "this is the way we've always done it" requirements might.

After all, remember Vasquez in "Aliens."

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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If they lower the standards for Ranger school, I hope they take a look at synchronized swimming, too. I would really like to get some of that action.

Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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This reminds me of a conversation shortly after I retired from the RCAF. The woman on the other side of the conversation was also retired. (Canadian Army Chief Warant Officer) whose last posting had been supporting the Canadian military attaché to the United Nations. She said: "I don't know why young women want to join the navy, what with all the cleaning and shift work months away from home port and and long hours and broken nails and I'll-fitting uniforms and all those horny young men bugging them all the time ....."

Any woman who is physically tough enough (top one percent) to pass Ranger selection should be bright enough to get a better job.

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You do know, Battlestar Galactica is not real? Don't you?

as he does not know the difference between gelatin and Jello.

Oh, I thought for a minute you were going to say
Go easy on our esteemed fellow skydiver Andy
as he lost touch with reality the day he took the Bar:P

Gone fishing

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If the physical requirements are reviewed regularly and updated as the job changes, then such is life. If the physical reauirements were set in WW2 based on equipment available then, maybe they should be reviewed based on the job as it is now. Technological changes have been incorporated into the requirements I'm sure.

People who can't meet regularly-reviewed requirements probably don't belong in the job. People who can't meet "this is the way we've always done it" requirements might.

After all, remember Vasquez in "Aliens."

Wendy P.

No argument, here. :)
WSCR 594
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***It irritates the crap out me, when people confuse "equality" with "the same". Not everyone can do the same job, especially when it comes to physicality. Heck, even brains aren't the same with both sexes.


This is old-school thinking to me :)

I guess it is old-school to believe that someone should be qualified for the job for which they apply or hold. :P


I believe that most so-called differences (especially in thinking) are more related to upbringing and established role models than genetics.

Doesn't change the fact that there are differences in the way a male brain and a female brain work. *shrug* Don't assume that one is better and one is worse, just different.


It has been irritating the crap out of me since gym class in secondary school that grades for girls were judged according to a more lenient standard than boys' grades. Especially since almost every girl could outperform me in almost any sport or test you care to think of. :)

I agree, there should not be two standards. :)
WSCR 594
FB 1023

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I agree, there should not be two standards. :)

At the state fair the Marines have a booth where you can do chin ups on a bar to win prizes. 5 will get you a USMC lanyard, 10 will get the hat, and 20 will get the t-shirt. No cheating doing those Crossfit half chins. These are full up, full down.

My dozen chinups got me the hat. My 20-something daughter, being a female, only had to "hang from the bar" for 60 seconds to get the t-shirt. . . :S

Even the Marines are going double standard. [:/]

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