
Hope to repeal Obamacare

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Christians man your prayer stations. Libertarians take note. Republicans vote.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Christians man your prayer stations - nonsense, an assumption that all christians are of the same political bent is goofy - they span both parties pretty evenly unless you are talking only about the evagelicals

Libertarians take note - I'd think so, for the good of the economy and the good of individuals that want to be left alone and responsible for the themselves

Republicans vote - sure, they can score points in the petty little dem vs rep tantrums and squabbles and oneupsmanship games

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Christians man your prayer stations - nonsense, an assumption that all christians are of the same political bent is goofy - they span both parties pretty evenly unless you are talking only about the evagelicals

We are not all the same. We should all pray. IMO, Pentecostals can gain an edge though. ;)
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Real Christians.... or social Christians.......... What would Jesus do for the poor... What did Jesus actually charge for medical care????

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Christians man your prayer stations - nonsense, an assumption that all christians are of the same political bent is goofy - they span both parties pretty evenly unless you are talking only about the evagelicals

Libertarians take note - I'd think so, for the good of the economy and the good of individuals that want to be left alone and responsible for the themselves

Republicans vote - sure, they can score points in the petty little dem vs rep tantrums and squabbles and oneupsmanship games

I wonder if we will be allowed to read and vote on this before they shove it down our throats?

But . . . . I can't say I disagree with this:

Highlights of the bill include removing any subsidy assistance, increasing tax benefits, expanding federal funding for state “high-risk pools,” allowing Americans to purchase policies across state lines, reforming medical liability laws, and investing in research for the most common causes of death in the United States.

There is nothing in the legislation that requires health plans to provide coverage for abortion services. Using federal funds to pay for elective abortions is specifically prohibited, except in the case of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is jeopardized.

And then :

1) Encouraging Competition in the Health Care Market. The Republican Study Committee criticized the Affordable Care Act for not offering competition in health care.

“There’s less competition in the health care system than ever before,” Scott said.

The proposed legislation addresses this issue by allowing Americans to purchase health insurance products across state lines. Small businesses also are permitted to merge together to coordinate better rates.

Scott said adding more insurance carriers into the health care market is paramount to providing more competition.

I agree with this. No favorites, capitalism, supply and demand.


2) Improving Access for Vulnerable Americans. Federal support for state high-risk pools will increase to $25 billion over 10 years.

Under the bill, premiums would be capped at 200 percent of the state’s premium average. Additionally, those with pre-existing conditions can alternate between health insurance markets, provided they maintain “continuous coverage.”

Roe said veterans would be positively impacted and would receive a Veterans Choice Card, providing more health care options.

I think the cap should be lower, but I really don't know. It just seems like 200% of average is high, but the premise is good.


3) Supporting Medical Breakthroughs. The bill provides funding for an eight-year, $15 billion Medical Breakthrough Fund at the National Institutes of Health to develop cures for the top five causes of death in the United States: heart disease, cancer, strokes, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. These conditions kill more than 1.5 million people each year.

There’s also a $1 billion prize for the first FDA-approved cure or vaccine for Alzheimer’s.

“Alzheimer’s costs a lot, and I’m not talking about just dollars,” said Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., who noted that finding a vaccine for Alzheimer’s would save the government a significant amount of money.

We need to make sure that stemcell research is included.


4) Reforming Medical Liability Laws. The bill identifies several solutions to the medical liability crisis, which increases health care costs and deters physicians from practicing, according to lawmakers.

Solutions include requiring review by an independent panel prior to malpractice discovery and a “voluntary right of removal to federal court so long as there is a federal payer or a federal statute.” Barr said that this reform increases the quality of care by establishing national guidelines for physicians to follow and helps reduce “frivolous lawsuits.”

This seems a little to much in the back room behind closed doors, but the litigations should be limited.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Here is some useful information regarding the bible and its origins. See the attached graphic. Do some research of your own and you will discover that the graphic is factually correct.

It is very odd that a purported "Christian" would be opposed to Obamacare as it has provide MILLIONS of people who did NOT have health insurance access to health insurance and health care.
I thought that Christians cared about the poor and the less fortunate, and actively worked to help them. Am I wrong?

In your mind, what would Jesus do regarding the Affordable Care Act?

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Kim Gibbs? Is that you?

The parallels between her fanatacism with MHS and the republicans with Obamacare are fascinating. One thing you have in common? You've both lost.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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The Bible is not a tech manual. It is a guide to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a rich spiritual life.

Obamacare is not about healthcare. It is about power and control. It was designed to fail and it is. The purpose is to increase governmental power and bring about the one world government.

These are the steps of the end of sinful man.

Jesus has no concern for Obamacare. The last days began in Acts chapter 2. I believe we are in the last days of the last days. The message of the time is to seek Christ not government.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The Bible is not a tech manual. It is a guide to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a rich spiritual life.

Obamacare is not about healthcare. It is about power and control. It was designed to fail and it is. The purpose is to increase governmental power and bring about the one world government.

These are the steps of the end of sinful man.

Jesus has no concern for Obamacare. The last days began in Acts chapter 2. I believe we are in the last days of the last days. The message of the time is to seek Christ not government.


The Apostles knew it was the end of days from soon after Christ died. Those seeking power over their bretheren have been rolling out the end of days predictions for almost 2000 years now.

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You are right.

How long do you think we have before the Rapture or when Jesus returns? At this time, scholars are focusing on September, 2015 as a very significant time in the Hebrew calendar.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You are right.

How long do you think we have before the Rapture or when Jesus returns? At this time, scholars are focusing on September, 2015 as a very significant time in the Hebrew calendar.

Well at least we will have a good summer season.... I will stock up on Salmon.

Nothing like smoked salmon for a good Apocalypse staple.

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The year following the destruction of the second Holy Temple was the first year of a seven-year Sabbatical cycle. In the Jewish calendar, counting from Creation, this was the year 3829, 68–69 CE on the secular calendar. By counting sevens from then, we see that the next Shemittah year will be the year 5775 after Creation, which runs from Sept. 25, 2014, through Sept. 13, 2015.


Another look at Shemittah.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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The year following the destruction of the second Holy Temple was the first year of a seven-year Sabbatical cycle. In the Jewish calendar, counting from Creation, this was the year 3829, 68–69 CE on the secular calendar. By counting sevens from then, we see that the next Shemittah year will be the year 5775 after Creation, which runs from Sept. 25, 2014, through Sept. 13, 2015.


Another look at Shemittah.

The Temple is not yet rebuilt.. and I don't think the Israelis are in a big hurry on that aspect.

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I don't think we need the temple for the tribulation to begin. Shemitah this year may just set up the circumstances for the tribulation.

The wrath of God starts in the second half or 3.5 year period. The temple has to be built by then because it is the desecration of the temple that triggers His wrath.

From my understanding, the first 3.5 years under control of the Anti-Christ are pretty good, except for the Christians.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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You guys should write this down, it sounds like it would make a best selling book.

All of the Apostles wrote it down.. as well as others in the first century. Some made it into a best selling book some did not... church hierarchies are not always open to all of the "word" and the whole Council of Nicaea a couple hundred years later. Much of what was written by one guy.. Saul/Paul is a reflection of not the word of the lord but his trying to get his bias into the new religion from the old Judaic traditions in which he was so much a part of.

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Geeez, you are almost pushy as Jehovah's witness.

Why can't you be more like Mormons who knows when to stop and bikes away?

you sound almost crazy as these guys.

hope that you never see a single dime of social security.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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Much of what was written by one guy.. Saul/Paul is a reflection of not the word of the lord but his trying to get his bias into the new religion from the old Judaic traditions in which he was so much a part of.

I know we may have differences with interpretations, but it's mind boggling how one can read Paul's writings and come to that conclusion.

It was Paul that fought the hardest against the judiazers in order keep the legalistic Judaic traditions from creeping in and overshadowing the christian gospel of grace.

Galatians 2:16
yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified....

Galatians 2:21
I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.

Paul also publicly rebuked Peter when he momentarily disassociated himself from the gentile Christians so that he would not be judged by other Jews who were visiting.

Galatians 2:11-14

But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him in public, because he was clearly wrong. Before some men who had been sent by James arrived there, Peter had been eating with the Gentile believers. But after these men arrived, he drew back and would not eat with the Gentiles, because he was afraid of those who were in favor of circumcising them. The other Jewish believers also started acting like cowards along with Peter; and even Barnabas was swept along by their cowardly action. When I saw that they were not walking a straight path in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you have been living like a Gentile, not like a Jew. How, then, can you try to force Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Furthermore, Peter confirmed Paul's writings to be Scripture:

2 Peter 3:15-16
...consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Are you religious in any way?

Not in a crawl on my knees way... I did way too many years in Parochial school to follow any church that is far more interested in how much you can give them for so little they do for their parishioners or the people the lord said to help.. those who need the help.. those who are the least fortunate among us. Many churches have forgotten what Jesus taught.

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