skycop 0 #51 June 10, 2015 QuoteJust read that the cop involved has resigned. In the press conference, the Police chief called Casebolt's actions "indefensible" and that Casebolt came onto the scene "out of control" and continued to be "out of control during the incident. Some Chiefs of Police are politicians, some can take pressure, some can't, some have no balls. Before the flaming starts, there is a very reasonable argument for him to be acting that way. A bit over the top, sure, MAYBE. Much depends on his previous service history. But for a chief to make comments like this, before the entire situation is looked into and taken in it's totality, reeks of political pressure and having no spine. Would disciplinary action be warranted? Not sure, depends on what their policies are, and this officers previous history. For all the Monday morning quarterbacks out there, the first thing needed in a situation like that is control. Most of the time gaining control ain't easy and certainly not pretty, especially dealing with a bunch of teenagers (regardless of race) running around, not listening, and fighting. Once control was gained, the guy seemed to chill out, that's the way it works, like it or not. Unless you've had the 24 hour news cycle come crashing down on your head, don't fault the guy for resigning, especially when his own administration threw him under the bus. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cvfd1399 0 #52 June 10, 2015 I waited until someone else said it before me. We have been on assault calls where there is a small mob present, and mob mentality rules. If the mob sense weakness the mob will take advantage and overrun the scene. If you have a strong presence and a loud voice they realize your not going to take their shit, or it sinks in how they are acting and it will shut them down. I think he was there alone, realized he needed to stabilize the scene and show a command presence but got a little frustrated with his words for sure. Basically if you show up to something like this and act like a little bitch with a little voice you won't get any results. These "kids". We're not at all innocent in this either. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomerdog 0 #53 June 10, 2015 QuoteReich Wing Conservatives have a great deal of difficulty with factual information that conflicts with their beliefs. I'll make a deal with you. You can use the term "Reich Wing Conservatives" if you let me use the term "Commie Liberal Pinko Bastards" in my writing. Deal? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #54 June 11, 2015 >Actual demonstrated racism took place during the event in question. A fat white cunt And actual demonstrated racism took place in the post above. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funjumper101 15 #55 June 11, 2015 Identifying the perpetrator ACCURATELY by the color of her skin is racist? Interesting, if wrong, conclusion. I'll cop to sexism by using the descriptive epithet "cunt". The good news is that actions have consequences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #57 June 11, 2015 >Identifying the perpetrator ACCURATELY by the color of her skin is racist? I am sure that if another poster here identified the "fat black cunt" you would be screaming racism at the top of your lungs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgoose71 0 #58 June 11, 2015 Herd some interesting stuff on the news today about this... Apparently the cop had responded to 2 calls before this. One call was a suicide, and another call was talking a girl off a roof who was about to commit suicide.... More to the story, rumor has it he was throwing white kids around also... I think he has also released a statement saying that he apologizes for his actions during the call. He was letting the job get to him. I haven't found anything with my google fu, but is someone can confirm this I think it would help. It just goes to show, cops are human."There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #59 June 11, 2015 It just goes to show that some cops are in the wrong career field. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #60 June 11, 2015 normissIt just goes to show that some cops are in the wrong career field. most jobs need a clear means to step aside and take 5 when things are really traumatic all day - or else one can royally screw up at their next interaction ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #62 June 11, 2015 Quotemost jobs need a clear means to step aside and take 5 when things are really traumatic all day - or else one can royally screw up at their next interaction Cops don't have that luxury, due to manpower or the type of calls. Believe me, I been there. Two examples I can think of; I went from giving an infant CPR, the infant threw up in my mouth during the process, the infant died. To talking to a bridge jumper for 30mins, sneaking up on him, then wrestling him to the ground (he tried to take me with him). To another suicidal guy who OD'd on pills who locked himself in his house, we had to force entry with family members to go get him out. All these were back to back to back, the last two were conducted while I had dead infant puke in my mouth, over the course of several hours. I didn't have time to rinse my mouth out or any time to decompress. Finally, when we got to the hospital with the last suicidal guy, I told the nurses what was up and I needed some mouthwash. They REALLY saw what my stress level was, took me to a nice cool room, and let me decompress for a while. I was supervising the shift, I didn't have the luxury of being able to take anytime between calls. Another time I chased a child molester (he would see street kids using trails through the woods to get to K-Mart he would pay them $5 to pee in his mouth, to these kids, 5 bucks was a lot of money). I chased him about 1/2 a mile, caught him, took him to the station. As I was putting him in the holding cell, a guy started shooting up a liquor store a block away. I got there as the last shot was fired, it turned a SWAT call out lasting several hours. It was resolved and I had to come back and deal with the child molester. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best mood to deal with child molesters. These are two examples that just popped into my head, there are several more. We don't have the luxury of saying, "I can't respond, I know you're getting your ass kicked, but I'm taking a stress break"...... I'm just one guy, in a medium sized town. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #63 June 11, 2015 QuoteAll these were back to back to back, the last two were conducted while I had dead infant puke in my mouth, over the course of several hours. Pretty sure there are some health and safety violations taking place on the employer side here. There are avenues for you to report health and safety violations by the employer. (Pure free market adherents would further suggest you should quit your job and find a better employer, since that would be the only way change would be effected) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryoder 1,590 #64 June 11, 2015 Has anyone else noticed there were TWELVE cops on the scene, and only ONE made a fool of himself? Something to consider when trying to defend the outlier. "There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #65 June 11, 2015 skycopQuotemost jobs need a clear means to step aside and take 5 when things are really traumatic all day - or else one can royally screw up at their next interaction Cops don't have that luxury, due to manpower or the type of calls. . . (great examples) I think you're making my point.... ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #66 June 11, 2015 ryoder Has anyone else noticed there were TWELVE cops on the scene, and only ONE made a fool of himself? Something to consider when trying to defend the outlier. I think you're making my point - but I'd need to understand the prior calls of the other 11 - examples from which performed admirably (BTW - "understanding" does not equal defending by any means - I know some people don't understand this concept) ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #67 June 11, 2015 Makes it seem even more likely that something was going on with that cop. He should have taken a back seat at that party. Really. Let his fellow officers complain that he's not holding up his end, but then he doesn't lose it. Some of the kids appear to have behaved unacceptably. That doesn't excuse the police officer's behavior, it just says that both sides are tarnished. However, it's the police's job to control themselves and act like adults. It's the teenagers' job to act like teenagers and push boundaries. And I hope that whoever publicized/opened up that pool party on FB or wherever has to go apologize in person to both the girl who was pushed around, and the police officer. And whoever else needs apologizing to. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #68 June 11, 2015 Quote Pretty sure there are some health and safety violations taking place on the employer side here. Unfortunately in the course of trying to save that infants life, I was a bit task saturated to worry about potential OSHA violations. I simply didn't have time to decontaminate, I wasn't just involved in the situations, I was leading them. All three would have been fatal, had it not been for the actions of my guys. There were also other things going on as well, and other emergency runs backing up. Quote There are avenues for you to report health and safety violations by the employer. What the fuck was I going to do, I was the one who ran into the house, with a mother yelling "save my baby". I didn't have a one way mask at the time, this was just a bit time critical. Quote (Pure free market adherents would further suggest you should quit your job and find a better employer, since that would be the only way change would be effected) MMMMkkkkk............... "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cvfd1399 0 #69 June 12, 2015 Thanks for doing what you do Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Driver1 0 #70 June 12, 2015 cvfd1399Thanks for doing what you do Indeed. He's one of the good ones.There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #71 June 12, 2015 wmw999Makes it seem even more likely that something was going on with that cop. He should have taken a back seat at that party. Really. Let his fellow officers complain that he's not holding up his end, but then he doesn't lose it. Some of the kids appear to have behaved unacceptably. That doesn't excuse the police officer's behavior, it just says that both sides are tarnished. However, it's the police's job to control themselves and act like adults. It's the teenagers' job to act like teenagers and push boundaries. And I hope that whoever publicized/opened up that pool party on FB or wherever has to go apologize in person to both the girl who was pushed around, and the police officer. And whoever else needs apologizing to. Wendy P. I like everything about this post. But then, that's Wendy, trying to see the entire picture and not get caught up in one sided narratives from either direction. C'MON!!!!! Get with it Wendy - you MUST choose one of two positions: 1 - bemoan the incident as another reason to rant on the blight of racial issues and demand the cop be stripped naked in public and slowly skinned alive along with all white cops regardless of how they actually conduct themselves. Assume all kids are honor students, and that anyone that is bothered by having their pool hijacked is not concerned about that but must be a closet KKK member. or 2 - defend all cops and pretend that every single one of them, not matter how one screws up, is the equivalent of the best cop you've ever met there is no middle ground, context, or understanding - pick one Yay!! Speaker's Corner edit: now THAT's sarcasm. Actually, this thread is moving pretty nicely. Despite the regular crowds trying to polarize it. ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #72 June 12, 2015 skycopQuotemost jobs need a clear means to step aside and take 5 when things are really traumatic all day - or else one can royally screw up at their next interaction Cops don't have that luxury, due to manpower or the type of calls. Believe me, I been there. Two examples I can think of; I went from giving an infant CPR, the infant threw up in my mouth during the process, the infant died. To talking to a bridge jumper for 30mins, sneaking up on him, then wrestling him to the ground (he tried to take me with him). To another suicidal guy who OD'd on pills who locked himself in his house, we had to force entry with family members to go get him out. All these were back to back to back, the last two were conducted while I had dead infant puke in my mouth, over the course of several hours. I didn't have time to rinse my mouth out or any time to decompress. Finally, when we got to the hospital with the last suicidal guy, I told the nurses what was up and I needed some mouthwash. They REALLY saw what my stress level was, took me to a nice cool room, and let me decompress for a while. I was supervising the shift, I didn't have the luxury of being able to take anytime between calls. Another time I chased a child molester (he would see street kids using trails through the woods to get to K-Mart he would pay them $5 to pee in his mouth, to these kids, 5 bucks was a lot of money). I chased him about 1/2 a mile, caught him, took him to the station. As I was putting him in the holding cell, a guy started shooting up a liquor store a block away. I got there as the last shot was fired, it turned a SWAT call out lasting several hours. It was resolved and I had to come back and deal with the child molester. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best mood to deal with child molesters. These are two examples that just popped into my head, there are several more. We don't have the luxury of saying, "I can't respond, I know you're getting your ass kicked, but I'm taking a stress break"...... I'm just one guy, in a medium sized town. I hope you support efforts to raise taxes to a level where manpower issues do not lead to public employees carrying lethal weapons being stressed-out this way.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #73 June 12, 2015 kallendI hope you support efforts to raise taxes to a level where manpower issues do not lead to public employees carrying lethal weapons being stressed-out this way. oh cool, I'll play - certainly his UNION FAILED him ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #74 June 12, 2015 QuoteI hope you support efforts to raise taxes to a level where manpower issues do not lead to public employees carrying lethal weapons being stressed-out this way. Wow, That's the best you can do? We weren't short handed, we were just exceptionally busy. That's the way real life works some times, especially in police work. One of the kids involved with the guy in the woods, grew up, then shot and killed someone during a street robbery. The thing was I actually kind of liked the kid, I even paid his Boys and Girls Club membership out of my pocket. However, he was screwed by his environment. That is another stressor in police work, you see kids grow up that really have no chance. Most of the time it's through very little fault of their own. You can try to help them, but you hardly ever actually see the good outcomes, but you surely see the bad ones. All these things are cumulative, and after a while they take a toll. People are quick to condemn cops, but most have no idea what they see on a regular basis. The guy in Texas actually admits he was over the top in his response. He was actually there, as I've always said unless I was there, I'll withhold judging based on media accounts. Well the guy who was there said he fucked up, so he fucked up. However there were other people there that supported his actions, others that didn't. It's the totality of the circumstances. In this environment good cops are going to start leaving in droves, guys who would make good cops are not going to apply, and crime rates are going to rise. We used to joke that if people actually saw what really happened on the streets, they would be appalled. I mean the completely justified stuff, there is no nice way to fight someone, no nice way to control chaos when chaos reigns. I've been in fights where if someone had video it would have looked REALLY bad, but was 100% justified. I started wearing a body camera in 2009 for this very reason. I've always policed as if I was being recorded. When things go bad, they go REAL bad with scenarios unimaginable to the general public. If we raised taxes and hired a bunch more guys, the same crowd would be screaming "police state". It's a never ending cycle, but those who make the most noise are the most closed minded and ill-informed. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #75 June 14, 2015 Good editorial in the Dallas Morning News Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites