WTF is wrong with American police?

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"I thought it was ok to hit cops" said no one ever.


Want to bet that institutional racism....... has something to do here... the RATE of suspensions for black kids in that school system is something like 8000 for 27000 students in the district....

Oh that's right... the School to Prison pipeline for black kids down there might be a financial strain on someone's corporate bottom line.. so lets ignore that.

Added something to ponder for those who are not apologists for Officer Slam


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It's OK, they won't have to worry about hitting cops in the near future.... because there won't be any. It has gotten to the point that the cops can't do their jobs without getting fired. So why in the fucked would anybody want to become a cop.

Perhaps we can find people who were trained in community policing who actually want to protect and serve their communities...

Oh wait.. that does not fit the reason so many seem to be going into that field.. to further exercise their need to BULLY and control people thru fear and intimidation.


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In another post someone stated it real well these children ARE learning from incidents like this and the main point is that you CAN get over on the police if you are an opposite race. The rewards are tv fame up to $$$$ if you can get enough bleeding hearts attention. If your the one that ends up dead your family, or the leader of some group will take your spot and soak it up.

YOUR actual crime ends up takes the back seat to the modern day media railroading.
Treyvon Martin

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I phrased that worse than I intended to as well.
He wasn't murdered by anyone for that matter.

Neither was Nicky Simpson.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You're not going to convince any of the internet experts and armchair quarterbacks that there is another way to look at things. This is a local story for me so I've been flooded with coverage and angles and evaluations-I still see a tumble, not a throw. It sucks but if you flail around while someone is trying to move you, momentum can take you out of control. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of commenters carried so much of their own baggage in to the conversation there was no room left for the truth.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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I think this woman says it pretty well,

We are raising a generation of entitled brats who think they are above all authority and the law. What are we teaching “children” and young adults when a 17- or 18-year-old can disrupt a class, ignore 3 adult authority figures, and STRIKE an officer, and the officer gets fired for handling the situation? It’s this mindset that’s breeding disrespectful punks and causing them to get shot.

Stop making kids think they are above the law and authority. You’re not doing them or society any favors. And before anyone says, “What if that was your daughter?” I’d like to think my kid wouldn’t disrupt the class, ignore 3 authority figures, and strike a police officer. If she did, she should expect a similar reaction and even worse when mama gets hold of her.

There are THREE videos. Watch them in slow motion. The “violent throw” was caused by her own momentum as she bucked against the officer. I don’t care how big or tough he is, he couldn’t have “thrown” her in such a way by his own power with where his hands were. She bucked, straightened her body, lost balance, tumbling HERSELF backwards.

A cop’s life and reputation is ruined and a bunch of punks now think they are untouchable.

I think that by condoning this type of attitude towards authority, we, as a society, are throwing gasoline on the fire.

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This speaks volumes,
A good SRO develops positive relationships with the students they serve. Looks like he did just that, and believe me, good kids are sick of little shits interrupting class and affecting their classrooms.

I was an SRO for 2 years at a large high school, it was a very rewarding, but at times a very challenging job.
A good SRO works at building relationships with every type of student, the jocks, the geeks, the nerds, and my favorites were the "frequent fliers" to the office.

I developed a great rapport with most of them, my desk was in the main office. I was right there with the little darlings right before they were hammered by administrators.

We had a lot of interesting conversations, kids will be very open with you if they trust you. These kids knew what was going on, and if something really bad was going on they'd take me off to the side and tell me most things. It prevented a lot of things from happening before they did.

There are always knuckleheads, most are a direct reflection of their parents. We had a gang start with a kid who came from another school. They called themselves the "Lucky 13", in about two months I had those little fuckers whittled down to the "Lucky 8 or so", the rest just kind of gave up.
I firmly believe inside almost every kid, there is a good kid trying to get out. But life and circumstances get in the way.
The ring leader was the exception, he was a bad kid. As it turned out, I had arrested his father on numerous occasions years before, for some fairly serious things.

The apple didn't fall far from the tree. When his mom came into complain that her little Johnny wasn't being treated fairly. She stopped dead in her tracks once she saw me. I'd taken her side and stood up for her in several domestics years ago. She just looked at me and said. "okay man, I'll take care of it".

This officer evidently was liked and respected at the school where he worked. It's refreshing several kids would stand up for him, and I bet there was a couple of "frequent fliers" that stood up for him as well.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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As amazon has pointed out, one student called the officer in question "officer slam" so she has taken to calling him that as well.

I would like to point out something very interesting that happened today.

Today at Spring Valley High School, the students (not sure exactly how many, but the news said well over 100), held a rally to support Ben Fields. They walked out at 10:00 and had a peaceful rally. Multiple races, including blacks were involved in the rally. It lasted about 10 min, it ended when the principle came out announced that their voices had been heard and he asked them to return to class, which everyone did... Peacefully

It seems very odd to me, if this officer was such a horrible person and had a reputation as "officer slam" that the students of the school would rally behind him! The students know the truth, they know what happened and that he did what needed to be done.

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As amazon has pointed out, one student called the officer in question "officer slam" so she has taken to calling him that as well.

I would like to point out something very interesting that happened today.

Today at Spring Valley High School, the students (not sure exactly how many, but the news said well over 100), held a rally to support Ben Fields. They walked out at 10:00 and had a peaceful rally. Multiple races, including blacks were involved in the rally. It lasted about 10 min, it ended when the principle came out announced that their voices had been heard and he asked them to return to class, which everyone did... Peacefully

It seems very odd to me, if this officer was such a horrible person and had a reputation as "officer slam" that the students of the school would rally behind him! The students know the truth, they know what happened and that he did what needed to be done.

Unfortunately the Sheriff immediately threw him under the bus, no questions asked. That Sheriff must have bigger political aspirations and chose Mr. Popularity over standing up for his deputies.

Several law enforcement analysts have said that Fields (1.) should not have been brought into the situation in the first place, and (2.) that he handled it the way he needed to handle it in accordance with his authority as a law enforcement officer.

Too bad Fields's boss isn't a "buck stops with me" type of leader. When I was a young soldier, I had some really awesome leaders and mentors (a couple bad ones that were perfect examples of what "not" to be), but one of those guys told me, "be careful who you fuck over on the way up, because you'll have to face them on your way down"

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Actually look at the video posted by the kids themselves, notice anything?

But then again, you didn't look far past the news source.

The vast majority of the 24 news cycle didn't cover this at all, what a surprise..........

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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