skycop 0 #1 October 30, 2015 This is what happens when you lose control, but I know, they are just kids being kids................... Educators no longer have the authority or control they once did. This is the main reason there are School Resource Officers, and their authority (whether you like it or not) has been seriously undermined by spineless administration, both school and LE. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #2 October 30, 2015 Seems, those kids have grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. So - why wondering? They just show what they've been taught. edited for typo dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #3 October 30, 2015 QuoteSeems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #4 October 30, 2015 skycopQuoteSeems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. So the solution is jut shoot them..... NO RESPECT... BLAM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #5 October 30, 2015 Does it ever get old regurgitating the same old stuff? Something to ponder................ "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #6 October 30, 2015 skycopQuoteSeems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. Not supposed to fear them. They are supposed to be there to protect you, right?I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #7 October 30, 2015 turtlespeed *** Quote Seems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. Not supposed to fear them. They are supposed to be there to protect you, right? Careful.... you are not showing enough support to the boys in blue there Turtle.... You might be regurgitating the same old stuff. Serving and Protecting is just so OUTDATED in todays world..... it seems Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #8 October 30, 2015 If what our German friend told you is accurate, how is a defenseless kid supposed to respect people that beat them? That's not how respect works. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #9 October 30, 2015 Amazon ****** Quote Seems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. Not supposed to fear them. They are supposed to be there to protect you, right? Careful.... you are not showing enough support to the boys in blue there Turtle.... You might be regurgitating the same old stuff. Serving and Protecting is just so OUTDATED in todays world..... it seems I know that it seems that fearing an authority figure can be an efficient way to control the criminal element. I just don't know how much it really works in reality. It seems to me that in a lot of cases, the authority figures take the easy way out and don't put the effort into doing the right thing. The right thing is usually harder to do.I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #10 October 30, 2015 turtlespeed ********* Quote Seems, those kids haved grown up with physical violence at home when they were smaller. Very true, among other things as well. This kids do not respected any authority figures, and given the current environment they don't have to fear them either. Not supposed to fear them. They are supposed to be there to protect you, right? Careful.... you are not showing enough support to the boys in blue there Turtle.... You might be regurgitating the same old stuff. Serving and Protecting is just so OUTDATED in todays world..... it seems I know that it seems that fearing an authority figure can be an efficient way to control the criminal element. I just don't know how much it really works in reality. It seems to me that in a lot of cases, the authority figures take the easy way out and don't put the effort into doing the right thing. The right thing is usually harder to do. Agreed... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RopeaDope 0 #11 October 30, 2015 Back when I was but a small boy, I was taught to find a policeman if I ever needed anything. If I was lost, hurt, scared, in danger, no matter what the problem was, a police officer was the universal symbol of safety. I was also taught that if you find yourself on the receiving end of law enforcement, that the police officer had AUTHORITY. I was taugh that they are the police, and you do what they tell you to do, period point blank. Failure to do that resulted in fines, court, criminal record, and jail. Up into the 90s in Tennessee, cops still carried mostly revolvers. They carried their pistols for self defense or to keep the bad guys from hurting me. Then people undercut he police officers authority by resisting, assaulting the officer, and fleeing, so the consequence of criminal charges and jail are out the window if you beat the cop up bad enough. So then cops start carrying batons, pepper spray, and tasers, and learning joint manipulation techniques so they can effectively make their arrests. These items ended up being the only thing to put any authority behind the badge because no one respects the officers anymore. Now the trend is that the police are violating your rights, you don't have to do what they tell you and you can fight back however you want because either you disagree with them or you don't want to go to jail. We are teaching our kids that cops are wrong and they can just do what ever they want because if the police interfere we will sue them and buy a nice new home. Not every cop on the force is the street fighting champion of his or her city. If they are rendered unconscious in a struggle, they can be beat to death, strangled, stabbed, shot with their own weapon, or ran over with their own patrol car. Then a city issued handgun is out on the streets adding to the gun murder problem. I think our current society is responsible for the current state of police tactics or aggression. These officers graduate the same high schools and colleges as you and then you become a mechanic, engineer, doctor, or porn star, and they become police officers. Only difference is engineers aren't being blamed for failing infrastructure, doctors aren't being blamed for Obama care, and mechanics aren't being blamed for all these recalls and the "big three" going bankrupt. If you think you are innocent or you are "in the right" and the officer is "in the wrong" there is a course of redress in our justice system. The cops job is to enforce the laws, which means they will try to prevent or deter you from breaking laws, but if you break them, they arrest you, charge you, and put you into the court system. Then their job is done. If you believe you are being dealt an injustice, you go along with it, because failure to do so is a separate crime that you will be held accountable for, and you plead your case in court. A judge and jury decide who is right and who is wrong. If you were innocent, you go free. If the cop did something wrong, it is identified in court and dealt with. Either way, as the chinaman says, "two Wongs don't make a wigt" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,387 #12 October 30, 2015 Hi Rope, QuoteOnly difference is engineers aren't being blamed for failing infrastructure You might consider doing some homework before posting: Jerry Baumchen, PE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #13 October 30, 2015 I intentionally put the word FEAR in there to see what kind of response I'd get, the responses were predictable. When I said fear, it didn't necessarily mean the cops and use of force alone. It also meant the consequence, some of these kids have no fear of consequences what so ever. I FEARED my 9-10 grade WWII Merchant Marine veteran science teacher, and not because he was a bad person or a bad teacher. But because he would kick your ass if you messed with him passed a certain point. I watched him body-slam, and I mean full-on WWE body-slam a kid who messed with him a little too much. It made the current video look like a love tap. This kid was a straight-A student, but he knew he crossed the line, so did his parents, so nothing was ever said. Doc was a great teacher, but we screwed with him mercilessly, he was the nutty professor type, so it was really fun. But when the line was crossed we knew it, you never really knew where the line was, but you sure knew when you crossed it. Today he'd be fired, and helicopter parents would be all in a tizzy about how 'lil Johhny was mistreated after acting like a dumbass. It's interesting, no one even commented about the videos, and what they'd do, or just how out of control some schools can be. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RopeaDope 0 #14 October 31, 2015 I feared consequences when I was a kid. I didn't want to be locked up with druggies and violent criminals. I was worried about a record haunting me for the rest of my life and not being able to find employment or buy guns and stuff like that. I also knew all the cops in my hometown by name and I got in trouble once because I got caught arranging peoples' Christmas decorations into sexual positions and I "yes Sir'd" and "no Sir'd" chief Westwood to death because I didn't want him to tell my dad. He followed me in his patrol car while I walked down the road putting everyone's stuff back the way it was. A week later I had to walk home from school after an evening baseball game and some of the town bullies had been threatening me so I saw Chief Westwood and flagged him down and asked for a ride. He took me home, but made me sit in the back seat (as a joke) and said if I want to keep messing with other people's stuff, I better get used to the view. *I still fear consequences. Prison doesn't help the street cred for a white boy with a family, and I don't want to live in a cage. I've come to enjoy the freedom of the woods, the open sky, the open water. Also, I'm a good looking man. I may only be like a 7 out in the world, but in prison, forget it, I'm a 10. That's not conducive to a solitary shower. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #15 October 31, 2015 This experience helped to confirm your trust in local police;'that's a good result. Imagine the effect if, instead of making you rearrange them back, the chief had instead held you in jail, called you "boy," and had you charged with vandalism at the felony level. Not only the effect on you, but on your family, and friends. All these relationships go two ways. After all, we didn't respect The British rulers' authority, either. Wendy P.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #16 October 31, 2015 All these points are true, I've seen and experienced them first hand. This is why Charter Schools can be so effective, even in low performing districts. It comes down to parental involvement. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #17 October 31, 2015 Charter schools are a joke in most areas. I have had experiences at three different ones and none of them are good. They lower the standards of teaching required to be able to get first year teachers that have no real experience in the classrooms but start at the lowest end of the pay scale. They are allowed to hire "administrators" to run the school as a principal without having any of the credentials or certifications that any public school administration is required to have. The charters that I have worked with spent most of the budget on facilities that they had to rent from their "sponsor" at usually above market prices. The sponsor is allowed to make a profit and same with the charter school administration but the school itself is not so all the money is adsorbed into profit areas prior to it being allowed to be spent on the students. This was leading to a much reduced dollar per child ratio compared to public schools. Further since every student is dollars to the school they are much less likely to move to remove a student due to behavior issues than some of the public schools since if they remove the student then they lose that child's state distribution next month. They lack dedicated resources to deal with problem kids so they just leave them in the normal classroom to disrupt with little consequence. Also around here with most Charters they do not offer high school levels since they have a very poor record of being able to actually pass state testing requirements. Charter schools do not have a higher rate of parent involvement since in the first 4 years of dealing with charters we saw very few parents show for their scheduled conferences with the teachers and in most incidents during the day the parent was unable to come to school to deal with their child since doing so would put them at risk of losing their job. In my experience the higher the job stability that the parent has the more likely they are to be more involved with their child, not the school that they enrolled their child into. Higher stability allows the parent the ability to come to school at the time of an incident if one occurs instead of days or weeks later when they finally have a shift off, it relieves the pressure of potentially loosing their job every time a child is sick and despite the fact that they should keep them home they send them to school anyways because they have no other options to care for the child.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #18 October 31, 2015 true to a point, One if cops are so quick to shoot me last i checked the justice system can not resurrect me back to life. Also the mechanic wanted to work on cars maybe he thought he would be a good mechanic, The cop decided to be a cup for i hope the reasons of protecting and serving his community. We do not live in Soviet Russia you choose what you do no one is made to be cop. if you can not deal with the job LEAVE, it is much better to find another job then to take a humane life, degrade another humane being in front of family or friends, or to act in the many many many examples we have that is unexceptionable humane behavior. Here is the main point which we kind of agree and disagree on. yes we do have a justice system however this is not new this goes back as far as i can remember 80s for me. here cops kill, torture, specially minorities and get a much less of a punishment then a 16 year-old would or even worst get no punishment. They get paid vacation or a reaffirmation that they acted accordingly. The Justice system is missing a lot of justice and has for decades, The cops are a part of the same system fucked up and abusive of their ASSUMED power. There is no wondering why the people are SICK and tired and have lost any respect, because that's what the system deserves. Shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. We need to raise the standard of who becomes a cop and who keeps them in check. It has to be an independent authority that has the power to say YOUR FIRED. In my opinion for me personally nothing makes me lose respect for cops more then when the so called good ones hide, lie, or just stay silent to protected a "brother in blue" who is a POS. To me you are the same as that POS as you are lowering your whole profession. Do that for a few decades and this is what we have. No respect given anymore because they do not deserve respect. Change the way you deal with the public, get rid of the bad apples instead of protecting them, remember you work for the public not your brotherhood in blue this is not a football team in high school!!, and punish really punish at minimum the same punishment a civilian would get for the offenders.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #19 October 31, 2015 Quotetrue to a point, One if cops are so quick to shoot me last i checked the justice system can not resurrect me back to life. We are discussing an SRO and a use of force, the arguments you use are specious, regurgitated media talking points and far off topic. But I digress............ Here is another........... "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #20 October 31, 2015 Great post all around, couldn't agree more. That's why I said "can" be effective, no school is effective without the points you made or if there are ulterior motives by the faculty. "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites