
God isn’t fixing this

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What I think that the hardline democrat folks don't realize is that a large part of their base does not agree with their anti-gun antics, especially when it comes to the union base that they depend on to win elections for them. When you talk about the fly-over states that go blue you are talking about mid-west states that are only blue due to high union membership. These are states full of hunting and shooting loving pipefitters, electricians, carpenters, and factory workers that only support the dems because their union tells them it's in their best interest to do so. Many of these folks however draw the line at their gun rights. In states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Indiana and the like tailgates like this are very common to see.

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Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

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***Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

I know of a couple of groups for sure here in the US that would love to see it harder for the people to have weapons to protect themselves

ISSIS is one that comes to mind.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

What frightens me is the prospect that firearms will be made as illegal and unavailable to malevolent types as, say, heroin and cocaine.

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******Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

I know of a couple of groups for sure here in the US that would love to see it harder for the people to have weapons to protect themselves

ISSIS is one that comes to mind.

Clearly that is why ISIS planted Obama.

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*********Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

I know of a couple of groups for sure here in the US that would love to see it harder for the people to have weapons to protect themselves

ISSIS is one that comes to mind.

Clearly that is why ISIS planted Obama.

You have some interesting theory today

But it is nice to you agree Obama wants to take our guns
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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******Criminals, crazies, or enemy combatants will arm themselves by whatever means is available. ...whether legally or illegally, and whether the weapons are purchased from a dealer, stolen, acquired in a botched "sting" operation, homemade, improvised, or otherwise.

Which generally makes the weapons significantly harder to acquire and/or not as effective. Both a deterrent in the long run.

What frightens me is the prospect that firearms will be made as illegal and unavailable to malevolent types as, say, heroin and cocaine.

Meh. It works frighteningly well in the rest of the civilized world. But then we had far less to start with.

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But it is nice to you agree Obama wants to take our guns

I don't think he wants to take all your guns. There is no doubt he would like to see stricter controls.

And where does stricter end?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Due process would or should take care of the reason that if you're on a no fly list you shouldn't be able to buy a gun.

Bottom line positions like this are why we have such a fucked up way of getting anything done.

What particular level of "due process" is involved in the "No Fly" list?

Seriously, do you know how easy it is for some unnamed, faceless bureaucrat to put a name on it?
And nobody knows they are on it until they are barred from boarding a plane.

Linkon the ridiculousness of it.

My "bottom line" is that I'm not surrendering rights without good reason. Without due process.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I believe we are talking two different issues. The no fly list does have problems. IMO as a gun owner, gun user and advocate I believe we have problems with gun ownership in the USA. We won't ever keep bad people from getting and using guns but we can make it more difficult while not keeping law abiding citizens from buying and using guns.

But it will take effort and the ability to be reasonable.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Don't argue with the intelectually less gifted ones, they only pull you down to their level and as a reasonable human being you don't stand a chance there.

This whole argument is senseless, people who agree that more guns for everyone means a general increase in safety prove their stupidity in the first place. Funny enough that its the same type of persons who drive big ass trucks and deny global warming.

The thought of sharing the sky with those guys scares me the hell of a lot, let me guess that those are also the kind of people who believe that AADs make no sense....

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Don't argue with the intelectually less gifted ones, they only pull you down to their level and as a reasonable human being you don't stand a chance there.

This whole argument is senseless, people who agree that more guns for everyone means a general increase in safety prove their stupidity in the first place. Funny enough that its the same type of persons who drive big ass trucks and deny global warming.

The thought of sharing the sky with those guys scares me the hell of a lot, let me guess that those are also the kind of people who believe that AADs make no sense....

Spot on
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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Don't argue with the intelectually less gifted ones, they only pull you down to their level and as a reasonable human being you don't stand a chance there.

This whole argument is senseless, people who agree that more guns for everyone means a general increase in safety prove their stupidity in the first place. Funny enough that its the same type of persons who drive big ass trucks and deny global warming.

The thought of sharing the sky with those guys scares me the hell of a lot, let me guess that those are also the kind of people who believe that AADs make no sense....

And just whose sock puppet are you?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Open question to the people here that really want to change gun ownership/laws in the USA.

1. What is your basic solution.
2. Does it remotely make any sense given America amount of guns, 2 amendment rights.

ive stated my ideas before. I've asked others but the anti gun people here seem to be only interested in discussing how bad it is here. This isn't Enland or Austraila (sp?) what worked there won't work here most likely.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Don't argue with the intelectually less gifted ones, they only pull you down to their level and as a reasonable human being you don't stand a chance there.

This whole argument is senseless, people who agree that more guns for everyone means a general increase in safety prove their stupidity in the first place. Funny enough that its the same type of persons who drive big ass trucks and deny global warming.

The thought of sharing the sky with those guys scares me the hell of a lot, let me guess that those are also the kind of people who believe that AADs make no sense....

Anothere example of the liberal going off berating anyone who does not agree with them:D

Any, statists and reports show your assurtions to be bullshit

So I came down to your level. I am headed back up now
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Anothere example of the liberal going off berating anyone who does not agree with them:D

Any, statists and reports show your assurtions to be bullshit

So I came down to your level. I am headed back up now

Fascinating, coming from the guy who just this week criticized Billvon for a single letter typo.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Open question to the people here that really want to change gun ownership/laws in the USA.

1. What is your basic solution.
2. Does it remotely make any sense given America amount of guns, 2 amendment rights.

ive stated my ideas before. I've asked others but the anti gun people here seem to be only interested in discussing how bad it is here. This isn't Enland or Austraila (sp?) what worked there won't work here most likely.

1. Australia had a similar gun culture. They did manage to make changes that reduced the level of gun violence. All it takes is political will (sorely lacking here).

2. Treat ammunition purchases like buying Sudafed. Then we'd know who is stockpiling thousands of rounds (like the Aurora gunman and the San Bernardino killers).

3. All transfers to require a background check. No exceptions. Mandatory jail time for all parties involved in violations. If weapon is used in a crime, the straw purchaser is treated as an accessory.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Open question to the people here that really want to change gun ownership/laws in the USA.

1. What is your basic solution.
2. Does it remotely make any sense given America amount of guns, 2 amendment rights.

ive stated my ideas before. I've asked others but the anti gun people here seem to be only interested in discussing how bad it is here. This isn't Enland or Austraila (sp?) what worked there won't work here most likely.

Here's what the CSM has to say on the subject: www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2015/1205/Five-ways-the-US-can-reduce-mass-shootings

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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By similar, how many guns were there?
What was the percapita numbers?

Similar like a platapus and a kangaroo?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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