
God isn’t fixing this

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Anothere example of the liberal going off berating anyone who does not agree with them:D

Any, statists and reports show your assurtions to be bullshit

So I came down to your level. I am headed back up now

Fascinating, coming from the guy who just this week criticized Billvon for a single letter typo.

Hi John

I see you do not understand sarcasm

And a question mark is criticizing?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Open question to the people here that really want to change gun ownership/laws in the USA.

1. What is your basic solution.
2. Does it remotely make any sense given America amount of guns, 2 amendment rights.

ive stated my ideas before. I've asked others but the anti gun people here seem to be only interested in discussing how bad it is here. This isn't Enland or Austraila (sp?) what worked there won't work here most likely.

1. Australia had a similar gun culture. They did manage to make changes that reduced the level of gun violence. All it takes is political will (sorely lacking here).

2. Treat ammunition purchases like buying Sudafed. Then we'd know who is stockpiling thousands of rounds (like the Aurora gunman and the San Bernardino killers).

3. All transfers to require a background check. No exceptions. Mandatory jail time for all parties involved in violations. If weapon is used in a crime, the straw purchaser is treated as an accessory.

How about we start by enforcing the laws that are already on the books?

Making a false statement on a 4473 is a Federal Felony. Yet very, very few are prosecuted (something like less than 100 out of 60,000). When the Obama administration was proposing background checks for all transfers in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting, the NRA asked about that. Biden was quoted as saying:


"...regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”


And there's also the very simple fact that expanding background checks to all transfers would do very little to stop these kinds of tragedies.

I don't recall any recent ones where the shooter either didn't or couldn't have passed the background checks.

I'm in favor of proposals that would stop this sort of thing. But I haven't heard any yet. Everything I've heard proposed is far more of a "Do something, do anything!! Make it look like the public will be safer!!"

Similar to the idiotic "security theater" that the TSA and airport screening has become.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Don't argue with the intelectually less gifted ones, they only pull you down to their level and as a reasonable human being you don't stand a chance there.

This whole argument is senseless, people who agree that more guns for everyone means a general increase in safety prove their stupidity in the first place. Funny enough that its the same type of persons who drive big ass trucks and deny global warming.

The thought of sharing the sky with those guys scares me the hell of a lot, let me guess that those are also the kind of people who believe that AADs make no sense....


I am coming back down to your level for a minute

Some colleges are getting it

The Liberty University president is tell his students to arm up

I first saw this on AP but I know many here like FOX better:P


Excuse me now, I am going to climb back up.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Seems being a student at Liberty University is already like living under the Taliban; so Islamic Jihadist ways shouldn't really be much of a change to their daily life.

...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

RushMC, please tell us again what we have to learn from them?
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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Seems being a student at Liberty University is already like living under the Taliban; so Islamic Jihadist ways shouldn't really be much of a change to their daily life.

...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

RushMC, please tell us again what we have to learn from them?

Wow! What a commitment! The only two differences I see right off the bat are (1) I don't believe they are being asked to kill anyone. Not sure, though, and (2) They can quit anytime they want and still keep their heads ...or bodies depending on point of view. I'd also bet that Liberty U doesn't issue any fatwas.

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***Seems being a student at Liberty University is already like living under the Taliban; so Islamic Jihadist ways shouldn't really be much of a change to their daily life.

...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

RushMC, please tell us again what we have to learn from them?

Wow! What a commitment! The only two differences I see right off the bat are (1) I don't believe they are being asked to kill anyone. Not sure, though, and (2) They can quit anytime they want and still keep their heads ...or bodies depending on point of view. I'd also bet that Liberty U doesn't issue any fatwas.

I'd be willing to bet the fine for watching some pron isn't stoning.

If also bet that the fine for being stoned isn't death.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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My youngest daughter thought she was in love with the wrong guy, he wanted to move to that area to work with his father.
When trying to convince me it was a good idea, she had already found the best college around there. Liberty U.
When she told me, I laughed and asked her "Brena do you believe in god?"
No, why?


We spent a few hours reviewing the rules and requirements there.
She chose a fine college closer to home.
Last I heard, the boy she fell for was driving a soda delivery truck.

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RushMC, please tell us again what we have to learn from them?

Good luck with getting an answer from him. Well, at least an intelligent answer.

Right up there with when pigs fly,

Jerry Baumchen

Just curious. What is an intelligent answer to you? One that is agreeable to your point of view?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Or simply, one unlike yours.
Or this one for that matter.

I guess I'm a bit different than a lot of the "usual suspects" on here.

A response can be thoughtful, reasonable, intelligent and yet diametrically opposed to my opinion on a subject.

That's called "discussion" and can be done by reasonable people in a reasonable manner.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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***Or simply, one unlike yours.
Or this one for that matter.

I guess I'm a bit different than a lot of the "usual suspects" on here.

A response can be thoughtful, reasonable, intelligent and yet diametrically opposed to my opinion on a subject.

That's called "discussion" and can be done by reasonable people in a reasonable manner.

That's why I asked.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

Even though males cannot study alone with females, they can still bone up with a male friend.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

Funny enough, most muslims are the same way.

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

Funny enough, most muslims are the same way.

Which begs the question, if you're not going to follow the "rules" and they're strictly locationally and/or situationallyvoluntary, why submit yourselves to them in the first place?

Pretty hypocritical. :S
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

Funny enough, most muslims are the same way.

Which begs the question, if you're not going to follow the "rules" and they're strictly locationally and/or situationallyvoluntary, why submit yourselves to them in the first place?

Pretty hypocritical. :S

Sure it is hypocritical, but the majority of Christians are the same way. They pick and choose which "options" of their faith they want to follow.

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

Funny enough, most muslims are the same way.

Which begs the question, if you're not going to follow the "rules" and they're strictly locationally and/or situationallyvoluntary, why submit yourselves to them in the first place?

Pretty hypocritical. :S

Sure it is hypocritical, but the majority of Christians are the same way. They pick and choose which "options" of their faith they want to follow.

As is obvious from reading Ron's posts, the Bible is an a-la carte menu.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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...The university has an all-encompassing code of conduct, called The Liberty Way, which governs what students can say, do, read, and watch both on and off campus and sets out a regimen of reprimands and fines for violators. The First Amendment Doesn't Apply at Liberty. No R-Rated or NC-17 Movies, Un-Godly Music, or Immodest Posters or Dancing or Kissing at Liberty University. Members of the opposite sex are forbidden from even being in a classroom or study centre alone.

At a school with that much pent up sexual frustration it's good they have guns as target shooting seems to be their only release. ;)

The behavior there is probably just like the behavior at any other university...they just lie about it a lot more.

Funny enough, most muslims are the same way.

Which begs the question, if you're not going to follow the "rules" and they're strictly locationally and/or situationallyvoluntary, why submit yourselves to them in the first place?

Pretty hypocritical. :S

Sure it is hypocritical, but the majority of Christians are the same way. They pick and choose which "options" of their faith they want to follow.

As is obvious from reading Ron's posts, the Bible is an a-la carte menu.

I'm pretty sure, in Today's world, you don't get disappeared, or stoned to death, or beheaded for leaving the Christian church.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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