DanG 1 #401 March 21, 2016 QuoteThe order to dress in civilian clothes was widely reported at the time, and she backed down immediately from the withering backlash. My research indicates otherwise. If it was so widely reported, I'm sure you can provide a link. QuoteThe incident hitting the Secret Service agent was in a secure area and got no press. Ah, but we can take your word for it because you heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who was there. QuoteBased on her own statements, her handling of SIGINT was the kind of thing that puts mere mortals behind bars, but her supporters don't care in the slightest. That's under investigation by the FBI. So far they haven't found anything illegal that we know of. If she was found to have committed a crime, she should be prosecuted just like anyone else. QuoteWheb a Republican had earned my loathing and contempt for doing despicable things, Hillary's supporters are in lock step. Since it was Hillary, either my data are false or I am mad at her for being a female. I call bullshit. If she actually did the despicable things, I might despise her for them. As it is, I don't like her for the things she's actually done, but I try not to let my opinion be influenced by bullshit. - Dan G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #402 March 21, 2016 While you've chosen to forget christian atrocities that have happened, what makes your flavor of religion any different from theirs? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #403 March 21, 2016 winsorThe issue is not the veracity of these reports, but the fact that none of this matters to her supporters. So . . . put another way . . . the issue these reports are true or false is not what matters, but those against her believe them. Is that about it?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #404 March 21, 2016 quade***The issue is not the veracity of these reports, but the fact that none of this matters to her supporters. So . . . put another way . . . the issue these reports are true or false is not what matters, but those against her believe them. Is that about it? Feelings are the most important facts.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #405 March 21, 2016 winsor***Mr. Hardshell Reptile, I post this link with the invitation for you to read this relatively short Time Magazine article about some of the reasons HRC has been given a harder time that any man would in the same position. I'm not expecting it to change your mind about her, but is should be some food for thought. http://time.com/4258976/disliking-hillary-clinton/ I am sick of one special interest group or another getting a pass by their claims of intolerance. If I really like or totally despise someone, I can think of no case where it is simply because of their gender, sexual preference, race, religion, favorite sport or whatever. After going against Kamikazes in the Pacific, my father could not bring himself to buy a Japanese car. Nevertheless, a significant number of our close family friends were/are Japanese ethnic or nationals. If I think someone is a dreadful human being, I will not give them more or less credit for being a lesbian, Norwegian, negro, Buddhist, a Physicist or whatever. Am I prejudiced? Sure, I have general expectations of various groups of people, based on a great deal of exposure. One reason I like working with people with independent credentials is that I don't have to wonder if they got their degree because their uncle donated a building to the University, or nobody wanted to give an F to the negro, or those bodacious tatas were surely worth an A or whatever. If you're a Registered Architect, you have to know the subject matter cold, no matter what school you attended. When Hillary ordered the White House staff to dress in mufti because she found military uniforms 'offensive,' that was a deal breaker for me. A reputable source witnessed her tell a Secret Service agent to pick up a glove she had dropped and, when he said "it's not my job," she slapped him. That, in addition to being a Felony, shows a complete lack of class on her part. The reports of her competing with Bill for other women are largely a matter of indifference. It is not so much that I do not trust her as it is that I trust her to remain true to form, and she has worked long and hard to earn my deep and abiding loathing. The fact that she is female is neither here nor there. Trump is a loose cannon and a complete jerk, but at least he isn't a lawyer and he has occasionally turned a profit. I am not sure that I like him any more than Hillary, when all is said and done. This election cycle is a train wreck and everybody will lose, regardless of who floats to the top. BSBD, Winsor Re the discussions be it true or false of HRC's real demeanor and character. "As Melanson also noted, Secret Service agents would have considered it a serious breach of professionalism for one of their number to have publicly disclosed this sort of personal information about their charges: The Service's unwritten code of silence dictates that agents keep their observations to themselves. Today, many agents still do not want to accept that anyone among the Clintons' protective details broke the long-understood rule: "There's no way we would have talked about it. There's an agency culture, an unwritten code. That was a pretty tough time for us [because people accused us of breaking the code]."... As Time magazine noted as far back as 1993, cranking out spurious stories that discredited Hillary Clinton and were attributed to anonymous Secret Service agents was a known political trick: A Republican consultant told a network newscaster that his job was to make sure Hillary Clinton is discredited before the 1996 campaign. Each day anti-Hillary talking points go out to talk-show hosts. The rumor machine is cranking out bogus stories about her face (lifted), her sex life (either nonexistent or all too active) and her marriage (a sham). Many of the stories are attributed to the Secret Service in an attempt to give the tales credibility."... http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/secretservice.asp Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #406 March 21, 2016 normissWhile you've chosen to forget christian atrocities that have happened, what makes your flavor of religion any different from theirs? My faith wasn't the subject. Forced occupation by undesirables was.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #407 March 21, 2016 QuoteTrump is a loose cannon and a complete jerk, but at least he isn't a lawyer and he has occasionally turned a profit. I am not sure that I like him any more than Hillary, when all is said and done. This election cycle is a train wreck and everybody will lose, regardless of who floats to the top. You seem to hate Hillary based largely on lies spread by those who have opposed her for political reasons for many years. The reality is that she has been a nearly life long devoted public servant. Definitely an ambitious and sometimes scheming one, but how could you possibly expect a credible presidential candidate not to be. And for some reason you can't decide if you like Trump more? Are you kidding? And yet somehow you claim to be seeing the picture clearly. You are seeing the picture through severely tinted lenses. Why do you think that after all these years nothing of significance has stuck to her? You claim indifference to her relationship with her husband, yet you choose to mention it, belying your claim. And you not only choose to believe unfounded lies about her, you spread them as well. The nominee selection process is indeed a train wreck on the R side. But it is proceeding in an orderly fashion on the D side. I predict that Hillary will win, and that it will be yet another victory for the American democratic process. Your system has not failed you yet, despite it's flaws.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,066 #408 March 21, 2016 An update on the integrity of the candidates: stmedia.startribune.com/images/2politifact032016grONLINE.png... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #409 March 21, 2016 gowlerkQuoteTrump is a loose cannon and a complete jerk, but at least he isn't a lawyer and he has occasionally turned a profit. I am not sure that I like him any more than Hillary, when all is said and done. This election cycle is a train wreck and everybody will lose, regardless of who floats to the top. You seem to hate Hillary based largely on lies spread by those who have opposed her for political reasons for many years. The reality is that she has been a nearly life long devoted public servant. Definitely an ambitious and sometimes scheming one, but how could you possibly expect a credible presidential candidate not to be. And for some reason you can't decide if you like Trump more? Are you kidding? And yet somehow you claim to be seeing the picture clearly. You are seeing the picture through severely tinted lenses. Why do you think that after all these years nothing of significance has stuck to her? You claim indifference to her relationship with her husband, yet you choose to mention it, belying your claim. And you not only choose to believe unfounded lies about her, you spread them as well. The nominee selection process is indeed a train wreck on the R side. But it is proceeding in an orderly fashion on the D side. I predict that Hillary will win, and that it will be yet another victory for the American democratic process. Your system has not failed you yet, despite it's flaws. This may help. https://www.youtube.com/embed/VO8xCE94vA4Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #410 March 21, 2016 RonD1120***QuoteTrump is a loose cannon and a complete jerk, but at least he isn't a lawyer and he has occasionally turned a profit. I am not sure that I like him any more than Hillary, when all is said and done. This election cycle is a train wreck and everybody will lose, regardless of who floats to the top. You seem to hate Hillary based largely on lies spread by those who have opposed her for political reasons for many years. The reality is that she has been a nearly life long devoted public servant. Definitely an ambitious and sometimes scheming one, but how could you possibly expect a credible presidential candidate not to be. And for some reason you can't decide if you like Trump more? Are you kidding? And yet somehow you claim to be seeing the picture clearly. You are seeing the picture through severely tinted lenses. Why do you think that after all these years nothing of significance has stuck to her? You claim indifference to her relationship with her husband, yet you choose to mention it, belying your claim. And you not only choose to believe unfounded lies about her, you spread them as well. The nominee selection process is indeed a train wreck on the R side. But it is proceeding in an orderly fashion on the D side. I predict that Hillary will win, and that it will be yet another victory for the American democratic process. Your system has not failed you yet, despite it's flaws. This may help. https://www.youtube.com/embed/VO8xCE94vA4 Sounds good. Why deal in actual facts? Facts are stupid.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RonD1120 62 #411 March 21, 2016 This is the most subjective campaign in my lifetime.Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
winsor 236 #412 March 21, 2016 quade***The issue is not the veracity of these reports, but the fact that none of this matters to her supporters. So . . . put another way . . . the issue these reports are true or false is not what matters, but those against her believe them. Is that about it? You are as reliable as the sun coming up in the morning. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #413 March 21, 2016 RonD1120This is the most subjective campaign in my lifetime. That is because politics is now subjective. Less important than facts or compromise is grandstanding, hyperbole, and slander. Each side has been conditioned to never believe anything bad about their side. The difference here though is that numerous outside accounts and facts have been shown to be true about Trump (much of which comes right out of his own mouth). All his business he touted during his victory speech? Lies. His over-extension that caused his bankruptcy? These are things with paper trails to follow. His bigoted remarks? Recorded. His threats to protesters or journalists? Same. And yet, not a whole lot has been PROVEN (and thus she is indicted, prosecuted, whatever) about Hillary. As I said, I don't like her very much but not for any of these "scandalous" issues that are passed around. If the proof comes out and she is caught for it, I will have an even lower opinion. But now, it is all feeling and subjectivity due the conditioning that her side is just WRONG no matter what she says. When that happens, objectivity is pretty much impossible. Hillary could come out tomorrow with a plan to deregulate everything, remove all taxes, and punch Bill in the face, and Trump voters would still hate her because she is Hillary and she has a D beside her name. But you would see a mass revolt from her supported for sure.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #414 March 21, 2016 winsor******The issue is not the veracity of these reports, but the fact that none of this matters to her supporters. So . . . put another way . . . the issue these reports are true or false is not what matters, but those against her believe them. Is that about it? You are as reliable as the sun coming up in the morning. You mean I saw the huge gaping hole in your statement and pointed it out? Um, okay.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #415 March 21, 2016 I stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #416 March 21, 2016 catfishhunterI stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 So, you've stopped reading at page 7 yet decided to post on page 9 that if Trump doesn't win you're positive there will be a violent take over of the US government. Um, okay.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #417 March 21, 2016 catfishhunterI stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 You seem to be missing some punctuation. Trump would never forget punctuation. He is very smart. Very intelligent. He has all the good words. Therefore, it is truth.Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chedlin 0 #418 March 21, 2016 If it's Trump vs Clinton I'm voting https://garyjohnson2016.com/. I figure that's a better choice than not voting and I can still vote for fiscal conservatives in the other races. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #419 March 21, 2016 ryoderJohn Oliver examines the actual cost and feasibility of Trumps wall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU8dCYocuyI As usual, that was a brilliant piece by Oliver. As usual, no one who likes Trump will give a shit or believe it. Trump could say he was going to build the wall out of adamantium because he "know a guy" and they would think "Well, he knows business, so of course he knows what he is doing."Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,535 #420 March 21, 2016 QuoteThe order to dress in civilian clothes was widely reported at the time, Yeah, it was reported that it was nonsense. Quoteand she backed down immediately from the withering backlash. Denying that it happened isn't the same as backing down if it didn't in fact happen. QuoteThe incident hitting the Secret Service agent was in a secure area and got no press. Right, because it didn't happen. QuoteThe issue is not the veracity of these reports, but the fact that none of this matters to her supporters. It doesn't matter because it's obvious, ludicrous nonsense. I have it from a reliable source that Cruz is being paid by Cuba to close remove any trade restrictions to Cuba and close Guantanamo naval base completely if he gets elected. Does that matter to you?Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #421 March 21, 2016 quade***I stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 So, you've stopped reading at page 7 yet decided to post on page 9 that if Trump doesn't win you're positive there will be a violent take over of the US government. Um, okay. and those that supported the crown thought exactly like you. How that work out? MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GTAVercetti 0 #422 March 21, 2016 catfishhunter******I stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 So, you've stopped reading at page 7 yet decided to post on page 9 that if Trump doesn't win you're positive there will be a violent take over of the US government. Um, okay. and those that supported the crown thought exactly like you. How that work out? You are a prepper, aren't you?Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #423 March 21, 2016 >and those that supported the crown thought exactly like you. Well, so much for "Trump supporters do not advocate violence." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #424 March 21, 2016 catfishhunter******I stopped reading at page 7. Most of you don't get it. #byballotorbybullet America will change this election it will be by one of the other. Everyone has a choice let it be by ballot. #Trump2016 So, you've stopped reading at page 7 yet decided to post on page 9 that if Trump doesn't win you're positive there will be a violent take over of the US government. Um, okay. and those that supported the crown thought exactly like you. How that work out? Wow. I really didn't expect a response because supposedly you, "stopped reading at page 7." That said, I'll address this. Uh, no. The situation we have today is nothing even remotely like the situation in the colonies before the Revolutionary war. Not one damn bit. Anyone who believes it is needs a very large history lesson.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
434 2 #425 March 21, 2016 We know Clinton is going to win, so the show is over. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites