
if guns are so good for self defense why do we never hear of mass shootings stopped with a gun?

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So John, you have point this out about a million times - are you saying that the reason deaths are up in Chicago is because the gun laws were relaxed?


No. I'm pointing out that more guns did not mean less crime, contrary to John Lott's claim that the NRA repeatedly parrots.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Like I have said before, more or less guns is not going to change the problems in our society with people choosing violence to express their anger for what ever reason, hate, revenge, or just off their meds. If people do choose to act out with violence they will find a way whether it be with a bomb through the mail system(unibomber), a ryder truck filled with basic everyday chemicals(timothy mcveigh killed 186), poison in asprin bottles... etc. Inforce the laws on the books, do better job at weeding out people who shouldnt own fire arms and even then your going to get some that make through the filters.Even if you remove all guns from us legal gun totting folk, what about the criminal element, ya they will follow the rules.:S The people like this jack ass in Florida is not going to give a rat ass about any law on the books. He dont give a f*%k!
The government should fear the people not the people fear the government. If you like the laws in another place so much better feel free to move there!

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The government should fear the people not the people fear the government. If you like the laws in another place so much better feel free to move there!

I love this delusional Fantasy you live in. You have the most well armed and violent police force in any first world country. You incarcerate more people than ANY other country on earth, in absolut and relative numbers. Your government can and does legally kill US citizens without due process.

Your police force seizes private assets without a conviction and gives a part of what is seized to a private entity. (see Oklahoma)

Your military has spent the last decade perfecting fighting against a guerrilla enemy, but for some reason you think the government is scared of few rednecks with AR-15s. It is fucking hilarious is what it is.

edited to add:
If not rebel now, when then?

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Excellent points.

Simple minds can only think in terms of single one-off solutions.

As the problem is so large, there is no one-off fix; so oddly they seem to be proponents on doing nothing.
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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untrue and not reflected in reality. Not supported by any statistical data.


..bomb through the mail system(unibomber)..

How many mail bombs have we seen and how many people have died from mail bombs? Components to make bombs are hard to get and mostly regulated, especially SINCE the unabomber. Go ahead, try and make one. See who notices.


...a ryder truck filled with basic everyday chemicals(timothy mcveigh killed 186)

Yes he did, and now fertilizer is regulated and we have not seen any fertilizer bombs since then. Do you have any idea how many hundreds and hundreds of pounds it took to make that bomb? Go ahead and look it up. Now tell me how a lone wolf commits that same crime again in the USA without being noticed. (and manages to bring it into a gay bar)


...poison in aspirin bottles.

Also heavily regulated and has not been seen since we changed the PRODUCT....yes we changed the ASPIRINS and there are no more aspirin bottle poisonings.... aspirin does kill people, people kill people, but we fixed that when we changed the aspirin.

Even the pressure cooker bomb only killed 3 people. hardly a weapon of 'mass destruction' compared to the SIG MRx

The gun is in fact part of the problem, and yes we need to restrict who can get them, but also how they are gotten, how they are bought and sold, what kinds are sold what magazines are used, the life of the gun from end to end, and yes, the GUN is in fact going to have to be part of that solution.

Yes it is, just like the fertilizer and aspirin.


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Hi Phil,


Jo Cox in critical condition

It is now being reported that she had died.

Jerry Baumchen

Apparently the accused killer is a far right wing xenophobe.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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