
speech plagiarism

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All politicians take a few words here and there from others and make it their own. Some don't even revamp speeches and quote others, word for word. This is all just hysterical how serious people are taking this speech plagiarism by Melania Trump. They all do it, plain and simple.

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All politicians take a few words here and there from others and make it their own. Some don't even revamp speeches and quote others, word for word. This is all just hysterical how serious people are taking this speech plagiarism by Melania Trump. They all do it, plain and simple.

No worries; just give the writer credit. It's done here all the time.

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Biden says everyone does it

Speaking of quoting, you don't need to put this "America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." since Lincoln never said that.

This is what he said, "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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This is all just hysterical how serious people are taking this speech plagiarism by Melania Trump.

No, it's hysterical who she stole it from. Obama and Patrick are members of the same party. They're supposed to agree with each other, it makes sense that one would copy from the other. The Trumps are under the impression that the Obamas are driving the US into the ground, therefore it's funny that they would want to use the same speeches.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Some people always think that the best defense is a strong offense. Sometimes the best defense is figuring out how you got to where you needed defense, and not going there again without preparing.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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"Melania Trump Did NOT Plagiarize Michelle Obama’s Speech And This Is Why…"

That's a funny website.

They link to a Politico story to make it appear that they have support for their counterclaim the Obama plagiarised Bush but the Politico story actually says "A quick text compare shows that no lines were directly lifted from Bush's 2007 speech in the one Obama gave on Tuesday. There are some minor similarities between the two".

Yep, they don't have an agenda at all.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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All politicians take a few words here and there from others and make it their own. Some don't even revamp speeches and quote others, word for word. This is all just hysterical how serious people are taking this speech plagiarism by Melania Trump. They all do it, plain and simple.

So the republican response so far is:

So she did it; everyone does it. "They all do it, plain and simple."

She didn't do it. She didn't copy any of it. "To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy."

She only copied 7% of the speech. "93% of the speech is completely different than Michelle Obama’s speech."

She wrote the speech herself. "I wrote it with as little help as possible."

She didn't write the speech herself. "In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking." . . . "Whoever was the staff person who wrote this speech should be held accountable and should be fired."

She was only collaborating with someone she respected. "There was a process, certainly, of collaboration."

There was no collaboration; it was the staff's fault. "Her thoughts are her own thoughts. And I think if there was a mistake, it was at the staff level, and the staff should be held accountable."

Stay tuned for the next installment of "Trump - The Reality Show" where Trump explains how his racial slurs are really signs of respect.

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All politicians take a few words here and there from others and make it their own. Some don't even revamp speeches and quote others, word for word. This is all just hysterical how serious people are taking this speech plagiarism by Melania Trump. They all do it, plain and simple.

So the republican response so far is:

So she did it; everyone does it. "They all do it, plain and simple."

She didn't do it. She didn't copy any of it. "To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy."

She only copied 7% of the speech. "93% of the speech is completely different than Michelle Obama’s speech."

She wrote the speech herself. "I wrote it with as little help as possible."

She didn't write the speech herself. "In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking." . . . "Whoever was the staff person who wrote this speech should be held accountable and should be fired."

She was only collaborating with someone she respected. "There was a process, certainly, of collaboration."

There was no collaboration; it was the staff's fault. "Her thoughts are her own thoughts. And I think if there was a mistake, it was at the staff level, and the staff should be held accountable."

Stay tuned for the next installment of "Trump - The Reality Show" where Trump explains how his racial slurs are really signs of respect.

Saw this - couldn't verify it - so - whatever . . . It fits what my initial reaction was.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Isn't it funny how the democrats are so up in arms about poor Melania using a few dozens words that Michelle also used. And yet, none of them care a whit about 30,000 missing e-mails from Hillary!

Oh look! There's something new and shiny!

Mrs. Trump and Mr. Trump's campaign team took a slaying from the conservative media today also.

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All she had to say was
"I didn't realize that those particular sentiments were ones made by the First Lady. It just goes to prove that even though we may represent different parties we don't need to disagree about absolutely everything and I hope it can be a sign of better alignment in the future..."

She would have won a shit load of respect from most normal people.

Of course both parties would have simultaneously exploded and had her murdered.

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>Well, I'm glad _somebody_ has "the truth" about this.

"Nobody could have been so stupid as to make about five or six common quotes out of Michele Obama’s Demo convention speech just a few years before and put it Melania Trump’s speech and not think it would get exposed!"

Oh, yes - yes, they actually could have been.

Perhaps we can add a corollary to Hanlon's Razor (Trump's Treatise?) - never ascribe to evil Jewish neocon operatives/a vicious corrupt lying Zio media what can be attributed to stupidity.

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All she had to say was
"I didn't realize that those particular sentiments were ones made by the First Lady. It just goes to prove that even though we may represent different parties we don't need to disagree about absolutely everything and I hope it can be a sign of better alignment in the future..."

She would have won a shit load of respect from most normal people.

Bullshit - if the words she spoke weren't good enough for you to believe the first time around, then there's nothing she could ever say that would suffice. . .

What an insufferable lot.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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***All she had to say was
"I didn't realize that those particular sentiments were ones made by the First Lady. It just goes to prove that even though we may represent different parties we don't need to disagree about absolutely everything and I hope it can be a sign of better alignment in the future..."

She would have won a shit load of respect from most normal people.

Bullshit - if the words she spoke weren't good enough for you to believe the first time around, then there's nothing she could ever say that would suffice. . .

What an insufferable lot.

Sorry. I genuinely don't understand.

My point was that owning up to a mistake like this (it's not a serious one) can garner respect and heal. Rather than be devisive

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******All she had to say was
"I didn't realize that those particular sentiments were ones made by the First Lady. It just goes to prove that even though we may represent different parties we don't need to disagree about absolutely everything and I hope it can be a sign of better alignment in the future..."

She would have won a shit load of respect from most normal people.

Bullshit - if the words she spoke weren't good enough for you to believe the first time around, then there's nothing she could ever say that would suffice. . .

What an insufferable lot.

Sorry. I genuinely don't understand.

The words of the speech - either you believe she meant them or you don't.

If you believe she meant them, then what's the problem?

If you don't believe she meant them, then you won't believe anything she says after the fact - so what does it matter?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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2 different things.

I'm talking less about the content than the sensationalism of her 'stealing' stuff from her opponents.

I think it's fine that people on 2 different sides of a political divide can agree on (and actually be respectful of) their opponents positions on some things. And that should be what they mention, rather than trying to deny everything.

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************All she had to say was
"I didn't realize that those particular sentiments were ones made by the First Lady. It just goes to prove that even though we may represent different parties we don't need to disagree about absolutely everything and I hope it can be a sign of better alignment in the future..."

She would have won a shit load of respect from most normal people.

Bullshit - if the words she spoke weren't good enough for you to believe the first time around, then there's nothing she could ever say that would suffice. . .

What an insufferable lot.

Sorry. I genuinely don't understand.

My point was that owning up to a mistake like this (it's not a serious one) can garner respect and heal. Rather than be devisive

The words of the speech - either you believe she meant them or you don't.

If you believe she meant them, then what's the problem?

If you don't believe she meant them, then you won't believe anything she says after the fact - so what does it matter?


2 different things.

I'm talking less about the content than the sensationalism of her 'stealing' stuff from her opponents.

I think it's fine that people on 2 different sides of a political divide can agree on (and actually be respectful of) their opponents positions on some things. And that should be what they mention, rather than trying to deny everything.

Sorry. I genuinely don't understand.

Just accept what she said in the first place - end of story.

If you don't, then there is nothing she could ever say about it that could ever bring "respect and healing" - just more divisiveness - just as there already is.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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