
ShrubCo and 22 million missing emails - Why no outrage from reich wingers?

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The conservatives and the mainstream media have been hectoring and harassing Hilary Clinton over her use of a private email server. The expected hypocrisy is in full bloom.

None of the same people have any concerns over the RNC email server that went missing. The server that held the emails that would have documented how ShrubCo and associates "fixed the facts around the policy" of invading and occupying Iraq.

The foulness of the stench of hypocrisy from the reich wing and their media pawns is nauseating. The reich wingers are pissed off about 4 people getting killed in Benghazi. They could not care less about the tens of thousands of Iraqis that were killed during ShrubCo's invasion and occupation. Their complete lack of concern for the millions of people displaced is par for the course.

The USA is fucked. The reich wingers control the media and the message. Only intelligent people see through their bullshit. The sheeple mindlessly follow along.


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Hmmm.....maybe because ShrubCo hasn't been in office in 8 years and is not running for office (even if I were to count Jeb who failed out months ago now) and $Hillary IS running for office?

And except for that silly Fox network, I believe most of the other mainstream media is a bit left leaning. So....what's your point again?

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