
The FBI Reopens The Criminal Investigation Into Hillary's Private Server!

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It's hard to find comments of yours on anything in SC that aren't negative. But given the frequency of your commentary on liberals/Hillary/Obama, etc, it's not surprising that people would think you'd prefer Trump.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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>He has probable cause, enough that a judge agreed and granted a warrant
>for further investigation.

Looks like the justice department is going to take Comey out behind the woodshed for trying to interfere with an election.
NYT October 31 at 7:51 PM

The Justice Department moved Monday to quell the outrage and frenetic speculation surrounding FBI Director James B. Comey’s disclosure last week that the bureau has resumed its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server after discovering a new trove of emails.

If Comey wanted everyone to think he was going all-out to support Trump, he couldn;t do a better job. LATEST: www.newsweek.com/fbi-releasing-documents-clinton-marc-rich-515921

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Not the FBI's job

So go to the cops. After all, if you KNOW all her crimes, go to the cops and they will surely arrest her for them.

Boy, you get your panties in a wad when your errors are exposed
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***>He has probable cause, enough that a judge agreed and granted a warrant
>for further investigation.

Looks like the justice department is going to take Comey out behind the woodshed for trying to interfere with an election.
NYT October 31 at 7:51 PM

The Justice Department moved Monday to quell the outrage and frenetic speculation surrounding FBI Director James B. Comey’s disclosure last week that the bureau has resumed its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server after discovering a new trove of emails.

If Comey wanted everyone to think he was going all-out to support Trump, he couldn;t do a better job. LATEST: www.newsweek.com/fbi-releasing-documents-clinton-marc-rich-515921

You mean this guy?


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>Boy, you get your panties in a wad when your errors are exposed

Ah, so you know you are just blowing smoke. Keep blowing!

Did you hear HRC say she was in New York when 911 happened!!!

She is a pathetic pathological liar.
She has so many of you hog tied and branded:D
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>A great example of "shooting the messenger."

Given that he previously refused to release evidence that Putin is helping Trump because he didn't want to influence the election towards Clinton, he's basically shot himself.

The Russia blame may be in danger?


Another lie exposed
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Hi brent,


I think you mean "All hat no cattle", you need to get out more.

I meant exactly what I wrote. I have spent a lot of time in Texas over the years.

Jerry Baumchen

Austin obviously.

Obviously. The city with the highest educational level in the state.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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******Hi brent,


I think you mean "All hat no cattle", you need to get out more.

I meant exactly what I wrote. I have spent a lot of time in Texas over the years.

Jerry Baumchen

Austin obviously.

Obviously. The city with the highest educational level in the state.

And one of the few places in Texas where a cowboy metaphor would go sideways.

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Not that it matters to rushmc, but to the rest of SC, please keep in mind that Sputnik is Russian a state sponsored site. They have already been caught once spreading false stories about Clinton during this campaign.

- Dan G

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Cattle is more common, but saddle is used as well.

And there is a song titled "All Hat, No Cattle" by Tracie Adkins that contains the following repetitive phrases:
"All hat and no cattle..."
"All boots and no saddle..."

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Letter from one of Mark Wiener's victims to Comey:
Mr. James Comey

FBI Director

November 2, 2016

I am the 15-year-old (now 16) who was the victim of Anthony Weiner. I now add you to the list of people who have victimized me. I told my story originally to protect other young girls that might be a victim of online predators.

Your letter to Congress has now brought this whole matter back into the media spotlight. Not even 10 minutes after being forensically interviewed with the FBI for seven hours, I received a phone call from a REPORTER asking for a statement. Why didn’t you communicate with the local FBI agents that I had just spoken to? They could have scheduled our interview sooner or scheduled a time to interview me later, or change locations of the interview. My neighborhood has been canvassed by reporters asking for details about me.

In your letter, you chose to use a vague approach, meaning the media had to keep searching to try and find out what evidence you had uncovered and how. Every media outlet from local to national has contacted me and my family to get my “story.” Why couldn’t your letter have waited until after the election, so I would not have to be the center of attention the last week of the election cycle?

In his “cooperation” with you and with his love of the spotlight, Anthony Weiner has given information that led to the media finding me. You have assisted him in further victimizing me on every news outlet. I can only assume that you saw an opportunity for political propaganda.

I thought your job as FBI Director was to protect me. I thought if I cooperated with your investigation, my identity as a minor would be kept secret. That is no longer the case. My family and I are barraged by reporters’ phone calls and emails. I have been even been blamed in a newspaper for causing Donald Trump to now be leading in some polls and costing Hillary the election.

Anthony Weiner is the abuser. Your letter helped that abuse to continue. How can I rebuild my life when you have made finding out my “story” the goal of every reporter? When I meet with my therapist next time, she will already know what we are going to talk about before I get there by reading Friday, October 28th, 2016’s New York Times article.

I may have been Weiner’s victim, but the real story here is that I am a survivor. I am strong, intelligent, and certain that I will come out from under this nightmare, but it will not be as a result of your doing your job to protect me. I hope that by making my letter to you public, you will think about how your actions affect the victims of the crimes you are investigating. The election is important, yes, but what happened to me and how it makes me feel and how others see me, is much more important. It’s time that the FBI Director puts his victims’ rights above political views.

— Girl that lost her faith in America


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******>He has probable cause, enough that a judge agreed and granted a warrant
>for further investigation.

Looks like the justice department is going to take Comey out behind the woodshed for trying to interfere with an election.
NYT October 31 at 7:51 PM

The Justice Department moved Monday to quell the outrage and frenetic speculation surrounding FBI Director James B. Comey’s disclosure last week that the bureau has resumed its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server after discovering a new trove of emails.

If Comey wanted everyone to think he was going all-out to support Trump, he couldn;t do a better job. LATEST: www.newsweek.com/fbi-releasing-documents-clinton-marc-rich-515921

You mean this guy?


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Shows just what bad judge of character democrats are

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Hey its a doggie dog world out there.

I can't tell if you are being ignorant or ironic?

You really don't care. So why did you ask?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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