
President Trump?

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***We're not mad. We're just really, really disappointed.

Speak for youself please, i would have been disappointed either way.

Im gonna see it from the only positive way i can, which is that this might send a signal to politicians and polotics in the US and maybe even elsewhere to start dealing with shit in a different way. It will be like one of those storys that you tell your children - "Just look what happend to the US, we dont want a Hillary vs Trump situation"

Hillary wasn't a great pick at all, but she was qualified and most importantly she was predictable. You were going to get 4 more years of the status quo.

Trump is impulsive and volatile. I truly hope that he either reels that in and actually acts the part, or (as you say) he bombs so bad the entire American nation bands together to say "Let's never fuck up that bad again"... If it's somewhere in the middle, Trump V2 down the track is probably inevitable.
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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Idiocracy has become a documentary, indeed

I made mention of this today at work.
The world is standing back in Stunned awe.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I disagree with that. Look at (just as an example) the Reagan years. He worked with both sides of Congress. Of course he worked more with the R's than the D's, but "party discipline" wasn't as strictly enforced then, and there weren't radio talk show hosts calling people out as RINO's and DINO's. Think of republicans like Susan Collins, and Democrats like Joe Lieberman.

We're more and more getting into a cartoon world, where only outsized loud and overly colored images seem to resonate. That's unfortunate, unless, of course, you prefer cartoons and conflict to paintings and negotiation.

And if you thing conflict is the way to get somewhere, now do you deal at work?

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the room when Obama hands over the keys to Airforce One. And the codes. Do you think he will have some friendly words of advice?

What makes you think trump has ever asked for advice other than to confirm an already formed decision.

Having said that. Knowing that there is NO way possible to:

1.Cut business taxes.
2. Cut personal taxes.
3. Build up and restore the military.
4. Defeat IS by bombing because the generals know nothing.
5. Generate 4% GDP or better growth.
6. Eliminate the federal deficit.
7. Build a wall with Mexico. At least the US Govt. won't have to pay for it.
8. Put Hillary in jail.
9. Put the media in jail.
10 Democrats in jail.
11. Put all of his personal enemies in jail.

Ok,OK, OK maybe I digress with the last three.

50% of the population wants change in Washington. Change to government that allows insiders to protect the financial interests of insiders and special interest groups. Keep in mind that other republicans can vote to keep the more outrageous ideas from becoming law.

and the sun came up today.

If you still think its too bad there is always:

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I disagree with that. Look at (just as an example) the Reagan years. He worked with both sides of Congress. Of course he worked more with the R's than the D's, but "party discipline" wasn't as strictly enforced then, and there weren't radio talk show hosts calling people out as RINO's and DINO's. Think of republicans like Susan Collins, and Democrats like Joe Lieberman.

We're more and more getting into a cartoon world, where only outsized loud and overly colored images seem to resonate. That's unfortunate, unless, of course, you prefer cartoons and conflict to paintings and negotiation.

And if you thing conflict is the way to get somewhere, now do you deal at work?

Wendy P.


I see your point.

But, in the real world there are some things that can be taken care of with compromise.
An example of one thing where no compromise is possible however, is Obamacare. It has to go. Period! No compromise!

I do not agree with your cartoon world comment at all. And unfortunately you post it like it is an absolute and you imply that I may prefer something if I disagree with you. To me, this tactic is part (a big part) of the wild discourse we see today in politics. Its real name is political correctness. And one must note that one of the reasons Trump won was because the people are tired of this pc bullshit and Trump was surly not PC. In the end I prefer was is right and true. And I admit I do not always know what is right or correct. I can only have my opinions based on the info I have and the world view I have constructed based on my experiences. My experiences are unique to me, just as yours are to you.

And conflict at work and conflict in politics are not relatable. Free speech has restrictions at work. There should be NO speech restrictions in the political world! That said, there should be consequences for what one says. Just not legal consequences.

Today, political conflict has picked a winner. The left and its media are going to complain loudly about what is coming. Even though the people picked this winner. (and I know the electoral college complaint is coming soon if it has not started already) A big part of this election was influenced by who gets to pick the next SC justices. This was a major part of my choice.
That, and Hillary should be in prison for the way she handled secure info, That is not debatable. But she and the other higher ups must live under different laws than you or I do. (this I think had a big impact as well)

Anyway, hang on for the ride.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the room when Obama hands over the keys to Airforce One. And the codes. Do you think he will have some friendly words of advice?

What makes you think trump has ever asked for advice other than to confirm an already formed decision.

Having said that. Knowing that there is NO way possible to:

1.Cut business taxes.
2. Cut personal taxes.
3. Build up and restore the military.
4. Defeat IS by bombing because the generals know nothing.
5. Generate 4% GDP or better growth.
6. Eliminate the federal deficit.
7. Build a wall with Mexico. At least the US Govt. won't have to pay for it.
8. Put Hillary in jail.
9. Put the media in jail.
10 Democrats in jail.
11. Put all of his personal enemies in jail.

Ok,OK, OK maybe I digress with the last three.

50% of the population wants change in Washington. Change to government that allows insiders to protect the financial interests of insiders and special interest groups. Keep in mind that other republicans can vote to keep the more outrageous ideas from becoming law.

and the sun came up today.

If you still think its too bad there is always:

It can be done.

But he has to do what Obama has not been able to do. (the only president who has not) And that is see at least one quarter with 3% or greater GDP increase during his presidency.

This country has it possibilities tied down with law and regulation. Turn this country loose (within reason) and we can do all you list and more.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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We have our work cut out for us. The progressive liberal faction financed by Soros, the Clinton Foundation and others will do everything they can to create social unrest and block every positive direction coming out of the Trump presidency.

The riots have already begun on the left coast. They will spread across our nation. Be prepared and be kind. That is as kind as possible but be ready.

We have to be respectful and helpful to the losers as they are forced adjust to a new way of life, that is working to meet their needs.

The GMA show this morning was so sad as they examined the polling results indicating that the various minorities were not able to override the white blue collar middle class.

President Elect Trump even out performed Romney with the minorities.

We won! Now let's teach the losers how to live and thrive in the American tradition. One nation under God, working for the good of family, community and country.

At my polling place, we had folks that showed up to vote for the president, the senator and the sheriff. That was their interest. Some had not voted in years.

One man almost made me cry. He was a 95YO WWII veteran in a wheelchair and wearing his veteran cap. He said this was the most important election in his lifetime.

President Elect Donald Trump, after eight years of BHO and HC evil corruption.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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We have our work cut out for us. The progressive liberal faction financed by Soros, the Clinton Foundation and others will do everything they can to create social unrest and block every positive direction coming out of the Trump presidency.

The riots have already begun on the left coast. They will spread across our nation. Be prepared and be kind. That is as kind as possible but be ready.

We have to be respectful and helpful to the losers as they are forced adjust to a new way of life, that is working to meet their needs.

The GMA show this morning was so sad as they examined the polling results indicating that the various minorities were not able to override the white blue collar middle class.

President Elect Trump even out performed Romney with the minorities.

We won! Now let's teach the losers how to live and thrive in the American tradition. One nation under God, working for the good of family, community and country.

At my polling place, we had folks that showed up to vote for the president, the senator and the sheriff. That was their interest. Some had not voted in years.

One man almost made me cry. He was a 95YO WWII veteran in a wheelchair and wearing his veteran cap. He said this was the most important election in his lifetime.

President Elect Donald Trump, after eight years of BHO and HC evil corruption.

We got 2.5 years to show what this county being unleashed can do. We need to hold those we elected to account each and every day as they will quickly move to dismiss us and our desires yet again
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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What's really sad is that you and rushmc think Trump is on your side. You elected the ultimate 1%er and you think he's going to do something to help the little guy. Sad.

I think you are wrong but time will tell.

But if one ever thought Hillary was on their side well, I bet they think they own a bridge or two as well.

She is a corrupt criminal who has escaped jail time...... for now.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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With Republican control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency. IMO

1.Tax reform will pass.
2. Immigration reform will pass.
3. There will be a fiscal stimulus package for infrastructure and the military to create jobs.


US deregulation of oil, coal and foreign policy changes in the middle east will make it harder if not impossible to get support from other countries for US initiatives. He wants to withdraw from the Paris agreement.

Iran and the nuclear agreement will present a large opportunity for a serious entanglement with Iran. President elect trump has a nasty habit of attempting to punish those who disagree with him. Its not hard for foreign actors and countries to recognize those traits and attempt to exploit them. What happens when IS, Hezbollah, or another group kills the next US citizen? Does he immediately dispatch the bombers?

For foreign policy is a 3:00 A.M. snap decision to dispatch bombers going to become a new standard?

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I cannot believe what has happened.

Trump has conned enough people to win the Presidency. I firmly believe he is the single most dangerous man in the world right now.

I pity those American's who voted the other way and hope the fallout is not too great. In fact I pity America.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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I cannot believe what has happened.

Trump has conned enough people to win the Presidency. I firmly believe he is the single most dangerous man in the world right now.

I pity those American's who voted the other way and hope the fallout is not too great. In fact I pity America.

you got it wrong
Hillary ALMOST conned enough people to gain the presidency

That you need to understand.

and keep your pity

It wastes your time and mine.....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Dear America,

What the fuck have you people done? :S

Lovingly yours,

Everyone else in the world.


We have ignored you and yours.

USA, USA, USA......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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We have our work cut out for us. The progressive liberal faction financed by Soros, the Clinton Foundation and others will do everything they can to create social unrest and block every positive direction coming out of the Trump presidency.

The riots have already begun on the left coast. They will spread across our nation. Be prepared and be kind. That is as kind as possible but be ready.

We have to be respectful and helpful to the losers as they are forced adjust to a new way of life, that is working to meet their needs.

The GMA show this morning was so sad as they examined the polling results indicating that the various minorities were not able to override the white blue collar middle class.

President Elect Trump even out performed Romney with the minorities.

We won! Now let's teach the losers how to live and thrive in the American tradition. One nation under God, working for the good of family, community and country.

At my polling place, we had folks that showed up to vote for the president, the senator and the sheriff. That was their interest. Some had not voted in years.

One man almost made me cry. He was a 95YO WWII veteran in a wheelchair and wearing his veteran cap. He said this was the most important election in his lifetime.

President Elect Donald Trump, after eight years of BHO and HC evil corruption.

We got 2.5 years to show what this county being unleashed can do. We need to hold those we elected to account each and every day as they will quickly move to dismiss us and our desires yet again

Well 11.5 Trillion dollars can do allot of unleashing!


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For the 2nd time in 16 years the candidate who got the highest vote total loses the Electoral College.

Something stinky with this system.

I said this bitch was coming.

look at the electoral map.
the system works exactly as designed and it works well.

But then you would like to see just the high population centers tell the rest of the US what its politics should be. Because you are one of them.

It smells great today.
The country has spoken and Trump is your president elect!!!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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For the 2nd time in 16 years the candidate who got the highest vote total loses the Electoral College.

Something stinky with this system.

I said this bitch was coming.

look at the electoral map.
the system works exactly as designed and it works well.

But then you would like to see just the high population centers tell the rest of the US what its politics should be. Because you are one of them.

It smells great today.
The country has spoken and Trump is your president elect!!!

But no sitting president has faced:

"Before Donald Trump raises his right hand to take the oath of office in January, he’s set for a less-auspicious swearing-in: taking the witness stand in his own defense in a federal court civil trial over alleged fraud in his Trump University real estate seminar program...

And the class-action case set for trial the Monday after Thanksgiving is just one of a plethora of lawsuits and threatened suits Trump was entangled in during the campaign—litigation that doesn’t seem likely to disappear anytime soon and might even intensify with Trump headed to the White House....

There’s also a New York state investigation into his charitable foundation and a reported federal investigation into some of his advisers’ ties to Russia...

Beyond that, there’s litigation that Trump himself launched, like the pair of suits against celebrity chefs who backed out of plans to open restaurants in his new luxury Washington hotel...

There are actually two pending federal suits: the one set for trial this month involves Trump University students from California, Florida and New York, addressing claims that the program violated those states’ tough laws against defrauding consumers and the elderly. The other case is national in scope and invokes a federal racketeering statute."

"If anyone still has any doubt about the troubling nature of Donald Trump’s record, he or she should be obliged to read the affidavit of Ronald Schnackenberg, a former salesman for Trump University. Schnackenberg’s testimony was one of the documents unsealed by a judge in the class-action suit, which was brought in California by some of Trump University’s disgruntled former attendees.

Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.”

Perhaps his and her jail cells?

Another election anyone??

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Clinton would have had many more.

And the bulk of the issues you list are seen as political hits anyway. Two are civil in nature.

The New York suit is laughable at best

No one can say Hillary's troubles would be political in nature.
And Hillary's are criminal issues, not civil. Big difference.

I hope they pulled her security clearance last night......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I don't usually get involved in these discussions, because really,what's the point? I think the legal troubles for DT will largely vanish. For the good of the country I hope so. No one wants a president Pence.
I am curious how DT will handle securing all those large,soft targets around the world bearing his name. Will the US military be tasked with protecting Trump's assets?

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