normiss 818 #1 February 1, 2017 Does this 'notice' mean: One if by land? Two if by sea? E=MC2 if by air? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #2 February 1, 2017 It means the US has no friends. No allies. Doesn't need friends, allies, or alliances. The UN is unnecessary, irrelevant, weak, and its resolutions meaningless. That go it alone is going to be US foreign policy. Because trump and bannon are so smart. That when it all goes wrong. General Mattis,Secretary of Defense will be blamed, will fall on his sword, and will resign. Because he's not a "winner." Its all Obama's fault because he was "weak" on Iran. HRC's fault because she was weak on Iran. This policy is directed by bannon. "And Bannon has brought other people to the White House from Breitbart News, giving him more influence. “We clearly see what Bannon is doing. There’s no secret in it. He’s increasing his people inside and aligning with Kushner,” said one former GOP leadership aide. “And the person to look at is really Kushner, because at the end of the day, he’s the person Trump trusts most. And together, those two guys seem like they want to knock everyone else over.” Many Republicans fear that Bannon’s ascendance is coming at the expense of Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, the former Republican National Committee chairman who is a home-state friend of Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and has longstanding ties with many lawmakers. In a joint statement announcing the hiring of Bannon and Priebus last November, Trump said the two would work together as “equal partners.” But Republicans on Capitol Hill say they are seeing scant evidence of that... The lack of vetting on Trump’s immigrant and refugee order — which bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the United States for 90 days, freezes the nation’s refugee program for 120 days and indefinitely pauses the acceptance of Syrian refugees — left many Republicans on Capitol Hill fuming. House GOP leaders have acknowledged they only learned of the order when it was being rolled out, even though staff on the House Judiciary Committee reportedly provided input to the White House. “They’re not doing the basic blocking and tackling, and that makes it more difficult for congressional leaders to defend it,” one former GOP leadership aide said. The decision to make Bannon a permanent member of Trump’s National Security Council was a shock. Past White House political advisers such as Karl Rove and David Axelrod didn’t make that leap. “[Bannon] wouldn’t be anywhere near my National Security Council if I were president,” Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) told The Hill. While Trump added Bannon, the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will only attend committee meetings when the discussions pertain specifically to their areas of expertise. “Why would you remove the [director] and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?” Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said to The Hill. “I don’t think that’s a good decision, and I hope the president will reconsider. … The removal of two people whose advice is essential when these critical policy decisions are made — that bothers me.”... ""Steve Bannon operated as the dictator of Breitbart,” Bardella added. “He is someone who is prone to a lot of tirades and acts as a bully. If anyone thought Corey Lewandowski was challenging that way, wait till someone gets a curse-laden phone call from Steve at any hour."... "He’s also extremely malicious and vindictive. He has an incredibly short temper and an even shorter attention span. A megalomaniac." "He's Trump — but smart,” Shapiro added. "A loudmouth bully who cons his way into positions of power. I think he'll double Trump down and tell him he's winning even when he's losing, because it isn't about Trump — It's about what Bannon can get from Trump." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TriGirl 319 #3 February 1, 2017 Wonder how Sean Spicer felt about THAT interruption! See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #4 February 1, 2017 >Iran officially on notice! And Russia is officially on "ignore." Looks like Putin is getting his money's worth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #5 February 1, 2017 Colbert needs to bring back his "On Notice" board for this.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #6 February 1, 2017 billvon>Iran officially on notice! And Russia is officially on "ignore." Looks like Putin is getting his money's worth. Steady increase in fighting in eastern Ukraine. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #7 February 1, 2017 Perhaps by now there has been doubt about my personal opinions of bannon! "SitRep: Trump Advisor Bannon Predicts Wars With China, Middle East; Pentagon Officials Say Gloves Off in Yemen February 1, 2017 - 7:51 am Bannon’s world. For someone who ran a media company — and hosted a radio show — before become President Trump’s top advisor, there’s been an air of mystery surrounding Steve Bannon. The USA Today went back and listened to dozens of recordings of the show he hosted for the conspiracy-minded, ultra-right wing Breitbart media company, and found that much of what he said in 2015 and early 2016 has since been parroted by POTUS. In one episode, Bannon said, “you have an expansionist Islam and you have an expansionist China. Right? They are motivated. They’re arrogant. They’re on the march. And they think the Judeo-Christian West is on the retreat” He went on to predict a war between the U.S. and China within the next decade. He also predicted “a major shooting war in the Middle East” in the coming years. “To be brutally frank, I mean Christianity is dying in Europe, and Islam is on the rise,” he said in January 2016. “Some of these situations may get a little unpleasant,” Bannon said. “But you know what, we’re in a war.” Keep an eye on Yemen. Some Pentagon officials are looking at Yemen as a place where the Trump administration might allow the military more room for action than the Obama administration, according to the Washington Post’s Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Missy Ryan... “We expect an easier approval cycle [for operations] under this administration,” one defense official told the Post. Another former officials with experience in Yemen said that more U.S. troops on the ground in Yemen was “overdue.” Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #8 February 1, 2017 >In one episode, Bannon said, “you have an expansionist Islam and you have an >expansionist China. Right?" . . . . while here in reality Russia continues to try to expand. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #9 February 2, 2017 SkyDekker***>Iran officially on notice! And Russia is officially on "ignore." Looks like Putin is getting his money's worth. Steady increase in fighting in eastern Ukraine South Russia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #10 February 2, 2017 Iran is not Iraq. US generals will tell trump this. General Mattis will tell him this. If the Iraq war cost the US $1 trillion, Iran would be $3 trillion. Attacking Iran will start a Shia-Sunni regional war. As Shia Iranian influence controls Syria(not Assad, not Russia),Iraq, Lebanon and the religious leadership for the Shia is the leadership that controls Iran. Furthermore, Iranian people are not represented by its religious leaders. The last 15 years have seen the elections rigged, dissidents killed and opposition quashed. Attacking Iran will bring the population together like nothing else. Will mold the entire Shia world against the US. It will do what Bin-laden, Al-Qaeda and IS couldn't do since 9/11. Start a religious war involving the US. I mentioned in another post that I couldn't understand the Houthi concept of "death to America, death to Israel, God is Great". In every action/video against the Saudi government and Gulf state coalition, within Yemen. Upon reflection it can only mean that Iranian mullahs and hard core conservative Shia mullahs have been preaching to the Houthi. Thats been the chant of Iranian conservative Shia with ideology close to Ali Khamenei. They have chanted those same words since the Iranian revolution. trump was supposed to be an isolationist president. One that puts business and economic progress ahead of the old US ideology. The one of the US being the worlds policeman. But as someone from the trump administration stated yesterday. There is a "new sheriff in town". If I had a son or daughter in the line of duty in the US forces. I would tell them to get out, now. When I had doubts about trumps visit to Dover to see the bereaved parents. Of the recently deceases SEAL member.As to whether it was a genuine sense of personal respect. Or a photo op for self promotion. They were answered by trump's actions on Iran. Thats not to say Iran needs to be separated from its meddling in Yemen. That Iran needs to be dealt with more forcefully for its violations of the nuclear accords. Its violations of UN resolutions. trumps ego, bluster, stupidity and failure to surround himself with reasoned council. Are sending the US down a path of disaster. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nolhtairt 0 #11 February 2, 2017 billvon>In one episode, Bannon said, “you have an expansionist Islam and you have an >expansionist China. Right?" . . . . while here in reality Russia continues to try to expand. Well in the past, China did take over Tibet and force the Dalia Lama into exile, and views Taiwan as a sort of belligerent province of theirs and they get buttsore when the Taiwanese President even visits or talks with the US. They don't have much of a navy, just one aircraft carrier that was partially built by Russia. Our navy would destroy them in days, but they do have a microwave weapon that would be a concern. It destroys electronic systems when targeted. But they are turning into more of a bully now than ever before, and most of the other southeast Asian countries are tired of their shit. Even then, I'd be more concerned about North Korea now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #12 February 2, 2017 "The new enthusiastic president, with all his authority, will not be able to prevent terrorism, deport all illegal immigrants or prevent people from entering the US through Mexico. However, he will try and do what he can inside the US and likewise, he will not be able to win every battle on a foreign level. Perhaps the most important decision that he made is not to cooperate with Iran- a matter that will anger Tehran. Tehran will then direct its puppets in Gaza, Iraq, Syria and Yemen and extremist groups which falsely operate in the name of Islam against him." "Asharq al-Awsat (Arabic: meaning "The Middle East") is an Arabic international newspaper headquartered in London. A pioneer of the "off-shore" model in the Arabic press, the paper is often noted for its distinctive green-tinted pages.[2] The New York Times in 2005 called Asharq al-Awsat "one of the oldest and most influential in the region".[3] " "Meaning, unjustifiable US hostility toward Iran has persisted for decades and the nuclear deal changed nothing. True, international sanctions ended, but US ones largely remain in place, with new President Donald Trump and bipartisan congressional hardliners calling for more. Billions of dollars of Iranian assets remain frozen. Tehran is wrongfully blamed for regional terrorism and elsewhere. Congress continues to pass legislation authorizing Iranian assets be used to compensate victims of Israeli Mossad terrorism – wrongfully blamed on Tehran. High crimes committed in Syria and Yemen by America, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other regional rogue states go unpunished too – Iran targeted to pay compensation to their victims. All this continued hostility is for one reason only: Sovereign Iranian independence frees it from US control. Washington and company want unchallenged regional dominance – pro-Western puppet regimes. Imperial wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and elsewhere aim to achieve this objective. Iran remains largely untouched (thanks to its armed forces that are combat-ready), yet unjustly vilified, cited for nonexistent and unsubstantiated aggression and terrorism, criticized for its legitimate missile program solely for defense... Tehran has other good reasons to bear such animus toward war-party Washington: The 1953 CIA Coup and the Shah; the imposed Iraqi war of the 1980s (with all those Western-made chemical weapons) during which America assisted Saddam’s regime with intelligence like satellite imagery and maps in advance of what Washington knew would be gas attacks; Bush’s ‘Axis of Evil’ and regime change threat in 2001; America never meeting its end of the bargain as per the nuclear deal. The list of shame goes on. In summation, Iran’s latest missile test are imperative as upgrading its missile defense program is by definition a historic achievement and deterrent. But it is also banning Americans from visiting Iran and replacing the dollar with other currencies which altogether will put Trump and other warmongers on notice. It will illuminate the new realities and possibilities on today’s political battlefield. The United States has lost the chance now to revise its century-old hostile policy towards Iran and try find common grounds for standing against common enemies. ISIL and other Al-Qaeda affiliates as well as their rich Saudi masters are posing a major threat to the United States' national security, and the country's national security advisor is pointing the finger at Iran. Such a blind and delusional foreign policy and national security doctrine is destined to fall and these are the poor American people who will receive the blow for such a historic blunder. The new US president should come to realize that growing hostilities towards Iran will wear off his chances for buying Russian cooperation that he would direly need when Saudi proxy forces of Al-Qaeda come back to strike at the United States once again." "The Fars News Agency (FNA) is a news agency in Iran. While it describes itself as "Iran's leading independent news agency",[1] it is widely described by news media to be a "semi-official" news agency of the Government of Iran.[2][3][4]" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #13 February 2, 2017 >Well in the past, China did take over Tibet and force the Dalia Lama into exile . . Agreed. And in the past, Britain was the most expansionist country out there. But TODAY Russia is expanding by invading nearby countries. >But they are turning into more of a bully now than ever before, and most of the >other southeast Asian countries are tired of their shit. Same could be said of us - and is being demonstrated every day by Trump. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #14 February 3, 2017 (not @Normiss) I feel like its GWB allover again. People acting like politics is football and being fans. Another war that's going to be branded as support the troops yellow ribbons for another unjustifiable war for false reasons. Kill a bunch of people and not just brown ones steal billions, devastate the economy..............i don't get it how many times do you have to watch the same trick till you catch on? The terrorists were Saudis mostly, the funding for ISIS is coming from Saudi? Why is it so many people are always so ready for war and make any excuse to justify it? Its the same idiots as the Iraq war crowd same tactics, same people who said GWB was is groundhogs dayI'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil1111 1,149 #15 February 3, 2017 Darius11(not @Normiss) I feel like its GWB allover again. People acting like politics is football and being fans. Another war that's going to be branded as support the troops yellow ribbons for another unjustifiable war for false reasons. Kill a bunch of people and not just brown ones steal billions, devastate the economy..............i don't get it how many times do you have to watch the same trick till you catch on? The terrorists were Saudis mostly, the funding for ISIS is coming from Saudi? Why is it so many people are always so ready for war and make any excuse to justify it? Its the same idiots as the Iraq war crowd same tactics, same people who said GWB was is groundhogs day This is who Iranians are: They are not the Mullahs, the Quds forces. They are not Arabs, they are Persians with ; ' Together with their compatriot allies, they established and ruled some of the world's most powerful empires,[10][11] well-recognized for their massive cultural, political and social influence covering much of the territory and population of the ancient world.[12][13] Persians contributed greatly in various forms of art, including carpet-weaving, pottery, mosaic, miniature painting, calligraphy, and music. They own one of the world's oldest and richest literary traditions, and have also left significant influences in architectural and scientific concepts." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #16 February 3, 2017 Bannon will be planning a smallish war for early summer 2018. Just the thing to rally the population ahead of the mid terms.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #17 February 3, 2017 >The terrorists were Saudis mostly, the funding for ISIS is coming from Saudi? Right - but Trump has business interests in Saudi Arabia. It's bad business to piss off partners. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #18 February 3, 2017 billvon>The terrorists were Saudis mostly, the funding for ISIS is coming from Saudi? Right - but Trump has business interests in Saudi Arabia. It's bad business to piss off partners. Wasn't the Bush family well connected to them as well?Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #19 February 3, 2017 nolhtairt***>In one episode, Bannon said, “you have an expansionist Islam and you have an >expansionist China. Right?" . . . . while here in reality Russia continues to try to expand. Well in the past, China did take over Tibet and force the Dalia Lama into exile, and views Taiwan as a sort of belligerent province of theirs and they get buttsore when the Taiwanese President even visits or talks with the US. They don't have much of a navy, just one aircraft carrier that was partially built by Russia. Our navy would destroy them in days, but they do have a microwave weapon that would be a concern. It destroys electronic systems when targeted. But they are turning into more of a bully now than ever before, and most of the other southeast Asian countries are tired of their shit. Even then, I'd be more concerned about North Korea now. Every US household contains heaps of stuff made in China, including electronics and RF items. Who knows what Easter Eggs they contain?... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #20 February 3, 2017 I agree with you 100% but i am Persian so obviously a little bias. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #21 February 3, 2017 QuoteRight - but Trump has business interests in Saudi Arabia. It's bad business to piss off partners. Many!! that's why the ban because of terrorism makes no logic no sense, but people haven't changed they haven't learned shit. Are you Waiting to be called a traitor again for a few years then a few years after that everyone knows it a mistake but the dumb ones blindly supporting it still? I am! Whats going to be the WMD eminent threat this time. Pistachios politeness, Some Rumy the horror! the horror!I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDekker 1,465 #22 February 4, 2017 gowlerk***>The terrorists were Saudis mostly, the funding for ISIS is coming from Saudi? Right - but Trump has business interests in Saudi Arabia. It's bad business to piss off partners. Wasn't the Bush family well connected to them as well? One of George's close personal friends is a Saudi who personally funded one of the hijackers. But Clinton did something with emails and that shit is dangerous. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites