billvon 3,030 #1351 October 31, 2017 >One guy was charged with 'making a false statement' Yes. He lied about meeting with Russian agents on behalf of the campaign, and he lied about his efforts to arrange meetings between Trump and high level Russian officials including Putin and his relatives. Given that Trump keeps claiming there was "no collusion" that is pretty significant. (BTW he was not only charged, he pled guilty, thus acknowledging he did it.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #1352 October 31, 2017 billvon>One guy was charged with 'making a false statement' Yes. He lied about meeting with Russian agents on behalf of the campaign, and he lied about his efforts to arrange meetings between Trump and high level Russian officials including Putin and his relatives. Given that Trump keeps claiming there was "no collusion" that is pretty significant. Two points here Bill this guy was a volunteer and No meetings happened."America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #1353 October 31, 2017 >Two points here Bill . . .this guy was a volunteer Right out of Breitbart! Congratulations. He was actually part of Trump's foreign policy team. From an interview last year: ======= INTERVIEWER: We’ve heard you’re going to be announcing your foreign policy team shortly… Any you can share with us? TRUMP: Well, I hadn’t thought of doing it, but if you want I can give you some of the names . . . George Papadopoulos, he’s an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy. ======= Attached is a picture that Trump tweeted. Papadopoulos is highlighted sitting with Trump. The caption reads "National Security Meeting." That, of course, was before he confessed to his crimes. Now the White House has switched to the "George who?" approach. Trump: "Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar." Sanders: His role "was extremely limited. It was a volunteer position. And again, no activity was ever done in an official capacity on behalf of the campaign." Caputo: ""I never heard of Papadopoulos. He never showed up at Trump Tower, never had any interaction with any of the campaign leaders around me. He was the coffee boy." Up next - Trump claims the only thing Papadopoulos ever did was shine his shoes. (Quick! Get back to Breitbart and find a rebuttal!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melch 1 #1354 October 31, 2017 QuoteNo meetings happened. You mean DJT Jr. didn't actually meet with the Russian lawyer after he released his own emails stating that he did in fact set one up and Kushner admitted to having attended (but don't worry, he left early)? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #1355 October 31, 2017 >You mean DJT Jr. didn't actually meet with the Russian lawyer after he released his own emails stating >that he did in fact set one up and Kushner admitted to having attended (but don't worry, he left early)? It would be interesting to track the "evolution" of the story. "There was NO COLLUSION! No meetings! No arrangements! Nothing!" "There was NO COLLUSION! That meeting with the Russians was totally irrelevant." "OK, so the meeting with the Russians looks bad. But people left early. One guy was surfing on his phone! It means nothing. Nothingburger." "OK so people have pled guilty to lying about meeting with the Russians. But they are COFFEE BOYS!" "OK fine so they were in the inner circle and arranged meetings with Russians who had dirt on Clinton. But we never paid them!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #1356 October 31, 2017 melchQuoteNo meetings happened. You mean DJT Jr. didn't actually meet with the Russian lawyer after he released his own emails stating that he did in fact set one up and Kushner admitted to having attended (but don't worry, he left early)? Also Veselnitskaya handed them documents with writing that a Kremlin diplomat had previously tried to pass to another US agent. Some of the paragraphs were verbatim."I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr2mk1g 10 #1357 October 31, 2017 rushmc***>One guy was charged with 'making a false statement' Yes. He lied about meeting with Russian agents on behalf of the campaign, and he lied about his efforts to arrange meetings between Trump and high level Russian officials including Putin and his relatives. Given that Trump keeps claiming there was "no collusion" that is pretty significant. Two points here Bill this guy was a volunteer and No meetings happened. Manafort, Gates, Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon were all unpaid "volunteers". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lawndarter 3 #1358 October 31, 2017 I'm hoping that Kushner and Flynn are the cheese and bacon on the nothingburger. I bet both of them will roll on Lord Cheeto. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #1359 October 31, 2017 melchQuoteNo meetings happened. You mean DJT Jr. didn't actually meet with the Russian lawyer after he released his own emails stating that he did in fact set one up and Kushner admitted to having attended (but don't worry, he left early)? Talking about the guy charged...."America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,063 #1360 October 31, 2017 rushmc***>One guy was charged with 'making a false statement' Yes. He lied about meeting with Russian agents on behalf of the campaign, and he lied about his efforts to arrange meetings between Trump and high level Russian officials including Putin and his relatives. Given that Trump keeps claiming there was "no collusion" that is pretty significant. Two points here Bill this guy was a volunteer You only have the word of the liar-in-chief and his mouthpiece on that. Quote and No meetings happened. You only have the word of the liar-in-chief and his lying mouthpiece on that. There is a recorded interview with the Washington Post in which Trump states very clearly that Papadopoulos is part of his team. (March 21, 2016). I'm sure you can find a copy to listen to Trump's own words. (Of course, Trump could have been lying again).... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
melch 1 #1361 October 31, 2017 "Call the collusion bungled or inept, it's still collusion" - Krauthammer The evidence is now shown. This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. This is an email chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself. A British go-between writes that there's a Russian government effort to help Trump Sr. win the election, and as part of that effort he proposes a meeting with a "Russian government attorney" possessing damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Moreover, the Kremlin is willing to share troves of incriminating documents from the Crown Prosecutor. (Error: Britain has a Crown Prosecutor. Russia has a State Prosecutor.) Donald Jr. emails back. "I love it." Fatal words. Once you've said "I'm in," it makes no difference that the meeting was a bust, that the intermediary brought no such goods. What matters is what Donald Jr. thought going into the meeting, as well as Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, who were copied on the correspondence, invited to the meeting, and attended. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,063 #1362 October 31, 2017 melch"Call the collusion bungled or inept, it's still collusion" - Krauthammer The evidence is now shown. This is not hearsay, not fake news, not unsourced leaks. This is an email chain released by Donald Trump Jr. himself. A British go-between writes that there's a Russian government effort to help Trump Sr. win the election, and as part of that effort he proposes a meeting with a "Russian government attorney" possessing damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Moreover, the Kremlin is willing to share troves of incriminating documents from the Crown Prosecutor. (Error: Britain has a Crown Prosecutor. Russia has a State Prosecutor.) Donald Jr. emails back. "I love it." Fatal words. Once you've said "I'm in," it makes no difference that the meeting was a bust, that the intermediary brought no such goods. What matters is what Donald Jr. thought going into the meeting, as well as Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort, who were copied on the correspondence, invited to the meeting, and attended. But Krauthammer is a pinko-liberal left wing socialist commie with no credibility. [/sarcasm]... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 816 #1363 October 31, 2017 Really strange to see Manafort, millions of dollars in debt, work for "free". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #1364 October 31, 2017 Looks like there are some journalists at FOX News with a little integrity left - and they are poised to abandon ship as the blatant pro-Trump bias from FOX becomes too great for even FOX employees to stomach. ============================================== 'I want to quit': Fox News employees say their network's Russia coverage was 'an embarrassment' by Oliver Darcy CNN October 31, 2017: 2:24 PM ET Some employees at Fox News were left embarrassed and humiliated by their network's coverage of the latest revelations in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling, according to conversations CNN had with several individuals placed throughout the network. "I'm watching now and screaming," one Fox News personality said in a text message to CNN as the person watched their network's coverage. "I want to quit." "It is another blow to journalists at Fox who come in every day wanting to cover the news in a fair and objective way," one senior Fox News employee told CNN of their outlet's coverage, adding that there were "many eye rolls" in the newsroom over how the news was covered. The person said, "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House." The employees spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter. A Fox News spokesperson told CNN the network covered the breaking news accurately and fairly across both news and opinion programming. . . . Fox News aired segments that questioned Mueller's credibility and many were framed around how Trump and his allies were responding to the news. On Fox News' homepage, the lead story at one point was focused on Trump slamming the indictment. Another lead story cited Manafort's lawyer, and asked, "Mueller's 'ridiculous' claims?" "This kind of coverage does the viewer a huge disservice and further divides the country," one Fox News personality told CNN. . . . "It's an embarrassment," another Fox News employee echoed to CNN. "Frankly, there are shows on our network that are backing the President at all costs, and it's that short term strategy that undermines the good work being done by others." ========================== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
headoverheels 333 #1365 October 31, 2017 kallendFirst meat in the nothingburger - Manafort: His daughter's texts to/from sister and friends make an interesting read. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #1366 October 31, 2017 And the fact remains, that today , there is no evidence of collusion between Trump or his campaign. As confirmed by Maxine Waters and dozens of other democratic officials who have been asked by the likes of CNN ABC CBS FOX and NBC. So the tingles up and down the legs of the conspiracy Believers continue."America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #1367 October 31, 2017 >And the fact remains, that today , there is no evidence of collusion between Trump or his campaign. You mean, other than the campaign member who confessed to lying to investigators over his efforts to set up meetings between the campaign and Russians who promised "dirt on Clinton." And other than the meeting with the Russian lawyer who promised dirt. "If it’s what you say I love it! especially later in the summer.” Other than those things. >As confirmed by Maxine Waters Maxine Waters a month ago: "Here you have a president, who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy. Here you have a president who has obstructed justice. And here you have a president that lies every day.” It's like you don't understand the things you read. You reply to posts as if you haven't read them. You post links to articles that say the opposite of what you claim they say. Is it the format? Do you tune out after 140 characters? Do you tune out unless it's Trump doing another tweetfest? In that case let's try this. I'll try to write my replies in a format you better understand. I'll mark it with tags so others aren't confused. [TM] Americans don't like criminals. But Trump team made of confessed criminals like Papadopoulos! Sad! [/TM] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,063 #1368 October 31, 2017 rushmcAnd the fact remains, that today , there is no evidence of collusion between Trump or his campaign. You mean no evidence so far revealed that rushmc is willing to believe despite a Trump operative having admitted to doing it. And it's cool that you are privy to all the evidence collected in closed door sessions by congressional committees, and by Mueller (who is prevented by law from divulging it except under very specific circumstances). You must have a very high clearance to have that access.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaseyHeart 0 #1369 November 1, 2017 Iago Two people were indicted for being crooks. If I'm reading all this right they were being investigated for this stuff before Trump was even a candidate. That's what I love about this reality TV show. If I were the writer, I'd use this investigation to make Mueller the greatest American hero of all time and smoke out the whole fucking lot of them - everyone - all the launderers and crooked lobbyists on both sides. In a "real world," Trump would fall, along with Hillary when all said and done . . .I mean, if those damning emails that Trump was trying to get his hands on really exist, then it's only a matter of time - and they'd both be history. Mueller for President - perfect ending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaseyHeart 0 #1370 November 1, 2017 billvonLooks like there are some journalists at FOX News with a little integrity left I almost have a bigger problem with how the right has dealt with these indictments, than the indictments themselves. It truly is embarrassing. At what point do we put aside the "us vs them" and say, "ok wait, that's fucked up?" I should also point out that upon an unfortunate series of events, I've been put into a position where I must watch FOX News almost constantly. While most shows in the morning/prime time tend to make excuses for Trump, there are plenty of reasonable FOX journalists/shows during the day that give a fair, balanced and at times, critical view of the situation - Dana Perino, Shepard Smith, Bret Baier, Neil Cavuto, Chris Wallace, Charles Krauthammer, etc., along with many other left wing contributers as well. . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaseyHeart 0 #1371 November 1, 2017 normiss But after that amazing World Series game last night, I'm running on very little sleep today. Ya, best World Series yet. Would've been nice to see Verlander put L.A to sleep last night, but oh well, game 7 it is. Hard to bet against the dodgers at this point. Just have to wait for Roberts to pull his pitcher in the 5th again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #1372 November 1, 2017 When directly asked, Maxine Waters stated she has seen no evidence of collision."America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaseyHeart 0 #1373 November 1, 2017 rushmcWhen directly asked, Maxine Waters stated she has seen no evidence of collision. She Flip-Flopped: "Here you have a president who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy. Here you have a president that has obstructed justice. And here you have a president that lies every day," Waters said . . Do you believe her now? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,481 #1374 November 1, 2017 I don't remember a collision, either. That said, she said that in May, and the whole point of the FBI investigation is to determine if there is evidence, and collect it. If she had evidence, she'd be part of the investigation, wouldn't she? The second part of her statement was that connecting the dots probably wouldn't be that hard. Just consider that there are probably police officers who think that there's evidence worth investigating. So, now, do you automatically believe the police officers? Or only when it's against someone resisting arrest? Wendy P. There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rushmc 23 #1375 November 1, 2017 CaseyHeart***When directly asked, Maxine Waters stated she has seen no evidence of collision. She Flip-Flopped: "Here you have a president who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy. Here you have a president that has obstructed justice. And here you have a president that lies every day," Waters said . . Do you believe her now? when asked directly she said she has seen no evidence of collusion. He obstruction claim is based on the firing of Comey and has no merit"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites